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2023-11-29 16:12:35 +00:00
import re
import sys
from abc import abstractmethod
from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace
from inspect import Parameter, Signature
from itertools import chain
from keyword import kwlist as reserved_keywords
from os import SEEK_END, listdir, makedirs, path
from os.path import join as join_path
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (
Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Protocol, Sequence, Tuple, TypedDict, TypeVar,
Union, cast, runtime_checkable
import vapoursynth as vs
__all__ = [
T = TypeVar('T')
CoreLike = Union[vs.Core, vs.RawNode]
SingleAndSequence = Union[T, Sequence[T]]
class SupportsString(Protocol):
def __str__(self) -> str:
DataType = Union[str, bytes, bytearray, SupportsString]
_VapourSynthMapValue = Union[
BoundVSMapValue = TypeVar('BoundVSMapValue', bound=_VapourSynthMapValue)
VSMapValueCallback = Callable[..., BoundVSMapValue]
vs_value_type = '_VapourSynthMapValue'
site_package_dirname = 'vapoursynth-stubs'
parser = ArgumentParser()
type=str, nargs="*",
help="Only generate stubs for and inject specified plugin namespaces, "
"append these if the stubs file already exists."
"--exclude-plugin", "-r",
metavar="VS_EXCL_PLUGIN", action="append", help="Remove selected plugin from new stubs, "
"or remove from existing stubs."
"--load-plugin", "-p",
metavar="VS_PLUGIN", action="append", help="Load non-auto-loaded VapourSynth plugin."
'--avs-plugin', action='append', help='Manually load AviSynth plugin.'
'--output', '-o', default='@',
help="Where to output the file. Can be a full file path or directory."
"The special value '-' means output to stdout. "
"The spcial value '@' will install it as a stub-package inside site-packages."
default=join_path(path.dirname(__file__), '_vapoursynth.part.pyi'),
help='Don\'t use unless you know what you are doing.'
'--force', '-f',
help='Force rewrite of the file.'
def indent(strings: Iterable[str], spaces: int = 4) -> str:
return '\n'.join(' ' * spaces + line for line in strings)
anonymous_signature = Signature(
Parameter('args', Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL, annotation=vs_value_type),
Parameter('kwargs', Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD, annotation=vs_value_type)
sig_excepted_errors_list = [TypeError, ValueError]
if vs.__version__[0] < 60:
# it tried to delete the bound value even if the signature didn't have any
# eg Version functions, their plugin is bound but the function hasn't got any params
sig_excepted_errors = tuple(sig_excepted_errors_list)
types = {
'int', 'float', 'DataType',
'VideoNode', 'AudioNode',
'VideoFrame', 'AudioFrame'
def load_plugins(args: Namespace) -> vs.Core:
def _check_plugin(path: str) -> str:
pathl = Path(path).absolute()
if not pathl.exists():
raise ValueError(f'Plugin "{path}" was not found!')
return str(pathl)
if args.load_plugin:
for plugin in args.load_plugin:
if args.avs_plugin:
if hasattr(vs.core, 'avs'):
for plugin in args.avs_plugin:
raise AttributeError('Core is missing avs plugin!')
return vs.core.core
def clean_signature(signature: Any) -> str:
signature = str(signature)
