import e from '../lib/eltro.mjs' import assert from '../lib/assert.mjs' import { printError } from '../lib/cli.mjs' let testsWereRun = false function CreateT() { const t = new e.Eltro() t.reporter = '' return t } e.test('Eltro should fail if tests are not within a group', function() { assert.throws(function() { const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.test('should throw', function() {}) }, function(e) { assert.match(e.message, /outside/) return true }) }) e.test('Eltro describe should group tests', async function() { testsWereRun = true const assertPrefix = 'something' const assertName = 'blabla' const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe(assertPrefix, function() { t.test(assertName, function() {}) }) assert.strictEqual(t.groups.length, 1) assert.strictEqual(t.groups[0].tests.length, 1) assert.strictEqual(t.groups[0].tests[0].name, assertPrefix + ' ' + assertName) }) e.test('Eltro setFilename should activate a new for said file', async function() { testsWereRun = true const assertFilePrefix = 'testety' const assertPrefix = 'something' const assertName = 'blabla' const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.setFilename(assertFilePrefix) t.describe(assertPrefix, function() { t.test(assertName, function() {}) }) assert.strictEqual(t.groups.length, 1) assert.strictEqual(t.groups[0].tests.length, 0) assert.strictEqual(t.groups[0].groups.length, 1) assert.strictEqual(t.groups[0].groups[0].tests.length, 1) assert.strictEqual(t.groups[0].groups[0].tests[0].name, assertFilePrefix + ': ' + assertPrefix + ' ' + assertName) }) e.test('Eltro describe should support nested describe', async function() { testsWereRun = true const assertPrefix = 'something' const assertPrefix2 = 'else' const assertName = 'blabla' const assertFile = 'asdf.js' const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.setFilename(assertFile) t.describe(assertPrefix, function() { t.describe(assertPrefix2, function() { t.test(assertName, function() {}) }) }) t.resetFilename() assert.strictEqual(t.groups.length, 1) assert.strictEqual(t.groups[0].groups.length, 1) assert.strictEqual(t.groups[0].groups[0].groups.length, 1) assert.strictEqual(t.groups[0].groups[0].groups[0].tests[0].name, assertFile + ': ' + assertPrefix + ' ' + assertPrefix2 + ' ' + assertName) }) e.test('Eltro should run test', async function() { testsWereRun = true let assertIsTrue = false const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.test('', function() { assertIsTrue = true }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 0) assert.strictEqual(assertIsTrue, true) }) e.test('Eltro should run tests in nested groups', async function() { testsWereRun = true let assertIsTrue = false const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('1', function() { t.describe('2', function() { t.describe('3', function() { t.test('', function() { assertIsTrue = true }) }) }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 0) assert.strictEqual(assertIsTrue, true) }) e.test('Eltro should run promised test', async function() { testsWereRun = true let assertIsTrue = false const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.test('', function() { return new Promise(function(res) { assertIsTrue = true res() }) }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 0) assert.strictEqual(assertIsTrue, true) }) e.test('Eltro should support callback', async function() { testsWereRun = true let assertIsTrue = false const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.test('', function(cb) { setTimeout(function() { assertIsTrue = true cb() }, 25) }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 0) assert.strictEqual(assertIsTrue, true) }) e.test('Eltro should support directly thrown errors', async function() { testsWereRun = true const assertError = new Error() const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.test('', function() { throw assertError }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 1) assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests[0].error, assertError) }) e.test('Eltro should support promise rejected errors', async function() { testsWereRun = true const assertError = new Error() const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.test('', function() { return new Promise(function(res, rej) { rej(assertError) }) }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 1) assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests[0].error, assertError) }) e.test('Eltro should support callback rejected errors', async function() { testsWereRun = true const assertError = new Error() const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.test('', function(cb) { cb(assertError) }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 1) assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests[0].error, assertError) }) e.test('Eltro should support timing out tests', async function() { testsWereRun = true const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.test('', function(cb) { }).timeout(50) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 1) assert.ok(t.failedTests[0].error) assert.match(t.failedTests[0].error.message, /50ms/) }) e.test('Eltro should support timed out tests on late tests', async function() { testsWereRun = true const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.test('', function(cb) { setTimeout(function() { cb() }, 100) }).timeout(50) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 1) assert.ok(t.failedTests[0].error) assert.match(t.failedTests[0].error.message, /50ms/) }) e.test('Eltro should support timed out tests in front', async