var _context = require('../lib/context'); var request = require('supertest'); var assert = require('assert'); var koa = require('..'); var fs = require('fs'); function Context(app, req, res) { = app; this.req = req; this.res = res; } Context.prototype = _context; function context(req, res) { req = req || { headers: {} }; res = res || { _headers: {} }; res.setHeader = function(k, v){ res._headers[k.toLowerCase()] = v }; var ctx = new Context({}, req, res); return ctx; } describe('ctx.body=', function(){ describe('when Content-Type is set', function(){ it('should not override', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.type = 'png'; ctx.body = new Buffer('something'); assert('image/png' == ctx.responseHeader['content-type']); }) it('should override length', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.type = 'html'; ctx.body = 'something'; assert.equal(ctx.responseLength, 9); }) }) describe('when a string is given', function(){ it('should default to text', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.body = 'Tobi'; assert('text/plain; charset=utf-8' == ctx.responseHeader['content-type']); }) it('should set length', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.body = 'Tobi'; assert('4' == ctx.responseHeader['content-length']); }) }) describe('when an html string is given', function(){ it('should default to html', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.body = '


'; assert('text/html; charset=utf-8' == ctx.responseHeader['content-type']); }) it('should set length', function(){ var string = '


'; var ctx = context(); ctx.body = string; assert.equal(ctx.responseLength, Buffer.byteLength(string)); }) it('should set length when body is overriden', function(){ var string = '


'; var ctx = context(); ctx.body = string; ctx.body = string + string; assert.equal(ctx.responseLength, 2 * Buffer.byteLength(string)); }) }) describe('when a stream is given', function(){ it('should default to an octet stream', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.body = fs.createReadStream('LICENSE'); assert('application/octet-stream' == ctx.responseHeader['content-type']); }) }) describe('when a buffer is given', function(){ it('should default to an octet stream', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.body = new Buffer('hey'); assert('application/octet-stream' == ctx.responseHeader['content-type']); }) it('should set length', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.body = new Buffer('Tobi'); assert('4' == ctx.responseHeader['content-length']); }) }) describe('when an object is given', function(){ it('should default to json', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.body = { foo: 'bar' }; assert('application/json' == ctx.responseHeader['content-type']); }) }) }) describe('ctx.error(msg)', function(){ it('should set .status to 500', function(done){ var ctx = context(); try { ctx.error('boom'); } catch (err) { assert(500 == err.status); done(); } }) }) describe('ctx.error(msg, status)', function(){ it('should throw an error', function(done){ var ctx = context(); try { ctx.error('name required', 400); } catch (err) { assert('name required' == err.message); assert(400 == err.status); done(); } }) }) describe('ctx.error(status)', function(){ it('should throw an error', function(done){ var ctx = context(); try { ctx.error(400); } catch (err) { assert('Bad Request' == err.message); assert(400 == err.status); done(); } }) }) describe('ctx.length', function(){ describe('when Content-Length is defined', function(){ it('should return a number', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.header['content-length'] = '120'; ctx.length.should.equal(120); }) }) }) describe('ctx.responseLength', function(){ describe('when Content-Length is defined', function(){ it('should return a number', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.set('Content-Length', '1024'); ctx.responseLength.should.equal(1024); }) }) describe('when Content-Length is not defined', function(){ describe('and a .body is set', function(){ it('should return a number', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.body = 'foo'; ctx.responseLength.should.equal(3); ctx.body = new Buffer('foo'); ctx.responseLength.should.equal(3); }) }) describe('and .body is not', function(){ it('should return undefined', function(){ var ctx = context(); assert(null == ctx.responseLength); }) }) }) }) describe('ctx.header', function(){ it('should return the request header object', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.header.should.equal(ctx.req.headers); }) }) describe('ctx.protocol', function(){ describe('when encrypted', function(){ it('should return "https"', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.req.socket = { encrypted: true }; ctx.protocol.should.equal('https'); }) }) describe('when unencrypted', function(){ it('should return "http"', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.req.socket = {}; ctx.protocol.should.equal('http'); }) }) describe('when X-Forwarded-Proto is set', function(){ describe('and proxy is trusted', function(){ it('should be used', function(){ var ctx = context(); = true; ctx.req.socket = {}; ctx.header['x-forwarded-proto'] = 'https, http'; ctx.protocol.should.equal('https'); }) }) describe('and proxy is not trusted', function(){ it('should not be used', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.req.socket = {}; ctx.header['x-forwarded-proto'] = 'https, http'; ctx.protocol.should.equal('http'); }) }) }) }) describe('', function(){ it('should return true when encrypted', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.req.socket = { encrypted: true };; }) }) describe('', function(){ it('should return host void of port', function(){ var ctx = context(); = '';''); }) describe('when X-Forwarded-Host is present', function(){ describe('and proxy is not trusted', function(){ it('should be ignored', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.header['x-forwarded-host'] = ''; ctx.header['host'] = '';'') }) }) describe('and proxy is trusted', function(){ it('should be used', function(){ var ctx = context(); = true; ctx.header['x-forwarded-host'] = ','; ctx.header['host'] = '';'') }) }) }) }) describe('ctx.status=', function(){ describe('when a status string', function(){ describe('and valid', function(){ it('should set the status', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.status = 'forbidden'; ctx.status.should.equal(403); }) it('should be case-insensitive', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.status = 'ForBidden'; ctx.status.should.equal(403); }) }) describe('and invalid', function(){ it('should throw', function(){ var ctx = context(); var err; try { ctx.status = 'maru'; } catch (e) { err = e; } assert(err); }) }) }) function strip(status) { it('should strip content related header fields', function(done){ var app = koa(); app.use(function(next){ return function *(){ this.body = { foo: 'bar' }; this.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'); this.set('Content-Length', '15'); this.set('Transfer-Encoding', 'chunked'); this.status = status; assert(null == this.responseHeader['content-type']); assert(null == this.responseHeader['content-length']); assert(null == this.responseHeader['transfer-encoding']); } }); request(app.listen()) .get('/') .expect(status) .end(done); }) } describe('when 204', function(){ strip(204); }) describe('when 304', function(){ strip(304); }) }) describe('ctx.stale', function(){ it('should be the inverse of ctx.fresh', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.status = 200; ctx.req.method = 'GET'; ctx.req.headers['if-none-match'] = '123'; ctx.res._headers['etag'] = '123';;; }) }) describe('ctx.fresh', function(){ describe('the response is non-2xx', function(){ it('should return false', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.status = 404; ctx.req.method = 'GET'; ctx.req.headers['if-none-match'] = '123'; ctx.res._headers['etag'] = '123';; }) }); describe('the response is 2xx', function(){ describe('and etag matches', function(){ it('should return true', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.status = 200; ctx.req.method = 'GET'; ctx.req.headers['if-none-match'] = '123'; ctx.res._headers['etag'] = '123';; }) }) describe('and etag do not match', function(){ it('should return false', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.status = 200; ctx.req.method = 'GET'; ctx.req.headers['if-none-match'] = '123'; ctx.res._headers['etag'] = 'hey';; }) }) }) }) describe('ctx.accepted', function(){ describe('when Accept is populated', function(){ it('should return accepted types', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.req.headers.accept = 'application/*;q=0.2, image/jpeg;q=0.8, text/html, text/plain'; ctx.accepted.should.eql(['text/plain', 'text/html', 'image/jpeg', 'application/*']); }) }) describe('when Accept is not populated', function(){ it('should return an empty array', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.accepted.should.eql([]); }) }) }) describe('ctx.vary(field)', function(){ describe('when Vary is not set', function(){ it('should set it', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.vary('Accept'); ctx.responseHeader.vary.should.equal('Accept'); }) }) describe('when Vary is set', function(){ it('should append', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.vary('Accept'); ctx.vary('Accept-Encoding'); ctx.responseHeader.vary.should.equal('Accept, Accept-Encoding'); }) }) describe('when