var response = require('../response'); var assert = require('assert'); var fs = require('fs'); describe('res.body=', function(){ describe('when Content-Type is set', function(){ it('should not override', function(){ var res = response(); res.type = 'png'; res.body = new Buffer('something'); assert('image/png' == res.header['content-type']); }) describe('when body is an object', function(){ it('should override as json', function(){ var res = response(); res.body = 'hey'; assert('text/html; charset=utf-8' == res.header['content-type']); res.body = { foo: 'bar' }; assert('application/json' == res.header['content-type']); }) }) it('should override length', function(){ var res = response(); res.type = 'html'; res.body = 'something'; res.length.should.equal(9); }) }) describe('when a string is given', function(){ it('should default to text', function(){ var res = response(); res.body = 'Tobi'; assert('text/plain; charset=utf-8' == res.header['content-type']); }) it('should set length', function(){ var res = response(); res.body = 'Tobi'; assert('4' == res.header['content-length']); }) }) describe('when an html string is given', function(){ it('should default to html', function(){ var res = response(); res.body = '


'; assert('text/html; charset=utf-8' == res.header['content-type']); }) it('should set length', function(){ var string = '


'; var res = response(); res.body = string; assert.equal(res.length, Buffer.byteLength(string)); }) it('should set length when body is overriden', function(){ var string = '


'; var res = response(); res.body = string; res.body = string + string; assert.equal(res.length, 2 * Buffer.byteLength(string)); }) }) describe('when a stream is given', function(){ it('should default to an octet stream', function(){ var res = response(); res.body = fs.createReadStream('LICENSE'); assert('application/octet-stream' == res.header['content-type']); }) }) describe('when a buffer is given', function(){ it('should default to an octet stream', function(){ var res = response(); res.body = new Buffer('hey'); assert('application/octet-stream' == res.header['content-type']); }) it('should set length', function(){ var res = response(); res.body = new Buffer('Tobi'); assert('4' == res.header['content-length']); }) }) describe('when an object is given', function(){ it('should default to json', function(){ var res = response(); res.body = { foo: 'bar' }; assert('application/json' == res.header['content-type']); }) }) })