const m = require('mithril') const components = require('../../components') exports.view = function(ctlr, graphic, vm) { if (! { = [] } if ( === 0) { return [ m('p', 'No properties have been defined.'), m('p', 'Click settings to create and define properties to display.'), ] } return [, index) => m('label', { key: index }, [ prop, m('input[type=text]', { value: vm.current[prop] || '', oninput: vm.updated.bind(vm, prop, 'current'), }), ]) ), components.presetList(vm), ] } exports.settings = function(cltr, graphic, vm) { return [ m('label', [ 'Name', m('input[type=text]', { value:, oninput: vm.updated.bind(vm, 'name'), }), ]), m('label', [ 'HTML (', m('a', { href: '', target: '_blank' }, 'variables'), ' available: ', => `<%- ${prop} %>` ).join(', '), ')', m('p', `
`), m('textarea', { rows: '4', oninput: vm.updated.bind(null, 'settings.html'), value: graphic.settings.html || '', }), m('p', `
`), ]), m('label', [ 'CSS', m('textarea', { rows: '4', oninput: vm.updated.bind(null, 'settings.css'), value: graphic.settings.css || '', }) ]), m('label', [ 'Main property', m('select', { onchange: vm.updated.bind(vm, 'settings.main'), },, index) => m('option', { key: 'prop-list-' + index, value: prop, selected: prop === graphic.settings.main, }, prop) )) ]), m('label', 'Properties'), m('div', [, index) => m('.row', { key: 'add-prop-' + index }, [ m('div', { class: 'small-10 columns panel-graphic-property-item' }, m('input[type=text]', { readonly: true, value: prop, }) ), m('div', { class: 'small-2 columns' }, m('a.panel-graphic-property-remove.button.alert', { onclick: vm.removeProperty.bind(vm, prop), }, 'Remove') ) ]) ), ]), m('.row', [ m('div', { class: 'small-10 columns panel-graphic-property-item' }, m('input[type=text]', { value: vm.newProperty(), oninput: m.withAttr('value', vm.newProperty), }) ), m('div', { class: 'small-2 columns' }, m('a.panel-graphic-property-add.button', { onclick: vm.addProperty.bind(vm), }, 'Add') ), ]), m('a.panel-graphic-delete.button.alert', { onclick: vm.remove.bind(vm), }, 'Delete graphic'), ] }