# Clean up the type annotations so that they are valid python syntax.
signature = signature.replace('typing.', '')
signature = signature.replace('vapoursynth.', '').replace('vs.', '')
signature = signature.replace('VideoNode', "'VideoNode'").replace('VideoFrame', "'VideoFrame'")
signature = signature.replace('AudioNode', "'AudioNode'").replace('AudioFrame', "'AudioFrame'")
signature = signature.replace('NoneType', 'None')
signature = signature.replace('str, bytes, bytearray', 'DataType')
for t in types:
for t_ in {t, f"'{t}'"}:
signature = signature.replace(f'Union[{t_}]', f'{t_}')
signature = signature.replace(f'Union[{t_}, None]', f'Optional[{t_}]')
signature = signature.replace(f'Union[{t_}, Sequence[{t_}]]', f'SingleAndSequence[{t_}]')
signature = signature.replace(
f'Union[{t_}, Sequence[{t_}], None]', f'Optional[SingleAndSequence[{t}]]'
callback_type = 'VSMapValueCallback[_VapourSynthMapValue]'
# Make Callable definitions sensible
signature = signature.replace('Union[Func, Callable]', callback_type)
signature = signature.replace('Union[Func, Callable, None]', f'Optional[{callback_type}]')
# Replace the keywords with valid values
for kw in reserved_keywords:
signature = signature.replace(f' {kw}:', f' {kw}_:')
return signature
def get_complex_signature(signature: TypedDict) -> Tuple[str, str]:
dict_name = signature.__name__ # type: ignore
def _sanitize_type(value: Any) -> str:
if isinstance(value, type):
return str(value.__name__)
return str(value)
dict_signature = ', '.join(
f'"{name}": {_sanitize_type(value)}' for name, value in signature.__annotations__.items()
dict_signature = '{' + dict_signature + '}'
return dict_name, clean_signature(f'TypedDict("{dict_name}", {dict_signature})')
def retrieve_func_sigs(
core: Union[vs.Core, vs.RawNode], namespace: str
) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Union[None, Tuple[str, str]]]]:
plugin = cast(vs.Plugin, getattr(core, namespace))
ordered_functions = sorted(plugin.functions(), key=lambda x:
for func in ordered_functions:
signature_base = anonymous_signature
if in dir(plugin):
signature_base = Signature.from_callable(
cast(vs.Function, getattr(plugin,, follow_wrapped=True
except sig_excepted_errors:
if isinstance(core, vs.RawNode):
complex_signature = None
rann = signature_base.return_annotation
if isinstance(rann, type) and issubclass(rann, dict):
complex_signature = get_complex_signature(rann)
signature_base = signature_base.replace(return_annotation=complex_signature[0])
elif rann in {Any, Optional[Any]}:
signature_base = signature_base.replace(return_annotation=vs.VideoNode)
signature = clean_signature(signature_base)
# Remove anonymous Anys
signature = signature.replace(' **kwargs: Any', f' **kwargs: {vs_value_type}')
# Add a self.
signature = signature.replace('(', '(self, ').replace(', )', ')')
yield f' def {}{signature}: ...', complex_signature
class BoundSignature:
def __init__(self, namespace: str, cores: Iterable[CoreLike]) -> None:
self.namespace = namespace
self.cores = cores
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Iterator[Tuple[str, Tuple[str, str] | None]]]]:
for core in self.cores:
signatures = retrieve_func_sigs(core, self.namespace)
signature = next(signatures)
except StopIteration:
yield core.__class__.__name__, chain.from_iterable(([signature], signatures))
class PluginMeta(NamedTuple):
name: str
description: str
bound: BoundSignature
def from_namespace(cls, namespace: str, cores: Sequence[CoreLike]) -> 'PluginMeta':
plugin = cast(vs.Plugin, getattr(cores[0], namespace))
except BaseException:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid namespace! Plugin not found: "{namespace}"')
return PluginMeta(
plugin.namespace,, BoundSignature(plugin.namespace, cores)
def _str_(self, kind: str, __x: Tuple[object, ...]) -> bool:
return getattr(str, kind)(, str(__x[0]).lower())
def __gt__(self, x: 'PluginMeta', /) -> bool: return self._str_('__gt__', x) # type: ignore[override]
def __lt__(self, x: 'PluginMeta', /) -> bool: return self._str_('__lt__', x) # type: ignore[override]
def __ge__(self, x: 'PluginMeta', /) -> bool: return self._str_('__ge__', x) # type: ignore[override]
def __le__(self, x: 'PluginMeta', /) -> bool: return self._str_('__le__', x) # type: ignore[override]
def __eq__(self, x: 'PluginMeta', /) -> bool: return self._str_('__eq__', x) # type: ignore[override]
