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1 commit

Author SHA1 Message Date
08b2b037ff first version
All checks were successful
/ deploy (push) Successful in 6s
2024-09-20 13:45:35 +00:00
13 changed files with 592 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
- master
runs-on: alpine
- name: Check out repository code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Test
run: |
npm install
npm test
- name: Check for new release
run: |
echo ""
echo "------------------------------------"
echo ""
CURR_VER="$(cat package.json | jq -r .name)_v$(cat package.json | jq -r .version)"
CURR_NAME="$(cat package.json | jq -r .name) v$(cat package.json | jq -r .version)"
echo "Checking${{ gitea.repository }}/releases for name ${CURR_NAME}"
if curl -s -X GET -H "Authorization: token ${{ secrets.deploytoken }}"${{ gitea.repository }}/releases | grep -o "\"name\"\:\"${CURR_NAME}\"" > /dev/null; then
echo "Skipping ${{ gitea.job }} since $CURR_NAME already exists";
echo "New release ${CURR_VER} found, running npm install..."
echo "Creating ${CURR_VER} release on gitea"
curl \
-H "Authorization: token ${{ secrets.deploytoken }}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \${{ gitea.repository }}/releases \
-d "{\"tag_name\":\"${CURR_VER}\",\"name\":\"${CURR_NAME}\",\"body\":\"Automatic release from Appveyor from ${{ gitea.sha }} :\n\n${{ gitea.event.head_commit.message }}\"}"
echo "//${{ secrets.npmtoken }}" > ~/.npmrc
echo "Publishing new version to npm"
npm publish

.npmrc Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

index.mjs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
import fsSyncOriginal from 'fs'
import fsPromisesOriginal from 'fs/promises'
import crypto from 'crypto'
import path from 'path'
import os from 'os'
export default class FSCache {
constructor(options = {}, fsSync, fsPromises) {
this.fsSync = fsSync || fsSyncOriginal
this.fsPromises = fsPromises || fsPromisesOriginal = crypto.randomBytes(15).toString('base64').replace(/\//g, '-')
this.parse_json = options.parse_json ?? true
this.prefix = options.prefix ? options.prefix + '-' : ''
this.hash_alg = options.hash_alg || 'md5'
this.cache_dir = options.cache_dir || path.join(os.tmpdir(),
// Verify hash algorithm is supported on this system
this.fsSync.mkdirSync(this.cache_dir, { recursive: true })
_parseCacheData(data, overwrite = {}) {
return overwrite.parse_json ?? this.parse_json ? JSON.parse(data) : data
_parseSetData(data, overwrite = {}) {
return overwrite.parse_json ?? this.parse_json ? JSON.stringify(data) : data
hash(name) {
return crypto.hash(this.hash_alg, name)
get(name, fallback, opts) {
return this.fsPromises.readFile(
path.join(this.cache_dir, this.hash(name)),
{ encoding: 'utf8' }
data => this._parseCacheData(data, opts),
err => (fallback)
getSync(name, fallback, opts) {
let data;
try {
data = this.fsSync.readFileSync(
path.join(this.cache_dir, this.hash(name)),
{ encoding: 'utf8' }
} catch {
return fallback
return this._parseCacheData(data, opts)
set(name, data, opts = {}) {
try {
return this.fsPromises.writeFile(
path.join(this.cache_dir, this.hash(name)),
this._parseSetData(data, opts),
{ encoding: opts.encoding || 'utf8' }
} catch (err) {
return Promise.reject(err)
setSync(name, data, opts = {}) {
path.join(this.cache_dir, this.hash(name)),
this._parseSetData(data, opts),
{ encoding: opts.encoding || 'utf8' }

