614 lines
20 KiB
614 lines
20 KiB
import re
import sys
from abc import abstractmethod
from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace
from inspect import Parameter, Signature
from itertools import chain
from keyword import kwlist as reserved_keywords
from os import SEEK_END, listdir, makedirs, path
from os.path import join as join_path
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (
Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Protocol, Sequence, Tuple, TypedDict, TypeVar,
Union, cast, runtime_checkable
import vapoursynth as vs
__all__ = [
T = TypeVar('T')
CoreLike = Union[vs.Core, vs.RawNode]
SingleAndSequence = Union[T, Sequence[T]]
class SupportsString(Protocol):
def __str__(self) -> str:
DataType = Union[str, bytes, bytearray, SupportsString]
_VapourSynthMapValue = Union[
BoundVSMapValue = TypeVar('BoundVSMapValue', bound=_VapourSynthMapValue)
VSMapValueCallback = Callable[..., BoundVSMapValue]
vs_value_type = '_VapourSynthMapValue'
site_package_dirname = 'vapoursynth-stubs'
parser = ArgumentParser()
type=str, nargs="*",
help="Only generate stubs for and inject specified plugin namespaces, "
"append these if the stubs file already exists."
"--exclude-plugin", "-r",
metavar="VS_EXCL_PLUGIN", action="append", help="Remove selected plugin from new stubs, "
"or remove from existing stubs."
"--load-plugin", "-p",
metavar="VS_PLUGIN", action="append", help="Load non-auto-loaded VapourSynth plugin."
'--avs-plugin', action='append', help='Manually load AviSynth plugin.'
'--output', '-o', default='@',
help="Where to output the file. Can be a full file path or directory."
"The special value '-' means output to stdout. "
"The spcial value '@' will install it as a stub-package inside site-packages."
default=join_path(path.dirname(__file__), '_vapoursynth.part.pyi'),
help='Don\'t use unless you know what you are doing.'
'--force', '-f',
help='Force rewrite of the file.'
def indent(strings: Iterable[str], spaces: int = 4) -> str:
return '\n'.join(' ' * spaces + line for line in strings)
anonymous_signature = Signature(
Parameter('args', Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL, annotation=vs_value_type),
Parameter('kwargs', Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD, annotation=vs_value_type)
sig_excepted_errors_list = [TypeError, ValueError]
if vs.__version__[0] < 60:
# it tried to delete the bound value even if the signature didn't have any
# eg Version functions, their plugin is bound but the function hasn't got any params
# https://github.com/vapoursynth/vapoursynth/pull/898
sig_excepted_errors = tuple(sig_excepted_errors_list)
types = {
'int', 'float', 'DataType',
'VideoNode', 'AudioNode',
'VideoFrame', 'AudioFrame'
def load_plugins(args: Namespace) -> vs.Core:
def _check_plugin(path: str) -> str:
pathl = Path(path).absolute()
if not pathl.exists():
raise ValueError(f'Plugin "{path}" was not found!')
return str(pathl)
if args.load_plugin:
for plugin in args.load_plugin:
if args.avs_plugin:
if hasattr(vs.core, 'avs'):
for plugin in args.avs_plugin:
raise AttributeError('Core is missing avs plugin!')
return vs.core.core
def clean_signature(signature: Any) -> str:
signature = str(signature)
