#!/usr/bin/env node // Get arguments const [,, ...args] = process.argv import e from './lib/eltro.mjs' import { CLI, printError } from './lib/cli.mjs' function PrintHelp() { console.log('') console.log('Usage: eltro ') console.log('') console.log('where can either be a single file or a simple glob pattern.') console.log('where can be any of the following:') console.log(' -r, --reporter - Specify the reporter to use.') console.log(' Supported reporters: list, dot') console.log(' -t, --timeout - Specify the timeout for tests in ms.') console.log(' Default value is 2000ms') console.log(' -w, --watch - specify which group of files to watch from package.json') console.log(' ') console.log(' --ignore-only - Specify to ignore any .only() tests found') console.log('') console.log('eltro test/mytest.mjs') console.log('eltro dot test/*.mjs') console.log('eltro -r dot test/**/*.test.mjs') console.log('') process.exit(1) } function showErrorAndExit(message = '', err = null, code = 1) { console.log('') if (message) { console.error(`\x1b[31m${message}\x1b[0m`) } if (err) { printError(err) } else { PrintHelp() } process.exit(code) } const cli = new CLI(e) cli.parseOptions(args) .catch(function(err) { showErrorAndExit(err.message) }) .then(function() { return cli.startWatcher() }) .catch(function(err) { showErrorAndExit('Unknown error while starting watcher', err) }) .then(function() { return cli.getFiles() }) .catch(function(err) { showErrorAndExit('Unknown error while processing arguments', err) }) .then(function() { if (!cli.files.length) { showErrorAndExit('No files were found with pattern', cli.targets.join(',')) } return cli.loadFiles() }) .catch(function(err) { showErrorAndExit('', err) }) .then(function() { return cli.beginRun() }) .catch(function(err) { showErrorAndExit('Unknown error occured while running the tests', err) }) .then(function(stats) { if (stats.failed > 0) { process.exit(10) } process.exit(0) })