examples: remove a few already migrated with tests

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Ong 2013-12-30 22:23:04 -08:00
parent 26f0d16644
commit 5e74f73c93
3 changed files with 0 additions and 119 deletions

View File

@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
var koa = require('..');
var app = koa();
var tobi = {
_id: '123',
name: 'tobi',
species: 'ferret'
var loki = {
_id: '321',
name: 'loki',
species: 'ferret'
var users = {
tobi: tobi,
loki: loki
// content negotiation middleware.
// note that you should always check for
// presence of a body, and sometimes you
// may want to check the type, as it may
// be a stream, buffer, string, etc.
app.use(function *(next){
yield next;
// responses vary on accepted type
this.status = 'bad request';
// no body? nothing to format, early return
if (!this.body) return;
// accepts json, koa handles this for us,
// so just return
if (this.accepts('json')) return;
// accepts xml
if (this.accepts('xml')) {
this.type = 'xml';
this.body = '<name>' + this.body.name + '</name>';
// accepts html
if (this.accepts('html')) {
this.type = 'html';
this.body = '<h1>' + this.body.name + '</h1>';
// default to text
this.body = this.body.name;
// filter responses, in this case remove ._id
// since it's private
app.use(function *(next){
yield next;
if (!this.body) return;
delete this.body._id;
// try $ GET /tobi
// try $ GET /loki
app.use(function *(){
var name = this.path.slice(1);
var user = users[name];
this.body = user;

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
var views = require('co-views');
var koa = require('..');
var app = koa();
// setup views
var render = views('examples/templates', {
ext: 'ejs'
// dummy data
var user = {
name: {
first: 'Tobi',
last: 'Holowaychuk'
species: 'ferret',
age: 3
// logger
app.use(function *logger(next){
var start = new Date;
yield next;
var ms = new Date - start;
console.log('%s %s - %s', this.method, this.url, ms);
// render
app.use(function *(){
this.body = yield render('user', { user: user });

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
<p><%= user.name.first %> is a <%= user.age %> year old <%= user.species %>.</p>