package.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
"name": "fs-cache-fast",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Cache stored on the file system",
"main": "index.mjs",
"scripts": {
"test": "eltro",
"test:watch": "eltro -r dot -w test"
"watch": {
"test": {
"patterns": ["./"],
"extensions": "mjs"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"author": "Jonatan Nilsson",
"license": "WTFPL",
"devDependencies": {
"eltro": "^1.4.5"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
import { Eltro as t, assert, spy } from 'eltro'
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'
import fs from 'fs/promises'
import fsSync from 'fs'
import path from 'path'
import Cache from '../index.mjs'
const __dirname = path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url));
let cache = new Cache({ cache_dir: path.join(__dirname, 'temp') })
t.before(async function() {
for (let file of await fs.readdir(cache.cache_dir)) {
if (file !== '.gitkeep') {
await fs.rm(path.join(cache.cache_dir, file))
t.test('get should work', async function() {
const testKey = 'get-test-one'
assert.deepStrictEqual(await cache.get(testKey, 'HELLO'), 'HELLO')
await fs.writeFile(path.join(cache.cache_dir, cache.hash(testKey)), JSON.stringify({ a: 1 }))
assert.deepStrictEqual(await cache.get(testKey, 'HELLO'), { a: 1 })
assert.deepStrictEqual(await cache.get(testKey, 'HELLO', { parse_json: false }), JSON.stringify({ a: 1 }))
t.test('getSync should work', function() {
const testKey = 'get-sync-test-one'
assert.deepStrictEqual(cache.getSync(testKey, 'HELLO'), 'HELLO')
fsSync.writeFileSync(path.join(cache.cache_dir, cache.hash(testKey)), JSON.stringify({ b: 2 }))
assert.deepStrictEqual(cache.getSync(testKey, 'HELLO'), { b: 2 })
assert.deepStrictEqual(cache.getSync(testKey, 'HELLO', { parse_json: false }), JSON.stringify({ b: 2 }))
t.test('set should work', async function() {
const testKey = 'set-test-one'
const assertPath = path.join(cache.cache_dir, cache.hash(testKey))
await cache.set(testKey, { c: 3 })
let content = await fs.readFile(assertPath, { encoding: 'utf8' })
assert.strictEqual(content, JSON.stringify({ c: 3 }))
t.test('set should work', function() {
const testKey = 'set-sync-test-one'
const assertPath = path.join(cache.cache_dir, cache.hash(testKey))
cache.setSync(testKey, { d: 4 })
let content = fsSync.readFileSync(assertPath, { encoding: 'utf8' })
assert.strictEqual(content, JSON.stringify({ d: 4 }))
t.test('should all work together', async function() {
const testKey = 'hello world'
const assertFallback = 'This is fallback'
const assertPath = path.join(cache.cache_dir, cache.hash(testKey))
assert.strictEqual(await cache.get(testKey, assertFallback), assertFallback)
await cache.set(testKey, { e: 5 })
assert.notStrictEqual(await cache.get(testKey, assertFallback), assertFallback)
assert.deepStrictEqual(await cache.get(testKey), { e: 5 })
assert.notStrictEqual(cache.getSync(testKey, assertFallback), assertFallback)
assert.deepStrictEqual(cache.getSync(testKey), { e: 5 })
cache.setSync(testKey, { f: 6 })
assert.deepStrictEqual(await cache.get(testKey), { f: 6 })
assert.deepStrictEqual(cache.getSync(testKey), { f: 6 })