# Clean up the type annotations so that they are valid python syntax.
signature = signature.replace('typing.', '')
signature = signature.replace('vapoursynth.', '').replace('vs.', '')
signature = signature.replace('VideoNode', "'VideoNode'").replace('VideoFrame', "'VideoFrame'")
signature = signature.replace('AudioNode', "'AudioNode'").replace('AudioFrame', "'AudioFrame'")
signature = signature.replace('NoneType', 'None')
signature = signature.replace('str, bytes, bytearray', 'DataType')
for t in types:
for t_ in {t, f"'{t}'"}:
signature = signature.replace(f'Union[{t_}]', f'{t_}')
signature = signature.replace(f'Union[{t_}, None]', f'Optional[{t_}]')
signature = signature.replace(f'Union[{t_}, Sequence[{t_}]]', f'SingleAndSequence[{t_}]')
signature = signature.replace(
f'Union[{t_}, Sequence[{t_}], None]', f'Optional[SingleAndSequence[{t}]]'
callback_type = 'VSMapValueCallback[_VapourSynthMapValue]'
# Make Callable definitions sensible
signature = signature.replace('Union[Func, Callable]', callback_type)
signature = signature.replace('Union[Func, Callable, None]', f'Optional[{callback_type}]')
# Replace the keywords with valid values
for kw in reserved_keywords:
signature = signature.replace(f' {kw}:', f' {kw}_:')
return signature
def get_complex_signature(signature: TypedDict) -> Tuple[str, str]:
dict_name = signature.__name__ # type: ignore
def _sanitize_type(value: Any) -> str:
if isinstance(value, type):
return str(value.__name__)
return str(value)
dict_signature = ', '.join(
f'"{name}": {_sanitize_type(value)}' for name, value in signature.__annotations__.items()
dict_signature = '{' + dict_signature + '}'
return dict_name, clean_signature(f'TypedDict("{dict_name}", {dict_signature})')
def retrieve_func_sigs(
core: Union[vs.Core, vs.RawNode], namespace: str
) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Union[None, Tuple[str, str]]]]:
plugin = cast(vs.Plugin, getattr(core, namespace))
ordered_functions = sorted(plugin.functions(), key=lambda x: x.name.lower())
for func in ordered_functions:
signature_base = anonymous_signature
if func.name in dir(plugin):
signature_base = Signature.from_callable(
cast(vs.Function, getattr(plugin, func.name)), follow_wrapped=True
except sig_excepted_errors:
if isinstance(core, vs.RawNode):
complex_signature = None
rann = signature_base.return_annotation
if isinstance(rann, type) and issubclass(rann, dict):
complex_signature = get_complex_signature(rann)
signature_base = signature_base.replace(return_annotation=complex_signature[0])
elif rann in {Any, Optional[Any]}:
signature_base = signature_base.replace(return_annotation=vs.VideoNode)
signature = clean_signature(signature_base)
# Remove anonymous Anys
signature = signature.replace(' **kwargs: Any', f' **kwargs: {vs_value_type}')
# Add a self.
signature = signature.replace('(', '(self, ').replace(', )', ')')
yield f' def {func.name}{signature}: ...', complex_signature
class BoundSignature:
def __init__(self, namespace: str, cores: Iterable[CoreLike]) -> None:
self.namespace = namespace
self.cores = cores
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Iterator[Tuple[str, Tuple[str, str] | None]]]]:
for core in self.cores:
signatures = retrieve_func_sigs(core, self.namespace)
signature = next(signatures)
except StopIteration:
yield core.__class__.__name__, chain.from_iterable(([signature], signatures))
class PluginMeta(NamedTuple):
name: str
description: str
bound: BoundSignature
def from_namespace(cls, namespace: str, cores: Sequence[CoreLike]) -> 'PluginMeta':
plugin = cast(vs.Plugin, getattr(cores[0], namespace))
except BaseException:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid namespace! Plugin not found: "{namespace}"')
return PluginMeta(
plugin.namespace, plugin.name, BoundSignature(plugin.namespace, cores)
def _str_(self, kind: str, __x: Tuple[object, ...]) -> bool:
return getattr(str, kind)(self.name.lower(), str(__x[0]).lower())
def __gt__(self, x: 'PluginMeta', /) -> bool: return self._str_('__gt__', x) # type: ignore[override]
def __lt__(self, x: 'PluginMeta', /) -> bool: return self._str_('__lt__', x) # type: ignore[override]
def __ge__(self, x: 'PluginMeta', /) -> bool: return self._str_('__ge__', x) # type: ignore[override]
def __le__(self, x: 'PluginMeta', /) -> bool: return self._str_('__le__', x) # type: ignore[override]
def __eq__(self, x: 'PluginMeta', /) -> bool: return self._str_('__eq__', x) # type: ignore[override]