function() { testsWereRun = true const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.timeout(25).test('', function(cb) { setTimeout(cb, 50) }) t.test('', function(cb) { setTimeout(cb, 50) }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 1) assert.ok(t.failedTests[0].error) assert.match(t.failedTests[0].error.message, /25ms/) }) e.test('Eltro should support skipped tests', async function() { testsWereRun = true const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.test('', function() { throw new Error('Should not be called') }).skip() }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 0) }) e.test('Eltro should support only tests', async function() { testsWereRun = true let assertIsTrue = false const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.test('a', function() { throw new Error('Should not be called') }) t.test('b', function() { throw new Error('Should not be called') }) t.test('c', function() { assertIsTrue = true }).only() }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 0) assert.strictEqual(assertIsTrue, true) }) e.test('Eltro should support skipped tests in front of the test', async function() { testsWereRun = true let assertIsTrue = false const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.skip().test('', function() { throw new Error('Should not be called') }) t.test('', function() { assertIsTrue = true }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 0) assert.strictEqual(assertIsTrue, true) }) e.test('Eltro should support before() functions in describe group', async function() { testsWereRun = true let assertRan = 0 let firstBefore = 0 let secondBefore = 0 let thirdBefore = 0 const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.before(function() { firstBefore = assertRan }) t.describe('', function() { t.before(function() { secondBefore = assertRan }) t.test('', function() { assertRan++ }) t.test('', function() { assertRan++ }) t.test('', function() { assertRan++ }) }) t.describe('', function() { t.before(function() { thirdBefore = assertRan }) t.test('', function() { assertRan++ }) }) t.test('', function() { assertRan++ }) }) let stats = await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 0) assert.strictEqual(assertRan, 5) assert.strictEqual(stats.passed, 5) assert.strictEqual(firstBefore, 0) assert.strictEqual(secondBefore, 1) assert.strictEqual(thirdBefore, 4) }) e.test('Eltro should support before() functions in describe, timing out', async function() { testsWereRun = true let assertRan = 0 const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.before(function(cb) { }).timeout(50) t.test('', function() { assertRan++ }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 1) assert.ok(t.failedTests[0].error) assert.match(t.failedTests[0].error.message, /50ms/) assert.strictEqual(assertRan, 0) }) e.test('Eltro should support before() functions in describe, late timing out', async function() { testsWereRun = true let assertRan = 0 const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.before(function(cb) { setTimeout(cb, 100) }).timeout(50) t.test('', function() { assertRan++ }) }) t.describe('', function() { t.test('', function(cb) { assertRan++; setTimeout(cb, 25) }) t.test('', function(cb) { assertRan++; setTimeout(cb, 25) }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 1) assert.ok(t.failedTests[0].error) assert.match(t.failedTests[0].error.message, /50ms/) assert.strictEqual(assertRan, 2) }) e.test('Eltro should support before() functions in describe, timing out in front', async function() { testsWereRun = true let assertRan = 0 const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.timeout(25).before(function(cb) { setTimeout(cb, 50) }) t.test('', function() { assertRan++ }) }) t.describe('', function() { t.test('', function(cb) { assertRan++; setTimeout(cb, 25) }) t.test('', function(cb) { assertRan++; setTimeout(cb, 25) }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 1) assert.ok(t.failedTests[0].error) assert.match(t.failedTests[0].error.message, /25ms/) assert.strictEqual(assertRan, 2) }) e.test('Eltro should support before() functions in describe, being promised', async function() { testsWereRun = true let assertIsTrue = false const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.before(function() { return new Promise(function(res) { assertIsTrue = true res() }) }) t.test('', function() { }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 0) assert.strictEqual(assertIsTrue, true) }) e.test('Eltro should support before() functions in describe, support callback', async function() { testsWereRun = true let assertIsTrue = false const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.before(function(cb) { setTimeout(function() { assertIsTrue = true cb() }, 25) }) t.test('', function() { }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 0) assert.strictEqual(assertIsTrue, true) }) e.test('Eltro should support before() functions in describe, support directly thrown errors', async function() { testsWereRun = true const assertError = new Error() const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.before(function() { throw assertError }) t.test('', function() { }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 1) assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests[0].error, assertError) }) e.test('Eltro should support before() functions in describe, support rejected promises', async function() { testsWereRun = true const assertError = new Error() const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.before(function() { return new