test/fscache.test.mjs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
import { Eltro as t, assert, spy } from 'eltro'
import path from 'path'
import crypto from 'crypto'
import os from 'os'
import fsSyncOriginal from 'fs'
import fsPromisesOriginal from 'fs/promises'
import Cache from '../index.mjs'
import { fakeFs, fakeFsPromises, fakeFsSync } from './helper.mjs'
let fsSync
let fsPromises
t.beforeEach(function() {
fsSync = fakeFsSync()
fsPromises = fakeFsPromises()
function createCache(opts) {
return new Cache(opts, fsSync, fsPromises)
t.describe('#constructor()', function() {
t.test('uses default fs', function() {
let cache = new Cache({})
assert.strictEqual(cache.fsSync, fsSyncOriginal)
assert.strictEqual(cache.fsPromises, fsPromisesOriginal)
t.test('should be able to override the fs', function() {
let cache = createCache({})
assert.strictEqual(cache.fsSync, fsSync)
assert.strictEqual(cache.fsPromises, fsPromises)
t.test('comes with default options', function() {
let cache = createCache({})
assert.strictEqual(cache.parse_json, true)
assert.strictEqual(cache.prefix, '')
assert.strictEqual(cache.hash_alg, 'md5')
assert.strictEqual(cache.cache_dir, path.join(os.tmpdir(),
t.test('can overwrite options', function() {
const assertHash = 'sha256'
const assertDir = '/something/else'
const assertPrefix = 'blabla'
const assertParseJson = false
let cache = createCache({
prefix: assertPrefix,
hash_alg: assertHash,
cache_dir: assertDir,
parse_json: assertParseJson,
assert.strictEqual(cache.parse_json, assertParseJson)
assert.strictEqual(cache.prefix, assertPrefix + '-')
assert.strictEqual(cache.hash_alg, assertHash)
assert.strictEqual(cache.cache_dir, assertDir)
t.test('should create the directory by default', function() {
let cache = createCache({})
assert.strictEqual(fsSync.mkdirSync.firstCall[0], cache.cache_dir)
assert.strictEqual(fsSync.mkdirSync.firstCall[1]?.recursive, true)
t.test('should check if hash_alg is valid', function() {
assert.throws(function() {
createCache({ hash_alg: 'dafdsagasdgwa4e' })
t.describe('FSCache', function() {
t.describe('#hash()', function() {
t.test('should use cache hasher to hash string', function() {
let cache = createCache({ hash_alg: 'sha256' })
assert.strictEqual(cache.hash('asdf'), crypto.hash('sha256', 'asdf'))
cache = createCache({ hash_alg: 'md5' })
assert.strictEqual(cache.hash('asdf'), crypto.hash('md5', 'asdf'))
t.describe('#_parseCacheData()', function() {
t.test('should default parse as json', function() {
let cache = createCache()
let output = cache._parseCacheData('{"hello":"world"}')
assert.strictEqual(typeof output, 'object')
assert.strictEqual(output.hello, 'world')
t.test('can be overwritten in options', function() {
let cache = createCache({ parse_json: false })
let output = cache._parseCacheData('{"hello":"world"}')
assert.strictEqual(typeof output, 'string')
assert.strictEqual(output, '{"hello":"world"}')
t.test('can be overwritten in parameter', function() {
let cache = createCache()
let output = cache._parseCacheData('{"hello":"world"}', { parse_json: false })
assert.strictEqual(typeof output, 'string')
assert.strictEqual(output, '{"hello":"world"}')
t.describe('#_parseSetData()', function() {
t.test('should default stringify to json', function() {
let cache = createCache()
let output = cache._parseSetData({ hello: 'world' })
assert.strictEqual(typeof output, 'string')
assert.strictEqual(output, '{"hello":"world"}')
t.test('can be overwritten in options', function() {
let cache = createCache({ parse_json: false })
let output = cache._parseSetData('Hello world')
assert.strictEqual(typeof output, 'string')
assert.strictEqual(output, 'Hello world')
t.test('can be overwritten in parameter', function() {
let cache = createCache()
let output = cache._parseSetData('Hello world', { parse_json: false })
assert.strictEqual(typeof output, 'string')
assert.strictEqual(output, 'Hello world')
t.describe('#get()', function() {
t.test('should call promise readFile and parse result', async function() {
const assertKey = 'asdf1234'
const assertContent = '{"hello":"world"}'
const assertResult = { hello: 'world' }
let cache = createCache()
cache._parseCacheData = spy().returns(assertResult)
let output = await cache.get(assertKey)
assert.strictEqual(output, assertResult)
assert.strictEqual(fsPromises.readFile.firstCall[0], path.join(cache.cache_dir, cache.hash(assertKey)))
assert.strictEqual(fsPromises.readFile.firstCall[1]?.encoding, 'utf8')
assert.ok(cache._parseCacheData.firstCall[0], assertContent)
t.test('should pass extra options to the parser', async function() {
const assertOptions = { a: 1 }
let cache = createCache()
cache._parseCacheData = spy()
await cache.get('asdf', null, assertOptions)
assert.ok(cache._parseCacheData.firstCall[1], assertOptions)
t.test('should support fallback value if file does not exist', async function() {
const assertFallback = { a: 1 }
let cache = createCache()
fsPromises.readFile.rejects(new Error('asdf'))
cache._parseCacheData = spy()
let output = await cache.get('bla', assertFallback)
