import assert from 'assert' import Benchmark from 'benchmarkjs-pretty' import { koaRouter1, koaRouter2 } from './router_koa.js' import { flaskaRouter1, flaskaRouter2 } from './router_flaska.js' import { expressRouter1, expressRouter2 } from './router_express.js' import * as consts from './const.js' let assertOk = true let testData = null consts.overrideDummy(function() { testData = assertOk }) function TestPromiseCreators() { let resolveTrue = Promise.resolve(true) let asyncFunc = async function() { let check = await resolveTrue if (check !== true) { throw new Error('false') } } return new Benchmark.default('test different promise creation methods') .add('new Promise()', function() { return new Promise((res, rej) => { try { resolveTrue.then(function(check) { res(check) }) } catch (err) { rej(err) } }) }) .add('new Promise() static', function() { return new Promise((res, rej) => { res(true) }) }) .add('new Promise() static with try catch', function() { return new Promise((res, rej) => { try { res(true) } catch (err) { rej(err) } }) }) .add('new Promise() static with one then()', function() { return new Promise((res, rej) => { res(true) }).then(function(check) { return check }) }) .add('Promise.resolve()', function() { return Promise.resolve().then(function() { return resolveTrue }).then(function(check) { return check }) }) .add('resolved promise one then()', function() { return resolveTrue.then(function(check) { return check }) }) .add('resolved promise but four then()', function() { return resolveTrue.then(function(check) { return check }) .then(function(item) { return item }) .then(function(item) { return item }) .then(function(item) { return item }) }) .add('resolved promise but twenty then()', function() { return resolveTrue.then(function(check) { if (check !== true) { throw new Error('false') } return true }) .then(function(item) { return item }) .then(function(item) { return item }) .then(function(item) { return item }) .then(function(item) { return item }) .then(function(item) { return item }) .then(function(item) { return item }) .then(function(item) { return item }) .then(function(item) { return item }) .then(function(item) { return item }) .then(function(item) { return item }) .then(function(item) { return item }) .then(function(item) { return item }) .then(function(item) { return item }) .then(function(item) { return item }) .then(function(item) { return item }) .then(function(item) { return item }) .then(function(item) { return item }) .then(function(item) { return item }) .then(function(item) { return item }) }) .add('async function()', async function() { let check = await resolveTrue if (check !== true) { throw new Error('false') } }) .run() .then(function() {}, function(e) { console.error('error:', e) process.exit(1) }) } function TestObjectAssign() { const base = { state: {}, log: { info: function() { }, warn: function() { }, error: function() { }, }, router1: flaskaRouter1, router2: flaskaRouter2, } const req = { test: 1, test2: 2, koa1: koaRouter1, koa2: koaRouter2, test: function() {}, } const res = { express1: expressRouter1, express2: expressRouter2, test: function() {}, } let propMaker = {} let propMakerAlt = {} Object.keys(base).forEach(function(key) { propMaker[key] = { enumerable: true, value: base[key], writable: true, configurable: true, } propMakerAlt[key] = { enumerable: true, value: base[key], writable: true, configurable: true, } }) propMakerAlt.req = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return req }, configurable: true, } propMakerAlt.res = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return res }, configurable: true, } function register1(ctx) { ctx.log = base.log } function register2(ctx) { ctx.router1 = flaskaRouter1 } function register3(ctx) { ctx.router2 = flaskaRouter2 } return new Benchmark.default('test different method to initialize objects)') .add('Object.assign()', function() { let ctx = { req: req, res: res, } Object.assign(ctx, base) }) .add('register functions with direct assignment', function() { let ctx = { state: {}, req: req, res: res, } register1(ctx) register2(ctx) register3(ctx) }) /*.add('Object.create() all props', function() { let ctx = Object.create({}, propMakerAlt) }) .add('Object.defineProperties()', function() { let ctx = { req: req, res: res, } Object.defineProperties(ctx, propMaker) }) .add('Object.defineProperties() all props', function() { let ctx = { } Object.defineProperties(ctx, propMakerAlt) })*/ .run() .then(function() {}, function(e) { console.error('error:', e) process.exit(1) }) } function TestSmallStaticRoute() { return new Benchmark.default('Small router static route benchmark: /api/staff (16 routes registered)') .add('expressjs', function() { testData = null expressRouter1.handle({ url: '/api/staff', method: 'GET', }, {}, function() { }) assert.ok(testData) }) .add('koa-router', function() { testData = koaRouter1.match('/api/staff', 'GET') assert.ok(testData.route) }) .add('bottle-router', function() { testData = flaskaRouter1.match('/api/staff') assert.ok(testData.handler) }) .run() .then(function() {}, function(e) { console.error('error:', e) process.exit(1) }) } function TestSmallParamRoute() { return new Benchmark.default('Small router param route benchmark: /api/staff/:id (16 routes registered)') .add('expressjs', function() { testData = null expressRouter1.handle({ url: '/api/staff/justatest', method: 'GET', }, {}, function() { }) assert.ok(testData) }) .add('koa-router', function() { testData = koaRouter1.match('/api/staff/justatest', 'GET') assert.ok(testData.route) }) .add('bottle-router', function() { testData = flaskaRouter1.match('/api/staff/justatest') assert.ok(testData.handler) }) .run() .then(function() {}, function(e) { console.error('error:', e) process.exit(1) }) } function TestLargeStaticRoute() { return new Benchmark.default('Large router static route benchmark: /api/staff (58 routes registered)') .add('expressjs', function() { testData = null expressRouter2.handle({ url: '/api/staff', method: 'GET', }, {}, function() { }) assert.ok(testData) }) .add('koa-router', function() { testData = koaRouter2.match('/api/staff', 'GET') assert.ok(testData.route) }) .add('bottle-router', function() { testData = flaskaRouter2.match('/api/staff') assert.ok(testData.handler) }) .run() .then(function() {}, function(e) { console.error('error:', e) process.exit(1) }) } function TestLargeParamRoute() { return new Benchmark.default('Large router param route benchmark: /api/staff/:id (58 routes registered)') .add('expressjs', function() { testData = null expressRouter2.handle({ url: '/api/staff/justatest', method: 'GET', }, {}, function() { }) assert.ok(testData) }) .add('koa-router', function() { testData = koaRouter2.match('/api/staff/justatest', 'GET') assert.ok(testData.route) }) .add('bottle-router', function() { testData = flaskaRouter2.match('/api/staff/justatest') assert.ok(testData.handler) }) .run() .then(function() {}, function(e) { console.error('error:', e) process.exit(1) }) } function TestLargeParamLargeUrlRoute() { return new Benchmark.default('Large router param route long route benchmark: /api/products/:id/sub_products/:productId (58 routes registered)') .add('expressjs', function() { testData = null expressRouter2.handle({ url: '/api/products/justatest/sub_products/foobar', method: 'GET', }, {}, function() { }) assert.ok(testData) }) .add('koa-router', function() { testData = koaRouter2.match('/api/products/justatest/sub_products/foobar', 'GET') assert.ok(testData.route) }) .add('bottle-router', function() { testData = flaskaRouter2.match('/api/products/justatest/sub_products/foobar') assert.ok(testData.handler) }) .run() .then(function() {}, function(e) { console.error('error:', e) process.exit(1) }) } TestSmallStaticRoute() // TestObjectAssign() // TestPromiseCreators() .then(function() { return TestSmallParamRoute() }) .then(function() { return TestLargeStaticRoute() }) .then(function() { return TestLargeParamRoute() }) .then(function() { return TestLargeParamLargeUrlRoute() }) .then(function() { process.exit(0) })