Promise(function(res, rej) { rej(assertError) }) }) t.test('', function() {}) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 1) assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests[0].error, assertError) }) e.test('Eltro should support before() functions in describe, support callback rejected', async function() { testsWereRun = true const assertError = new Error() const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.before(function(cb) { cb(assertError) }) t.test('', function() { }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 1) assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests[0].error, assertError) }) e.test('Eltro should support after() functions in describe group', async function() { testsWereRun = true let assertRan = 0 let firstAfter = 0 let secondAfter = 0 let thirdAfter = 0 const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.after(function() { firstAfter = assertRan }) t.describe('', function() { t.after(function() { secondAfter = assertRan }) t.test('', function() { assertRan++ }) t.test('', function() { assertRan++ }) t.test('', function() { assertRan++ }) }) t.describe('', function() { t.after(function() { thirdAfter = assertRan }) t.test('', function() { assertRan++ }) }) t.test('', function() { assertRan++ }) }) let stats = await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 0) assert.strictEqual(stats.passed, 5) assert.strictEqual(assertRan, 5) assert.strictEqual(firstAfter, 5) assert.strictEqual(secondAfter, 4) assert.strictEqual(thirdAfter, 5) }) e.test('Eltro should support after() functions in describe, timing out', async function() { testsWereRun = true let assertRan = 0 const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.after(function(cb) { }).timeout(50) t.test('', function() { assertRan++ }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 1) assert.ok(t.failedTests[0].error) assert.match(t.failedTests[0].error.message, /50ms/) assert.strictEqual(assertRan, 1) }) e.test('Eltro should support after() functions in describe, late timing out', async function() { testsWereRun = true let assertRan = 0 const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.after(function(cb) { setTimeout(cb, 100) }).timeout(50) t.test('', function() { assertRan++ }) }) t.describe('', function() { t.test('', function(cb) { assertRan++; setTimeout(cb, 25) }) t.test('', function(cb) { assertRan++; setTimeout(cb, 25) }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 1) assert.ok(t.failedTests[0].error) assert.match(t.failedTests[0].error.message, /50ms/) assert.strictEqual(assertRan, 3) }) e.test('Eltro should support after() functions in describe, timing out in front', async function() { testsWereRun = true let assertRan = 0 const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.timeout(25).after(function(cb) { setTimeout(cb, 50) }) t.test('', function() { assertRan++ }) }) t.describe('', function() { t.test('', function(cb) { assertRan++; setTimeout(cb, 25) }) t.test('', function(cb) { assertRan++; setTimeout(cb, 25) }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 1) assert.ok(t.failedTests[0].error) assert.match(t.failedTests[0].error.message, /25ms/) assert.strictEqual(assertRan, 3) }) e.test('Eltro should support after() functions in describe, being promised', async function() { testsWereRun = true let assertIsTrue = false const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.after(function() { return new Promise(function(res) { assertIsTrue = true res() }) }) t.test('', function() { }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 0) assert.strictEqual(assertIsTrue, true) }) e.test('Eltro should support after() functions in describe, support callback', async function() { testsWereRun = true let assertIsTrue = false const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.after(function(cb) { setTimeout(function() { assertIsTrue = true cb() }, 25) }) t.test('', function() { }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 0) assert.strictEqual(assertIsTrue, true) }) e.test('Eltro should support after() functions in describe, support directly thrown errors', async function() { testsWereRun = true const assertError = new Error() const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.after(function() { throw assertError }) t.test('', function() { }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 1) assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests[0].error, assertError) }) e.test('Eltro should support after() functions in describe, support rejected promises', async function() { testsWereRun = true const assertError = new Error() const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.after(function() { return new Promise(function(res, rej) { rej(assertError) }) }) t.test('', function() {}) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 1) assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests[0].error, assertError) }) e.test('Eltro should support after() functions in describe, support callback rejected', async function() { testsWereRun = true const assertError = new Error() const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.after(function(cb) { cb(assertError) }) t.test('', function() { }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 1) assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests[0].error, assertError) }) e.test('Eltro should support only tests in front of the test', async function() { testsWereRun = true let assertIsTrue = false const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.test('a', function() { throw new Error('Should not be called') }) t.only().test('b', function() { assertIsTrue = true }) t.test('c', function() { throw new Error('Should not be called') }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 0) assert.strictEqual(assertIsTrue, true) }) e.test('Eltro should support timed out describes', async function() { testsWereRun = true const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.timeout(10).describe('', function() { t.test('', function(cb) { setTimeout(cb, 25) }) t.test('', function(cb) { setTimeout(cb, 25) }) }) t.describe('', function() { t.test('', function(cb) { setTimeout(cb, 25) }) }) t.test('', function(cb) { setTimeout(cb, 25) }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 2) assert.ok(t.failedTests[0].error) assert.match(t.failedTests[0].error.message, /10ms/) assert.ok(t.failedTests[1].error) assert.match(t.failedTests[1].error.message, /10ms/) }) e.test('Eltro should support skipped tests in describe', async function() { testsWereRun = true let assertRan = 0 const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.skip().describe('', function() { t.test('', function() { throw new Error('Should not be called') }) t.test('', function() { throw new Error('Should not be called') }) t.test('', function() { throw new Error('Should not be called') }) }) t.describe('', function() { t.test('', function() { assertRan++ }) }) t.test('', function() { assertRan++ }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 0) assert.strictEqual(assertRan, 2) }) e.test('Eltro should have skip at higher importance than only', async function() { testsWereRun = true let assertRan = 0 const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.skip().describe('', function() { t.only().test('', function() { throw new Error('Should not be called') }) t.only().test('', function() { throw new Error('Should not be called') }) t.only().test('', function() { throw new Error('Should not be called') }) }) t.describe('', function() { t.test('', function() { assertRan++ }) }) t.test('', function() { assertRan++ }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 0, 'failed tests should be 0 but was ' + t.failedTests.length) assert.strictEqual(assertRan, 2, 'tests run should be two but was ' + assertRan) }) e.test('Eltro should support nested skip in describe commands', async function() { testsWereRun = true let assertRan = 0 const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.skip().describe('', function() { t.describe('', function() { t.only().test('', function() { throw new Error('Should not be called') }) t.only().test('', function() { throw new Error('Should not be called') }) t.only().test('', function() { throw new Error('Should not be called') }) }) }) t.describe('', function() { t.test('', function() { assertRan++ }) }) t.test('', function() { assertRan++ }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 0) assert.strictEqual(assertRan, 2) }) e.test('Eltro should support only tests in front of the test', async function() { testsWereRun = true let assertRan = 0 const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.only().describe('', function() { t.test('', function() { assertRan++ }) t.test('', function() { assertRan++ }) }) t.describe('', function() { t.test('a', function() { throw new Error('Should not be called') }) }) t.test('c', function() { throw new Error('Should not be called') }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 0, 'failed tests should be 0 but was ' + t.failedTests.length) assert.strictEqual(assertRan, 2) }) e.test('Eltro should support nexted only tests in front of the test', async function() { testsWereRun = true let assertRan = 0 const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.only().describe('', function() { t.describe('', function() { t.test('', function() { assertRan++ }) t.test('', function() { assertRan++ }) }) }) t.describe('', function() { t.test('a', function() { throw new Error('Should not be called') }) }) t.test('c', function() { throw new Error('Should not be called') }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 0, 'failed tests should be 0 but was ' + t.failedTests.length) assert.strictEqual(assertRan, 2) }) e.test('Eltro should support nested timed out describes', async function() { testsWereRun = true const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.timeout(10).describe('', function() { t.describe('', function() { t.test('', function(cb) { setTimeout(cb, 25) }) t.test('', function(cb) { setTimeout(cb, 25) }) }) }) t.describe('', function() { t.test('', function(cb) { setTimeout(cb, 25) }) }) t.test('', function(cb) { setTimeout(cb, 25) }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 2) assert.ok(t.failedTests[0].error) assert.match(t.failedTests[0].error.message, /10ms/) assert.ok(t.failedTests[1].error) assert.match(t.failedTests[1].error.message, /10ms/) }) e.test('Eltro nested timeout should work as expected', async function() { testsWereRun = true const t = CreateT() t.begin() t.describe('', function() { t.timeout(50).describe('', function() { t.timeout(10).describe('', function() { t.test('', function(cb) { setTimeout(cb, 25) }) }) t.test('', function(cb) { setTimeout(cb, 25) }) }) t.describe('', function() { t.test('', function(cb) { setTimeout(cb, 25) }) }) t.test('', function(cb) { setTimeout(cb, 25) }) }) await assert.strictEqual(t.failedTests.length, 1) assert.ok(t.failedTests[0].error) assert.match(t.failedTests[0].error.message, /10ms/) }) // Extra testing to make sure tests were run at all process.on('exit', function(e) { try { assert.strictEqual(testsWereRun, true) } catch(err) { console.log('Checking if tests were run at all failed:') printError(err) process.exit(1) } process.exit(e) })