def __ne__(self, x: 'PluginMeta', /) -> bool: return self._str_('__ne__', x) # type: ignore[override]
def retrieve_plugins(
args: Namespace, core: vs.Core, cores: Iterable[CoreLike]
) -> Iterator[PluginMeta]:
lower_plugins = list(map(str.lower, args.plugins)) if args.plugins else []
if lower_plugins:
find_plugins = lower_plugins.copy()
for p in core.plugins():
ns_lower = p.namespace.lower()
if ns_lower in find_plugins:
if find_plugins:
missing_plugins = ', '.join(find_plugins)
raise ModuleNotFoundError(
'Can\'t generate stubs for specific plugins, these are missing in your installation:'
for p in core.plugins():
if lower_plugins and (p.namespace.lower() not in lower_plugins):
yield PluginMeta(p.namespace,, BoundSignature(p.namespace, cores))
implementation_start = '# implementation'
implementation_end = '# end implementation'
class Implementation(NamedTuple):
plugin: PluginMeta
content: List[str]
def from_namespace(cls, namespace: str, cores: Sequence[CoreLike]) -> 'Implementation':
return Implementation(PluginMeta.from_namespace(namespace, cores), [])
def get_name(plugin: PluginMeta, core_name: str, /) -> str:
return f'_Plugin_{}_{core_name}_Bound'
def __gt__(self, x: 'Implementation', /) -> bool: return self.plugin.__gt__(x.plugin) # type: ignore[override]
def __lt__(self, x: 'Implementation', /) -> bool: return self.plugin.__lt__(x.plugin) # type: ignore[override]
def __ge__(self, x: 'Implementation', /) -> bool: return self.plugin.__ge__(x.plugin) # type: ignore[override]
def __le__(self, x: 'Implementation', /) -> bool: return self.plugin.__le__(x.plugin) # type: ignore[override]
def __eq__(self, x: 'Implementation', /) -> bool: return self.plugin.__eq__(x.plugin) # type: ignore[override]
def __ne__(self, x: 'Implementation', /) -> bool: return self.plugin.__ne__(x.plugin) # type: ignore[override]
def get_implementation_content(plugin: PluginMeta) -> Iterator[str]:
body: List[str] = []
complex_types: Dict[str, str] = {}
for core_name, signatures in plugin.bound:
function_signatures: List[str] = []
for signature, complex_type in signatures:
if complex_type:
type_name, type_definition = complex_type
complex_types |= {type_name: (f'{type_name} = {type_definition}')}
f"class {Implementation.get_name(plugin, core_name)}(Plugin):",
' """'
f'This class implements the module definitions for the "{}" VapourSynth plugin.'
'\\n\\n*This class cannot be imported.*'
if complex_types:
body.insert(0, '\n'.join(['', *complex_types.values(), '']))
return iter(body)
def make_implementations(plugins: Iterable[PluginMeta]) -> Iterator[Implementation]:
for plugin in plugins:
content = chain.from_iterable([
['', f"{implementation_start}: {}"],
['', implementation_end, '']
yield Implementation(plugin, list(content))
instance_start = '# instance_bound_'
instance_end = '# end instance'
instance_bound_pattern = re.compile(fr"^{instance_start}([^:]+): (.+)")
class Instance(NamedTuple):
plugin: PluginMeta
core_name: str
definition: List[str]
def from_namespace(cls, namespace: str, core_name: str, cores: Sequence[CoreLike]) -> 'Instance':
return Instance(PluginMeta.from_namespace(namespace, cores), core_name, [])
def get_head(plugin: PluginMeta, core_name: str) -> str:
return f"{instance_start}{core_name}: {}"
def __gt__(self, x: 'Instance', /) -> bool: return self.plugin.__gt__(x.plugin) # type: ignore[override]
def __lt__(self, x: 'Instance', /) -> bool: return self.plugin.__lt__(x.plugin) # type: ignore[override]
def __ge__(self, x: 'Instance', /) -> bool: return self.plugin.__ge__(x.plugin) # type: ignore[override]
def __le__(self, x: 'Instance', /) -> bool: return self.plugin.__le__(x.plugin) # type: ignore[override]
def __eq__(self, x: 'Instance', /) -> bool: return self.plugin.__eq__(x.plugin) # type: ignore[override]
def __ne__(self, x: 'Instance', /) -> bool: return self.plugin.__ne__(x.plugin) # type: ignore[override]
def make_instances(plugins: Iterable[PluginMeta]) -> Iterator[Instance]:
for plugin in plugins:
for core_name, _ in plugin.bound:
definition = [
Instance.get_head(plugin, core_name),
f"def {}(self) -> {Implementation.get_name(plugin, core_name)}:",
f' """{plugin.description}"""',
yield Instance(plugin, core_name, definition)
def locate_or_create_stub_file() -> str:
site_package_dir = path.dirname(vs.__file__)
stub_dir = join_path(site_package_dir, site_package_dirname)
if not path.exists(stub_dir):
output_path = join_path(stub_dir, '__init__.pyi')
