const _ = require('lodash') const m = require('mithril') const createModule = require('../common/module') const socket = require('../../shared/socket') const view = require('./view') const dragula = require('dragula') const Graphic = createModule({ init: function(vnode) { this.fetchData(vnode) }, onupdate: function(vnode) { this.fetchData(vnode) }, fetchData: function(vnode) { if (this.currentId === return if (this.currentId && this.currentId !== { this.unmonitor('graphic.single', this.currentId) this.unmonitor('preset.all', this.currentId) } this.currentId = this.monitor( 'graphic', 'graphic.single', {},, () => this.recheckTemplate() ) this.monitor('presets', 'preset.all', [], this.currentView = 'view' this.current = {} this.displayRemove = false this.newProperty = '' this.newTextField = '' this.mainTemplateString = '' this.mainTemplateError = '' this.mainTemplate = _.template('') }, recheckTemplate: function() { if (this.graphic.settings.main !== this.mainTemplateString) { this.mainTemplateError = '' this.mainTemplateString = this.graphic.settings.main try { this.mainTemplate = _.template(this.mainTemplateString) } catch (e) { this.mainTemplateError = `Invalid template: ${e.message}` } } }, updated: function(name, variable, cont) { let target = variable let control = cont if (!control) { control = variable target = 'graphic' } _.set(this[target], name, this.recheckTemplate() if (target === 'graphic') { socket.emit('graphic.update', this.graphic) } }, addDataField: function(type, name) { if (!name) { return 'Please type in proper name' } if (this.graphic.settings[type].includes(name)) { return 'A property with that name already exists' } this.graphic.settings[type].push(name) socket.emit('graphic.update', this.graphic) return null }, addProperty: function() { this.error = this.addDataField('properties', this.newProperty) if (!this.error) { this.newProperty = '' if (!this.graphic.settings.main) { this.graphic.settings.main = `<%- ${[0] } %>` this.recheckTemplate() socket.emit('graphic.update', this.graphic) } } }, addTextField: function() { this.error = this.addDataField('textfields', this.newTextField) if (!this.error) { this.newTextField = '' } }, removeDataField: function(type, name) { this.graphic.settings[type].splice( this.graphic.settings[type].indexOf(name), 1) if (type === 'properties' && === 0) { this.graphic.settings.main = '' this.recheckTemplate() } socket.emit('graphic.update', this.graphic) }, removeProperty: function(prop) { this.removeDataField('properties', prop) }, presetlistInit: function(control) { this.initDragula(control, (source, target) => { let dragOldIndex = _.findIndex(this.presets, { id: Number(source.getAttribute('data')) }) let targetOldIndex = this.presets.length - 1 if (target) { targetOldIndex = _.findIndex(this.presets, { id: Number(target.getAttribute('data')) }) } this.presets.splice(targetOldIndex, 0, this.presets.splice(dragOldIndex, 1)[0]) this.presets.forEach((item, i) => { item.sort = i + 1 }) socket.emit('preset.patch', this.presets) }) }, cleanCurrent: function() { if (this.graphic.engine === 'countdown') { this.current.text = this.graphic.settings.text this.current.countdown = this.graphic.settings.countdown this.current.finished = this.graphic.settings.finished if (!this.current.countdown) { this.error = '"Count to" needs to be defined' } else { let test = new Date(this.current.countdown.replace(' ', 'T')) if (!test.getTime()) { this.error = '"Count to" has to be valid date and time' } } } else { => { if (!this.current[prop]) { this.current[prop] = '' } }) } }, addPreset: function() { this.error = '' this.cleanCurrent() if (this.error) return if (this.graphic.engine === 'countdown') { this.current.countdown = null } socket.emit('preset.add', { graphic_id:, values: this.current, }) }, removePreset: function(preset) { socket.emit('preset.remove', preset) }, remove: function() { socket.emit('graphic.remove', this.graphic) m.route.set('/') }, displayPreset: function(preset) { if (this.graphic.engine === 'countdown') { this.graphic.settings.text = preset.values.text this.graphic.settings.finished = preset.values.finished socket.emit('graphic.update', this.graphic) return } socket.emit('content.display', { graphic: this.graphic, data: preset.values, }) }, schedulePreset: function(preset) { socket.emit('schedule.add', { graphic_id:, values: preset.values, }) }, scheduleCurrent: function() { this.error = '' this.cleanCurrent() if (this.error) return socket.emit('schedule.add', { graphic_id:, values: this.current, }) }, displayCurrent: function() { this.error = '' this.cleanCurrent() if (this.error) return socket.emit('content.display', { graphic: this.graphic, data: this.current, }) }, switchView: function() { if (this.currentView === 'view') { this.currentView = 'settings' } else { this.currentView = 'view' } }, changeViewTitle: function() { if (this.currentView === 'view') { return 'Settings' } return 'Control' }, }, view) module.exports = Graphic