def __ne__(self, x: 'PluginMeta', /) -> bool: return self._str_('__ne__', x) # type: ignore[override]
def retrieve_plugins(
args: Namespace, core: vs.Core, cores: Iterable[CoreLike]
) -> Iterator[PluginMeta]:
lower_plugins = list(map(str.lower, args.plugins)) if args.plugins else []
if lower_plugins:
find_plugins = lower_plugins.copy()
for p in core.plugins():
ns_lower = p.namespace.lower()
if ns_lower in find_plugins:
if find_plugins:
missing_plugins = ', '.join(find_plugins)
raise ModuleNotFoundError(
'Can\'t generate stubs for specific plugins, these are missing in your installation:'
for p in core.plugins():
if lower_plugins and (p.namespace.lower() not in lower_plugins):
yield PluginMeta(p.namespace, p.name, BoundSignature(p.namespace, cores))
implementation_start = '# implementation'
implementation_end = '# end implementation'
class Implementation(NamedTuple):
plugin: PluginMeta
content: List[str]
def from_namespace(cls, namespace: str, cores: Sequence[CoreLike]) -> 'Implementation':
return Implementation(PluginMeta.from_namespace(namespace, cores), [])
def get_name(plugin: PluginMeta, core_name: str, /) -> str:
return f'_Plugin_{plugin.name}_{core_name}_Bound'
def __gt__(self, x: 'Implementation', /) -> bool: return self.plugin.__gt__(x.plugin) # type: ignore[override]
def __lt__(self, x: 'Implementation', /) -> bool: return self.plugin.__lt__(x.plugin) # type: ignore[override]
def __ge__(self, x: 'Implementation', /) -> bool: return self.plugin.__ge__(x.plugin) # type: ignore[override]
def __le__(self, x: 'Implementation', /) -> bool: return self.plugin.__le__(x.plugin) # type: ignore[override]
def __eq__(self, x: 'Implementation', /) -> bool: return self.plugin.__eq__(x.plugin) # type: ignore[override]
def __ne__(self, x: 'Implementation', /) -> bool: return self.plugin.__ne__(x.plugin) # type: ignore[override]
def get_implementation_content(plugin: PluginMeta) -> Iterator[str]:
body: List[str] = []
complex_types: Dict[str, str] = {}
for core_name, signatures in plugin.bound:
function_signatures: List[str] = []
for signature, complex_type in signatures:
if complex_type:
type_name, type_definition = complex_type
complex_types |= {type_name: (f'{type_name} = {type_definition}')}
f"class {Implementation.get_name(plugin, core_name)}(Plugin):",
' """'
f'This class implements the module definitions for the "{plugin.name}" VapourSynth plugin.'
'\\n\\n*This class cannot be imported.*'
if complex_types:
body.insert(0, '\n'.join(['', *complex_types.values(), '']))
return iter(body)
def make_implementations(plugins: Iterable[PluginMeta]) -> Iterator[Implementation]:
for plugin in plugins:
content = chain.from_iterable([
['', f"{implementation_start}: {plugin.name}"],
['', implementation_end, '']
yield Implementation(plugin, list(content))
instance_start = '# instance_bound_'
instance_end = '# end instance'
instance_bound_pattern = re.compile(fr"^{instance_start}([^:]+): (.+)")
class Instance(NamedTuple):
plugin: PluginMeta
core_name: str
definition: List[str]
def from_namespace(cls, namespace: str, core_name: str, cores: Sequence[CoreLike]) -> 'Instance':
return Instance(PluginMeta.from_namespace(namespace, cores), core_name, [])
def get_head(plugin: PluginMeta, core_name: str) -> str:
return f"{instance_start}{core_name}: {plugin.name}"
def __gt__(self, x: 'Instance', /) -> bool: return self.plugin.__gt__(x.plugin) # type: ignore[override]
def __lt__(self, x: 'Instance', /) -> bool: return self.plugin.__lt__(x.plugin) # type: ignore[override]
def __ge__(self, x: 'Instance', /) -> bool: return self.plugin.__ge__(x.plugin) # type: ignore[override]
def __le__(self, x: 'Instance', /) -> bool: return self.plugin.__le__(x.plugin) # type: ignore[override]
def __eq__(self, x: 'Instance', /) -> bool: return self.plugin.__eq__(x.plugin) # type: ignore[override]
def __ne__(self, x: 'Instance', /) -> bool: return self.plugin.__ne__(x.plugin) # type: ignore[override]
def make_instances(plugins: Iterable[PluginMeta]) -> Iterator[Instance]:
for plugin in plugins:
for core_name, _ in plugin.bound:
definition = [
Instance.get_head(plugin, core_name),
f"def {plugin.name}(self) -> {Implementation.get_name(plugin, core_name)}:",
f' """{plugin.description}"""',
yield Instance(plugin, core_name, definition)
def locate_or_create_stub_file() -> str:
site_package_dir = path.dirname(vs.__file__)
stub_dir = join_path(site_package_dir, site_package_dirname)
if not path.exists(stub_dir):
output_path = join_path(stub_dir, '__init__.pyi')