for iname in listdir(site_package_dir):
if iname.startswith('VapourSynth-') and iname.endswith('.dist-info'):
return output_path
with open(join_path(site_package_dir, iname, 'RECORD'), 'a+', newline='') as f:
contents =
if '__init__.pyi' not in contents:, SEEK_END)
if not contents.endswith('\n'):
return output_path
def generate_template(
args: Namespace, cores: Sequence[CoreLike],
implementations: List[Implementation], instances: List[Instance],
existing_stubs: Union[Path, None] = None
) -> str:
template = Path(args.pyi_template).read_text()
if args.plugins and existing_stubs:
existing_implementations = get_existing_implementations(existing_stubs, cores)
existing_instances = get_existing_instances(existing_stubs, cores)
selected_implementations = [ for impl in implementations]
selected_instances = [inst.core_name for inst in instances]
missing_impl = {*existing_implementations} - {*selected_implementations}
total_core_names = {*existing_instances, *selected_instances}
existing_implementations[name] for name in missing_impl
for impl in [
existing_instances[core_name] for core_name in total_core_names
if core_name in existing_instances
for inst_name in missing_impl
if inst_name in impl
if args.exclude_plugin and existing_stubs:
implementations = [x for x in implementations if not in args.exclude_plugin]
instances = [x for x in instances if not in args.exclude_plugin]
implementations = sorted(implementations)
instances = sorted(instances)
implementation_inject = indent('\n'.join(x.content) for x in implementations)
template = template.replace('#include <plugins/implementations>', implementation_inject)
for core in cores:
this_core_name = core.__class__.__name__
this_core_template = '\n'.join(
indent(definition) for _, core_name, definition in instances if core_name == this_core_name
template = template.replace(f'#include <plugins/bound/{this_core_name}>', this_core_template)
return template
def output_stubs(
args: Namespace, cores: Sequence[CoreLike], implementations: List[Implementation], instances: List[Instance]
) -> None:
existing_stubs: Union[Path, None] = None
stubs_path = str(args.output)
if stubs_path == '@' or not stubs_path:
stubs_path = locate_or_create_stub_file()
stubs = Path(stubs_path)
if stubs_path != '-':
if not stubs.is_absolute():
if not stubs.parent:
stubs = stubs.cwd() / stubs
stubs = stubs.absolute()
if not stubs.suffix:
if == 'vapoursynth':
stubs /= '__init__.pyi'
stubs /= 'vapoursynth.pyi'
existing_stubs = stubs if stubs.exists() and stubs.is_file() else None
if existing_stubs and args.force:
makedirs(stubs.parent, exist_ok=True)
template = generate_template(args, cores, implementations, instances, existing_stubs)
out_file = sys.stdout if stubs_path == '-' else open(str(stubs), 'w')
with out_file:
def get_existing_implementations(path: Union[str, Path], cores: Sequence[CoreLike]) -> Dict[str, Implementation]:
result: Dict[str, Implementation] = {}
with open(path, "r") as f:
plugin_name: Optional[str] = None
for orig_line in f:
line = orig_line.strip()
if line.startswith(implementation_start):
plugin_name = line[len(implementation_start) + 1:].strip()
result[plugin_name] = Implementation.from_namespace(plugin_name, cores)
if plugin_name:
if line.startswith(implementation_end):
plugin_name = None
return result
def get_existing_instances(path: Union[str, Path], cores: Sequence[CoreLike]) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Instance]]:
result: Dict[str, Dict[str, Instance]] = {}
with open(path, "r") as f:
core_name: str = ''
plugin_name: Optional[str] = None
for orig_line in f:
line = orig_line.strip()
if line.startswith(instance_start):
core_name, plugin_name = instance_bound_pattern.findall(line)[0]
assert plugin_name
if core_name not in result:
result[core_name] = {}
if plugin_name not in result[core_name]:
result[core_name][plugin_name] = Instance.from_namespace(
plugin_name, core_name, cores
if plugin_name:
if line.startswith(instance_end):
plugin_name = None
return result
def main(argv: List[str] = sys.argv[1:]):
args = parser.parse_args(args=argv)
core = load_plugins(args)
cores: List[CoreLike] = [core, core.std.BlankClip(), core.std.BlankAudio()]
signatures = list(retrieve_plugins(args, core, cores))
implementations = make_implementations(signatures)
instances = make_instances(signatures)
output_stubs(args, cores, list(implementations), list(instances))
if __name__ == '__main__':