'use strict'; const request = require('supertest'); const assert = require('assert'); const Koa = require('../..'); describe('app', () => { it('should handle socket errors', done => { const app = new Koa(); app.use((ctx, next) => { // triggers ctx.socket.writable == false ctx.socket.emit('error', new Error('boom')); }); app.on('error', err => { assert.equal(err.message, 'boom'); done(); }); request(app.callback()) .get('/') .end(() => {}); }); it('should not .writeHead when !socket.writable', done => { const app = new Koa(); app.use((ctx, next) => { // set .writable to false ctx.socket.writable = false; ctx.status = 204; // throw if .writeHead or .end is called ctx.res.writeHead = ctx.res.end = () => { throw new Error('response sent'); }; }); // hackish, but the response should occur in a single tick setImmediate(done); request(app.callback()) .get('/') .end(() => {}); }); it('should set development env when NODE_ENV missing', () => { const NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV; process.env.NODE_ENV = ''; const app = new Koa(); process.env.NODE_ENV = NODE_ENV; assert.equal(app.env, 'development'); }); it('should set env from the constructor', () => { const env = 'custom'; const app = new Koa({ env }); assert.strictEqual(app.env, env); }); it('should set proxy flag from the constructor', () => { const proxy = true; const app = new Koa({ proxy }); assert.strictEqual(app.proxy, proxy); }); it('should set signed cookie keys from the constructor', () => { const keys = ['customkey']; const app = new Koa({ keys }); assert.strictEqual(app.keys, keys); }); it('should set subdomainOffset from the constructor', () => { const subdomainOffset = 3; const app = new Koa({ subdomainOffset }); assert.strictEqual(app.subdomainOffset, subdomainOffset); }); });