# Response A Koa `Response` object is an abstraction on top of node's vanilla response object, providing additional functionality that is useful for every day HTTP server development. ## API ### response.header Response header object. ### response.headers Response header object. Alias as `response.header`. ### response.socket Request socket. ### response.status Get response status. By default, `response.status` is not set unlike node's `res.statusCode` which defaults to `200`. ### response.status= Set response status via numeric code: - 100 "continue" - 101 "switching protocols" - 102 "processing" - 200 "ok" - 201 "created" - 202 "accepted" - 203 "non-authoritative information" - 204 "no content" - 205 "reset content" - 206 "partial content" - 207 "multi-status" - 300 "multiple choices" - 301 "moved permanently" - 302 "moved temporarily" - 303 "see other" - 304 "not modified" - 305 "use proxy" - 307 "temporary redirect" - 400 "bad request" - 401 "unauthorized" - 402 "payment required" - 403 "forbidden" - 404 "not found" - 405 "method not allowed" - 406 "not acceptable" - 407 "proxy authentication required" - 408 "request time-out" - 409 "conflict" - 410 "gone" - 411 "length required" - 412 "precondition failed" - 413 "request entity too large" - 414 "request-uri too large" - 415 "unsupported media type" - 416 "requested range not satisfiable" - 417 "expectation failed" - 418 "i'm a teapot" - 422 "unprocessable entity" - 423 "locked" - 424 "failed dependency" - 425 "unordered collection" - 426 "upgrade required" - 428 "precondition required" - 429 "too many requests" - 431 "request header fields too large" - 500 "internal server error" - 501 "not implemented" - 502 "bad gateway" - 503 "service unavailable" - 504 "gateway time-out" - 505 "http version not supported" - 506 "variant also negotiates" - 507 "insufficient storage" - 509 "bandwidth limit exceeded" - 510 "not extended" - 511 "network authentication required" __NOTE__: don't worry too much about memorizing these strings, if you have a typo an error will be thrown, displaying this list so you can make a correction. ### response.message Get response status message. By default, `response.message` is associated with `response.status`. ### response.message= Set response status message to the given value. ### response.length= Set response Content-Length to the given value. ### response.length Return response Content-Length as a number when present, or deduce from `this.body` when possible, or `undefined`. ### response.body Get response body. ### response.body= Set response body to one of the following: - `string` written - `Buffer` written - `Stream` piped - `Object` json-stringified - `null` no content response If `response.status` has not been set, Koa will automatically set the status to `200` or `204`. #### String The Content-Type is defaulted to text/html or text/plain, both with a default charset of utf-8. The Content-Length field is also set. #### Buffer The Content-Type is defaulted to application/octet-stream, and Content-Length is also set. #### Stream The Content-Type is defaulted to application/octet-stream. #### Object The Content-Type is defaulted to application/json. ### response.get(field) Get a response header field value with case-insensitive `field`. ```js const etag = this.get('ETag'); ``` ### response.set(field, value) Set response header `field` to `value`: ```js this.set('Cache-Control', 'no-cache'); ``` ### response.append(field, value) Append additional header `field` with value `val`. ```js this.append('Link', ''); ``` ### response.set(fields) Set several response header `fields` with an object: ```js this.set({ 'Etag': '1234', 'Last-Modified': date }); ``` ### response.remove(field) Remove header `field`. ### response.type Get response `Content-Type` void of parameters such as "charset". ```js const ct = this.type; // => "image/png" ``` ### response.type= Set response `Content-Type` via mime string or file extension. ```js this.type = 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'; this.type = 'image/png'; this.type = '.png'; this.type = 'png'; ``` Note: when appropriate a `charset` is selected for you, for example `response.type = 'html'` will default to "utf-8", however when explicitly defined in full as `response.type = 'text/html'` no charset is assigned. ### response.is(types...) Very similar to `this.request.is()`. Check whether the response type is one of the supplied types. This is particularly useful for creating middleware that manipulate responses. For example, this is a middleware that minifies all HTML responses except for streams. ```js const minify = require('html-minifier'); app.use(function *minifyHTML(next){ yield next; if (!this.response.is('html')) return; const body = this.body; if (!body || body.pipe) return; if (Buffer.isBuffer(body)) body = body.toString(); this.body = minify(body); }); ``` ### response.redirect(url, [alt]) Perform a [302] redirect to `url`. The string "back" is special-cased to provide Referrer support, when Referrer is not present `alt` or "/" is used. ```js this.redirect('back'); this.redirect('back', '/index.html'); this.redirect('/login'); this.redirect('http://google.com'); ``` To alter the default status of `302`, simply assign the status before or after this call. To alter the body, assign it after this call: ```js this.status = 301; this.redirect('/cart'); this.body = 'Redirecting to shopping cart'; ``` ### response.attachment([filename]) Set `Content-Disposition` to "attachment" to signal the client to prompt for download. Optionally specify the `filename` of the download. ### response.headerSent Check if a response header has already been sent. Useful for seeing if the client may be notified on error. ### response.lastModified Return the `Last-Modified` header as a `Date`, if it exists. ### response.lastModified= Set the `Last-Modified` header as an appropriate UTC string. You can either set it as a `Date` or date string. ```js this.response.lastModified = new Date(); ``` ### response.etag= Set the ETag of a response including the wrapped `"`s. Note that there is no corresponding `response.etag` getter. ```js this.response.etag = crypto.createHash('md5').update(this.body).digest('hex'); ``` ### response.vary(field) Vary on `field`. ### response.flushHeaders() Flush any set headers, and begin the body.