assert.strictEqual(output, assertFallback)
t.test('parser error should propogate', async function() {
const assertError = new Error('Hello')
let cache = createCache()
cache._parseCacheData = spy().throws(assertError)
let err = await assert.isRejected(cache.get('asdf'))
assert.strictEqual(err, assertError)
t.describe('#getSync()', function() {
t.test('should call sync readFile and parse result', function() {
const assertKey = 'asdf1234'
const assertContent = '{"hello":"world"}'
const assertResult = { hello: 'world' }
let cache = createCache()
cache._parseCacheData = spy().returns(assertResult)
let output = cache.getSync(assertKey)
assert.strictEqual(output, assertResult)
assert.strictEqual(fsSync.readFileSync.firstCall[0], path.join(cache.cache_dir, cache.hash(assertKey)))
assert.strictEqual(fsSync.readFileSync.firstCall[1]?.encoding, 'utf8')
assert.ok(cache._parseCacheData.firstCall[0], assertContent)
t.test('should pass extra options to the parser', function() {
const assertOptions = { a: 1 }
let cache = createCache()
cache._parseCacheData = spy()
cache.getSync('asdf', null, assertOptions)
assert.ok(cache._parseCacheData.firstCall[1], assertOptions)
t.test('should support fallback value if file does not exist', function() {
const assertFallback = { a: 1 }
let cache = createCache()
fsSync.readFileSync.throws(new Error('asdf'))
cache._parseCacheData = spy()
let output = cache.getSync('bla', assertFallback)
assert.strictEqual(output, assertFallback)
t.test('parser error should propogate', async function() {
const assertError = new Error('Hello')
let cache = createCache()
cache._parseCacheData = spy().throws(assertError)
assert.throws(function() {
}, assertError)
t.describe('#set()', function() {
t.test('should call promise writeFile', async function() {
const assertKey = 'asdf1234'
const assertInput = { hello: 'world' }
const assertContent = JSON.stringify(assertInput)
let cache = createCache()
cache._parseSetData = spy().returns(assertContent)
await cache.set(assertKey, assertInput)
assert.strictEqual(fsPromises.writeFile.firstCall[0], path.join(cache.cache_dir, cache.hash(assertKey)))
assert.strictEqual(fsPromises.writeFile.firstCall[1], assertContent)
assert.strictEqual(fsPromises.writeFile.firstCall[2]?.encoding, 'utf8')
assert.ok(cache._parseSetData.firstCall[0], assertInput)
t.test('should pass extra options to the parser', async function() {
const assertOptions = { a: 1 }
let cache = createCache()
cache._parseSetData = spy()
await cache.set('asdf', null, assertOptions)
assert.ok(cache._parseSetData.firstCall[1], assertOptions)
t.test('should pass extra options to the parser', async function() {
const assertEncoding = 'asdf'
let cache = createCache()
await cache.set('asdf', null, { encoding: assertEncoding })
assert.strictEqual(fsPromises.writeFile.firstCall[2]?.encoding, assertEncoding)
t.test('parse error should reject properly', async function() {
const assertError = new Error('what is up')
let cache = createCache()
cache._parseSetData = spy().throws(assertError)
// make sure it's properly promise wrapped
let inbetween = cache.set('asdf')
let err = await assert.isRejected(inbetween)
assert.strictEqual(err, assertError)
t.describe('#setSync()', function() {
t.test('should call sync writeFileSync', function() {
const assertKey = 'asdf1234'
const assertInput = { hello: 'world' }
const assertContent = JSON.stringify(assertInput)
let cache = createCache()
cache._parseSetData = spy().returns(assertContent)
cache.setSync(assertKey, assertInput)
assert.strictEqual(fsSync.writeFileSync.firstCall[0], path.join(cache.cache_dir, cache.hash(assertKey)))
assert.strictEqual(fsSync.writeFileSync.firstCall[1], assertContent)
assert.strictEqual(fsSync.writeFileSync.firstCall[2]?.encoding, 'utf8')
assert.ok(cache._parseSetData.firstCall[0], assertInput)
t.test('should pass extra options to the parser', function() {
const assertOptions = { a: 1 }
let cache = createCache()
cache._parseSetData = spy()
cache.setSync('asdf', null, assertOptions)
assert.ok(cache._parseSetData.firstCall[1], assertOptions)
t.test('should pass extra options to the parser', function() {
const assertEncoding = 'asdf'
let cache = createCache()
cache.setSync('asdf', null, { encoding: assertEncoding })
assert.strictEqual(fsSync.writeFileSync.firstCall[2]?.encoding, assertEncoding)
t.test('parse error should throw', function() {
const assertError = new Error('what is up')
let cache = createCache()
cache._parseSetData = spy().throws(assertError)
assert.throws(function() {
}, assertError)

test/helper.mjs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
import { spy } from 'eltro'
export function fakeFsSync() {
return {
mkdirSync: spy(),
readFileSync: spy(),
writeFileSync: spy(),
export function fakeFsPromises() {
return {
readFile: spy().resolves(),
writeFile: spy().resolves(),
export function fakeFs() {
return {
fsSync: fakeFsSync(),
fsPromises: fakeFsPromises(),

test/temp/.gitkeep Normal file
View file

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@