## Writing Middleware Koa middleware are simple functions which return a `GeneratorFunction`, and accept another. When the middleware is run by an "upstream" middleware, it must manually `yield` to the "downstream" middleware. For example if you wanted to track how long it takes for a request to propagate through Koa by adding an `X-Response-Time` header field the middleware would look like the following: ```js function responseTime(next){ return function *(){ var start = new Date; yield next; var ms = new Date - start; this.set('X-Response-Time', ms + 'ms'); } } app.use(responseTime); ``` Here's another way to write the same thing, inline: ```js app.use(function(next){ return function *(){ var start = new Date; yield next; var ms = new Date - start; this.set('X-Response-Time', ms + 'ms'); } }); ``` If you're a front-end developer you can think any code before `yield next;` as the "capture" phase, while any code after is the "bubble" phase. This crude gif illustrates how ES6 generators allow us to properly utilize stack flow to implement request and response flows: ![koa middleware](https://i.cloudup.com/N7L5UakJo0.gif) 1. Create a date to track duration 2. Yield control to the next middleware 3. Create another date to track response time 4. Yield control to the next middleware 5. Yield immediately since `contentLength` only works with responses 6. Yield upstream to Koa's noop middleware 7. Ignore setting the body unless the path is "/" 8. Set the response to "Hello World" 9. Ignore setting Content-Length when no body is present 10. Set the field 11. Output log line 12. Set `X-Response-Time` header field before response 13. Hand off to Koa to handle the response Next we'll look at the best practices for creating Koa middleware. ## Middleware Best Practices This section covers middleware authoring best practices, such as middleware accepting options, named middleware for debugging, among others. ### Middleware options When creating public middleware it's useful to conform to the convention of wrapping the middleware in a function that accepts options, allowing users to extend functionality. Even if your middleware accepts _no_ options, this is still a good idea to keep things uniform. Here our contrived `logger` middleware accepts a `format` string for customization, and returns the middleware itself: ```js function logger(format){ format = format || ':method ":url"'; return function(next){ return function *(){ var str = format .replace(':method', this.method) .replace(':url', this.url); console.log(str); yield next; } } } app.use(logger()); app.use(logger(':method :url')); ``` ### Named middleware Naming middleware is optional, however it's useful for debugging purposes to assign a name. ```js function logger(format){ return function(next){ return function *logger(){ // ^-- name this guy } } } ```