Vary already contains the value', function(){ it('should not append', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.vary('Accept'); ctx.vary('Accept-Encoding'); ctx.vary('Accept'); ctx.vary('Accept-Encoding'); ctx.responseHeader.vary.should.equal('Accept, Accept-Encoding'); }) }) }) describe('ctx.accepts(types)', function(){ describe('with no types', function(){ it('should return false', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.accepts(''); }) }) describe('when extensions are given', function(){ it('should convert to mime types', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.req.headers.accept = 'text/plain, text/html'; ctx.accepts('html').should.equal('html'); ctx.accepts('.html').should.equal('.html'); ctx.accepts('txt').should.equal('txt'); ctx.accepts('.txt').should.equal('.txt'); ctx.accepts('png'); }) }) describe('when an array is given', function(){ it('should return the first match', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.req.headers.accept = 'text/plain, text/html'; ctx.accepts(['png', 'text', 'html']).should.equal('text'); ctx.accepts(['png', 'html']).should.equal('html'); }) }) describe('when multiple arguments are given', function(){ it('should return the first match', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.req.headers.accept = 'text/plain, text/html'; ctx.accepts('png', 'text', 'html').should.equal('text'); ctx.accepts('png', 'html').should.equal('html'); }) }) describe('when present in Accept as an exact match', function(){ it('should return the type', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.req.headers.accept = 'text/plain, text/html'; ctx.accepts('text/html').should.equal('text/html'); ctx.accepts('text/plain').should.equal('text/plain'); }) }) describe('when present in Accept as a type match', function(){ it('should return the type', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.req.headers.accept = 'application/json, */*'; ctx.accepts('text/html').should.equal('text/html'); ctx.accepts('text/plain').should.equal('text/plain'); ctx.accepts('image/png').should.equal('image/png'); }) }) describe('when present in Accept as a subtype match', function(){ it('should return the type', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.req.headers.accept = 'application/json, text/*'; ctx.accepts('text/html').should.equal('text/html'); ctx.accepts('text/plain').should.equal('text/plain'); ctx.accepts('image/png'); }) }) }) describe('ctx.acceptedLanguages', function(){ describe('when Accept-Language is populated', function(){ it('should return accepted types', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.req.headers['accept-language'] = 'en;q=0.8, es, pt'; ctx.acceptedLanguages.should.eql(['pt', 'es', 'en']); }) }) describe('when Accept-Language is not populated', function(){ it('should return an empty array', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.acceptedLanguages.should.eql([]); }) }) }) describe('ctx.acceptedCharsets', function(){ describe('when Accept-Charset is populated', function(){ it('should return accepted types', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.req.headers['accept-charset'] = 'utf-8, iso-8859-1;q=0.2, utf-7;q=0.5'; ctx.acceptedCharsets.should.eql(['utf-8', 'utf-7', 'iso-8859-1']); }) }) describe('when Accept-Charset is not populated', function(){ it('should return an empty array', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.acceptedCharsets.should.eql([]); }) }) }) describe('ctx.acceptedEncodings', function(){ describe('when Accept-Encoding is populated', function(){ it('should return accepted types', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.req.headers['accept-encoding'] = 'gzip, compress;q=0.2'; ctx.acceptedEncodings.should.eql(['gzip', 'compress', 'identity']); }) }) describe('when Accept-Encoding is not populated', function(){ it('should return identity', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.acceptedEncodings.should.eql(['identity']); }) }) }) describe('ctx.path', function(){ it('should return the pathname', function(){ var ctx = new Context(null, { url: '/login?next=/dashboard' }); ctx.path.should.equal('/login'); }) }) describe('ctx.path=', function(){ it('should set the pathname', function(){ var ctx = new Context(null, { url: '/login?next=/dashboard' }); ctx.path = '/logout'; ctx.path.should.equal('/logout'); ctx.url.should.equal('/logout?next=/dashboard'); }) }) describe('ctx.get(name)', function(){ it('should return the field value', function(){ var req = { headers: { 'host': '' } }; var ctx = new Context(null, req); ctx.get('HOST').should.equal(''); ctx.get('Host').should.equal(''); ctx.get('host').should.equal(''); }) }) describe('ctx.set(name, val)', function(){ it('should set a field value', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.set('x-foo', 'bar'); ctx.responseHeader['x-foo'].should.equal('bar'); }) it('should coerce to a string', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.set('x-foo', 5); ctx.responseHeader['x-foo'].should.equal('5'); }) }) describe('ctx.set(object)', function(){ it('should set multiple fields', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.set({ foo: '1', bar: '2' });'1');'2'); }) }) describe('ctx.query', function(){ describe('when missing', function(){ it('should return an empty object', function(){ var ctx = context({ url: '/' }); ctx.query.should.eql({}); }) }) it('should return a parsed query-string', function(){ var ctx = context({ url: '/?page=2' });'2'); }) }) describe('ctx.query=', function(){ it('should stringify and replace the querystring', function(){ var ctx = context({ url: '/store/shoes' }); ctx.query = { page: 2, color: 'blue' }; ctx.url.should.equal('/store/shoes?page=2&color=blue'); ctx.querystring.should.equal('page=2&color=blue'); }) }) describe('ctx.querystring=', function(){ it('should replace the querystring', function(){ var ctx = context({ url: '/store/shoes' }); ctx.querystring = 'page=2&color=blue'; ctx.url.should.equal('/store/shoes?page=2&color=blue'); ctx.querystring.should.equal('page=2&color=blue'); }) }) describe('ctx.type=', function(){ describe('with a mime', function(){ it('should set the Content-Type', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.type = 'text/plain'; ctx.responseHeader['content-type'].should.equal('text/plain'); }) }) describe('with an extension', function(){ it('should lookup the mime', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.type = 'json'; ctx.responseHeader['content-type'].should.equal('application/json'); }) }) }) describe('ctx.type', function(){ describe('with no Content-Type', function(){ it('should return null', function(){ var ctx = context(); assert(null == ctx.type); }) }) describe('with a Content-Type', function(){ it('should return the mime', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.req.headers['content-type'] = 'text/html; charset=utf8'; ctx.type.should.equal('text/html'); }) }) }) describe('', function(){ it('should ignore params', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.header['content-type'] = 'text/html; charset=utf-8';'text/*'); }) describe('given a mime', function(){ it('should check the type', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.header['content-type'] = 'image/png';'image/png');'image/*');'*/png');'image/jpeg');'text/*');'*/jpeg'); }) }) describe('given an extension', function(){ it('should check the type', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.header['content-type'] = 'image/png';'png');'.png');'jpeg');'.jpeg'); }) }) }) describe('ctx.attachment([filename])', function(){ describe('when given a filename', function(){ it('should set the filename param', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.attachment('path/to/tobi.png'); var str = 'attachment; filename="tobi.png"'; ctx.responseHeader['content-disposition'].should.equal(str); }) }) describe('when omitting filename', function(){ it('should not set filename param', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.attachment(); ctx.responseHeader['content-disposition'].should.equal('attachment'); }) }) }) describe('ctx.redirect(url)', function(){ it('should redirect to the given url', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.redirect(''); ctx.responseHeader.location.should.equal(''); ctx.status.should.equal(302); }) describe('with "back"', function(){ it('should redirect to Referrer', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.req.headers.referrer = '/login'; ctx.redirect('back'); ctx.responseHeader.location.should.equal('/login'); }) it('should redirect to Referer', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.req.headers.referer = '/login'; ctx.redirect('back'); ctx.responseHeader.location.should.equal('/login'); }) it('should default to alt', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.redirect('back', '/index.html'); ctx.responseHeader.location.should.equal('/index.html'); }) it('should default redirect to /', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.redirect('back'); ctx.responseHeader.location.should.equal('/'); }) }) describe('when html is accepted', function(){ it('should respond with html', function(){ var ctx = context(); var url = ''; ctx.header.accept = 'text/html'; ctx.redirect(url); ctx.responseHeader['content-type'].should.equal('text/html; charset=utf-8'); ctx.body.should.equal('Redirecting to ' + url + '.'); }) it('should escape the url', function(){ var ctx = context(); var url = '