# Flaska Flaska is a micro web-framework for node. It is designed to be fast, simple and lightweight, and is distributed as a single file module with no dependencies. Heavily inspired by koa and koa-router it takes liberties of implementing most of the common functionality required for most sites without sacrificing anything. And the fact that the footprint for this is much smaller than koa while also being more powerful and faster shows the testament that is flaska. ## Installation ``` $ npm install flaska ``` ## Hello Flaska ```js import { Flaska } from '../flaska.mjs' const flaska = new Flaska() flaska.get('/', function(ctx) { ctx.body = 'Hello Flaska'; }) // flaska.listen(3000); flaska.listenAsync(3000).then(function() { console.log('listening on port 3000') }, function(err) { console.error('Error listening:', err) }) ``` ## Router/Handlers Flaska supports all the common verbs out of the box: * `flaska.get(url, [middlewares], handler)` * `flaska.post(url, [middlewares], handler)` * `flaska.put(url, [middlewares], handler)` * `flaska.delete(url, [middlewares], handler)` * `flaska.options(url, [middlewares], handler)` * `flaska.patch(url, [middlewares], handler)` Example: ``` flaska.get('/path/to/url', async function(ctx) { // Perform action }) ``` In addition, each route can have none, one or many middlewares: ``` flaska.get('/handlequery', QueryHandler(), async function(ctx) { // Perform action }) flaska.get('/query/and/json', [QueryHandler(), JsonHandler()], async function(ctx) { // Perform action }) ``` You can also run global middlewares at the start or end of every request: ``` import { Flaska, QueryHandler, JsonHandler } from '../flaska.mjs' const flaska = new Flaska() flaska.before(QueryHandler()) flaska.before(JsonHandler()) flaska.beforeAsync(MyLoadDatabase()) flaska.after(function(ctx) { ctx.log.info('Request finished.') }) ``` ## Context, Request and Response Each handler receives a Flaska `Context` object that encapsulates an incoming http message and the corresponding response to that message. For those familiar with koa will be famililar with this concept. `ctx` is often used as the parameter name for the context object. ```js app.before(function(ctx) { ctx.log.info('Got request') }) app.beforeAsync(async function(ctx) { // Do some database fetching maybe }) ``` The context `ctx` that gets generated includes the following properties for the incoming request: * `log`: Log handler. * `req`: The Request's [IncomingMessage](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_class_http_incomingmessage). * `res`: The Response's [ServerResponse](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_class_http_serverresponse). * `method`: The HTTP method ('GET', 'POST', etc.). * `url`: The full URL path. * `search`: The URL search. * `state`: Anonymous object for user-defined data. * `query`: Map containing the key/value for the url search. The following context specific variables can be specified by you the user to instruct Flaska on what to return in response: * `status`: The status code to return in response (default 200). * `body`: The body contents to return in response (default null). * `type`: The content-type for the header (default null). * `length`: The length of the body in bytes (default null). More on this next. ## `ctx.body` At the end of each request, flaska will read `ctx.body` and determine the best course of action based on the type of content is being sent. ### Javascript object In cases where the response body is a normal object, Flaska will automatically `JSON.stringify` it, set the `Content-Type` to `application/json` and set the total length in `Content-Length`. This is provided for you at no expense on your behalf so you don't have to worry about it: ``` flaska.get('/api/test', function(ctx) { ctx.body = { message: 'Hello world', } }) ``` ### File stream/pipe In cases where the response body is a pipe object (detected from the existance of `.pipe` property), flaska will automatically pipe the file for you. In addition, if a file stream is used, it will read the extension of the file being streamed and automatically fill in the mime-type for you in the `Content-Type` header. ``` flaska.get('/test.png', function(ctx) { ctx.body = fs.createReadStream('./test/test.png') }) ``` Flaska will automatically close the file stream for you so you don't have to worry about that. ### String In other instances, Flaska will `.toString()` the body and send it in response with the specified type or default to `text/plain` if unspecified. ``` flaska.get('/file.html', function(ctx) { ctx.body = `

Hello world

` ctx.type = 'text/html; charset=utf-8' }) ``` The `Context` object also provides shortcuts for methods on its `request` and `response`. In the prior examples, `ctx.type` can be used instead of `ctx.response.type` and `ctx.accepts` can be used instead of `ctx.request.accepts`. ## Built-in middlewares and handlers Flaska comes with a few middlewares out of the box. * `QueryHandler()` Parse the search query and create a map with key->value in `ctx.query`. * `JsonHandler()` Parse incoming request body as json and store it in `ctx.req.body`. * `FormidableHandler()` Provides a wrapper to handle an incoming file upload using `Formidable@1`.