for iname in listdir(site_package_dir):
if iname.startswith('VapourSynth-') and iname.endswith('.dist-info'):
return output_path
with open(join_path(site_package_dir, iname, 'RECORD'), 'a+', newline='') as f:
contents = f.read()
if '__init__.pyi' not in contents:
f.seek(0, SEEK_END)
if not contents.endswith('\n'):
return output_path
def generate_template(
args: Namespace, cores: Sequence[CoreLike],
implementations: List[Implementation], instances: List[Instance],
existing_stubs: Union[Path, None] = None
) -> str:
template = Path(args.pyi_template).read_text()
if args.plugins and existing_stubs:
existing_implementations = get_existing_implementations(existing_stubs, cores)
existing_instances = get_existing_instances(existing_stubs, cores)
selected_implementations = [impl.plugin.name for impl in implementations]
selected_instances = [inst.core_name for inst in instances]
missing_impl = {*existing_implementations} - {*selected_implementations}
total_core_names = {*existing_instances, *selected_instances}
existing_implementations[name] for name in missing_impl
for impl in [
existing_instances[core_name] for core_name in total_core_names
if core_name in existing_instances
for inst_name in missing_impl
if inst_name in impl
if args.exclude_plugin and existing_stubs:
implementations = [x for x in implementations if x.plugin.name not in args.exclude_plugin]
instances = [x for x in instances if x.plugin.name not in args.exclude_plugin]
implementations = sorted(implementations)
instances = sorted(instances)
implementation_inject = indent('\n'.join(x.content) for x in implementations)
template = template.replace('#include <plugins/implementations>', implementation_inject)
for core in cores:
this_core_name = core.__class__.__name__
this_core_template = '\n'.join(
indent(definition) for _, core_name, definition in instances if core_name == this_core_name
template = template.replace(f'#include <plugins/bound/{this_core_name}>', this_core_template)
return template
def output_stubs(
args: Namespace, cores: Sequence[CoreLike], implementations: List[Implementation], instances: List[Instance]
) -> None:
existing_stubs: Union[Path, None] = None
stubs_path = str(args.output)
if stubs_path == '@' or not stubs_path:
stubs_path = locate_or_create_stub_file()
stubs = Path(stubs_path)
if stubs_path != '-':
if not stubs.is_absolute():
if not stubs.parent:
stubs = stubs.cwd() / stubs
stubs = stubs.absolute()
if not stubs.suffix:
if stubs.name.lower() == 'vapoursynth':
stubs /= '__init__.pyi'
stubs /= 'vapoursynth.pyi'
existing_stubs = stubs if stubs.exists() and stubs.is_file() else None
if existing_stubs and args.force:
makedirs(stubs.parent, exist_ok=True)
template = generate_template(args, cores, implementations, instances, existing_stubs)
out_file = sys.stdout if stubs_path == '-' else open(str(stubs), 'w')
with out_file:
def get_existing_implementations(path: Union[str, Path], cores: Sequence[CoreLike]) -> Dict[str, Implementation]:
result: Dict[str, Implementation] = {}
with open(path, "r") as f:
plugin_name: Optional[str] = None
for orig_line in f:
line = orig_line.strip()
if line.startswith(implementation_start):
plugin_name = line[len(implementation_start) + 1:].strip()
result[plugin_name] = Implementation.from_namespace(plugin_name, cores)
if plugin_name:
if line.startswith(implementation_end):
plugin_name = None
return result
def get_existing_instances(path: Union[str, Path], cores: Sequence[CoreLike]) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Instance]]:
result: Dict[str, Dict[str, Instance]] = {}
with open(path, "r") as f:
core_name: str = ''
plugin_name: Optional[str] = None
for orig_line in f:
line = orig_line.strip()
if line.startswith(instance_start):
core_name, plugin_name = instance_bound_pattern.findall(line)[0]
assert plugin_name
if core_name not in result:
result[core_name] = {}
if plugin_name not in result[core_name]:
result[core_name][plugin_name] = Instance.from_namespace(
plugin_name, core_name, cores
if plugin_name:
if line.startswith(instance_end):
plugin_name = None
return result
def main(argv: List[str] = sys.argv[1:]):
args = parser.parse_args(args=argv)
core = load_plugins(args)
cores: List[CoreLike] = [core, core.std.BlankClip(), core.std.BlankAudio()]
signatures = list(retrieve_plugins(args, core, cores))
implementations = make_implementations(signatures)
instances = make_instances(signatures)
output_stubs(args, cores, list(implementations), list(instances))
if __name__ == '__main__':