'use strict'; const request = require('../helpers/context').request; const assert = require('assert'); describe('req.host', function(){ it('should return host with port', function(){ const req = request(); req.header.host = 'foo.com:3000'; req.host.should.equal('foo.com:3000'); }) describe('with no host present', function(){ it('should return ""', function(){ const req = request(); assert.equal(req.host, ''); }) }) describe('when X-Forwarded-Host is present', function(){ describe('and proxy is not trusted', function(){ it('should be ignored', function(){ const req = request(); req.header['x-forwarded-host'] = 'bar.com'; req.header['host'] = 'foo.com'; req.host.should.equal('foo.com'); }) }) describe('and proxy is trusted', function(){ it('should be used', function(){ const req = request(); req.app.proxy = true; req.header['x-forwarded-host'] = 'bar.com, baz.com'; req.header['host'] = 'foo.com'; req.host.should.equal('bar.com'); }) }) }) })