import { createRouter, insertItem } from '@mapl/router' import { compileRouter } from './mapl_compiler.mjs' import * as consts from './const.js' let testPaths = => x.replace(/:[^\/]+/g, '*')) // consts.allManyRoutes testPaths = [ '/*/file', '/*', ] const router2 = createRouter(); for (let route of testPaths) { insertItem(router2, route, '{works}') } const match2 = compileRouter(router2) for (let route of testPaths) { let check = route.replace(/\*/g, 'something') let gotMatched = match2(check.slice(1)) console.log(check, gotMatched?.[0] || '{ERROR NO MATCH}') } process.exit(0) const r = createRouter(); for (let route of testPaths) { let cleaned = route.replace(/:[^\/]+/g, '*') insertItem(r, cleaned, () => { }) } const m = compileRouter(r) for (let item of testPaths) { console.log(item, m(item.slice(1))) } function printTime (t) { let time = Number(t) let units = ['n', 'μ', 'm', 'c', 's'] let unit = units[0] let unitPower = 1 for (let i = 0; i < units.length; i++) { let power = Math.pow(10, (i + 1) * 3) if (power * 2 > time) { break } unitPower = power unit = units[1] } console.log(t, '=', Number((time / unitPower).toFixed(2)), unit) } let paths = => ({ path: x })) let s1 = process.hrtime.bigint() let s2 = process.hrtime.bigint() const match = compileRouter(router); console.log(match.toString()); let s3 = process.hrtime.bigint() let time = s3 - s2 - (s2 - s1) printTime(time)