const m = require('mithril') const components = require('../../common/components') exports.view = function(module, graphic) { return [ m('div.graphic-presetadd', [ m('h3.graphic-presetadd-header', 'Start countdown'), m('label', { for: `countdown-text` }, 'Text'), m(`input#countdown-text[type=text]`, { value: graphic.settings.text || '', oninput: module.updated.bind(module, 'settings.text'), }), m('label', { for: `countdown-countdown` }, 'Count to (format: "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm")'), m(`input#countdown-countdown[type=text]`, { value: graphic.settings.countdown || '', oninput: module.updated.bind(module, 'settings.countdown'), }), m('label', { for: `countdown-finished` }, 'Finished (gets displayed in the countdown upon reaching 0)'), m(`input#countdown-finished[type=text]`, { value: graphic.settings.finished || '', oninput: module.updated.bind(module, 'settings.finished'), }), components.presetButtons(module, 'Display live now', 'Add to template'), ]), components.presetOnlyList(module, graphic, 'Templates', '', 'Fill top', ''), ] } exports.settings = function(module, graphic) { return [ // Name m('label.graphic-label', { for: 'graphic-name' }, 'Graphic ID'), m('input#graphic-name[type=text]', { value:, oninput: module.updated.bind(module, 'name'), }), // HTML m('label.graphic-label', { for: 'graphic-html' }, [ 'Graphic HTML (', m('a', { href: '', target: '_blank' }, 'variables'), ' available: <%- text %>)', ]), m('p.graphic-helper', `
`), m('textarea#graphic-html', { rows: '4', oninput: module.updated.bind(module, 'settings.html'), value: graphic.settings.html || '', }), m('p.graphic-helper.bottom', `
`), // CSS m('label.graphic-label', { for: 'graphic-css' }, 'Graphic CSS'), m('p.graphic-helper', ''), // Main display template m('label.graphic-label', { for: 'graphic-main' }, [ 'Graphic control display template (', m('a', { href: '', target: '_blank' }, 'variables'), ' available: <%- text %>, <%- countdown %>, <%- finished %>)', ]), m('input#graphic-main[type=text]', { value: graphic.settings.main, oninput: module.updated.bind(module, 'settings.main'), }), components.error(module.mainTemplateError), // Remove m('', { onclick: module.remove.bind(module), }, 'Delete graphic'), ] }