/** * Module dependencies. */ var debug = require('debug')('koa:application'); var onFinished = require('finished'); var Emitter = require('events').EventEmitter; var compose = require('koa-compose'); var context = require('./context'); var request = require('./request'); var response = require('./response'); var Cookies = require('cookies'); var accepts = require('accepts'); var assert = require('assert'); var http = require('http'); var co = require('co'); /** * Application prototype. */ var app = Application.prototype; /** * Expose `Application`. */ exports = module.exports = Application; /** * Initialize a new `Application`. * * @api public */ function Application() { if (!(this instanceof Application)) return new Application; this.env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'; this.on('error', this.onerror); this.outputErrors = 'test' != this.env; this.subdomainOffset = 2; this.poweredBy = true; this.jsonSpaces = 2; this.middleware = []; this.context = Object.create(context); this.request = Object.create(request); this.response = Object.create(response); } /** * Inherit from `Emitter.prototype`. */ Application.prototype.__proto__ = Emitter.prototype; /** * Shorthand for: * * http.createServer(app.callback()).listen(...) * * @param {Mixed} ... * @return {Server} * @api public */ app.listen = function(){ debug('listen'); var server = http.createServer(this.callback()); return server.listen.apply(server, arguments); }; /** * Use the given middleware `fn`. * * @param {GeneratorFunction} fn * @return {Application} self * @api public */ app.use = function(fn){ assert('GeneratorFunction' == fn.constructor.name, 'app.use() requires a generator function'); debug('use %s', fn._name || fn.name || '-'); this.middleware.push(fn); return this; }; /** * Return a request handler callback * for node's native http server. * * @return {Function} * @api public */ app.callback = function(){ var mw = [respond].concat(this.middleware); var gen = compose(mw); var fn = co(gen); var self = this; return function(req, res){ var ctx = self.createContext(req, res); onFinished(ctx, ctx.onerror); fn.call(ctx, ctx.onerror); } }; /** * Set signed cookie keys. * * These are passed to [KeyGrip](https://github.com/jed/keygrip), * however you may also pass your own `KeyGrip` instance. For * example the following are acceptable: * * app.keys = ['im a newer secret', 'i like turtle']; * app.keys = new KeyGrip(['im a newer secret', 'i like turtle'], 'sha256'); * * @param {Array|KeyGrip} keys * @api public */ app.__defineSetter__('keys', function(keys){ var ok = keys && (Array.isArray(keys) || (keys.constructor && keys.constructor.name === 'Keygrip')); debug('keys %j', keys); if (!ok) throw new TypeError('app.keys must be an array or Keygrip'); this._keys = keys; }); /** * Get `Keygrip` instance. * * @return {Keygrip} * @api public */ app.__defineGetter__('keys', function(){ return this._keys; }); /** * Initialize a new context. * * @api private */ app.createContext = function(req, res){ var context = Object.create(this.context); var request = context.request = Object.create(this.request); var response = context.response = Object.create(this.response); context.app = request.app = response.app = this; context.req = request.req = response.req = req; context.res = request.res = response.res = res; request.ctx = response.ctx = context; request.response = response; response.request = request; context.onerror = context.onerror.bind(context); context.originalUrl = request.originalUrl = req.url; context.cookies = new Cookies(req, res, this.keys); context.accept = request.accept = accepts(req); return context; }; /** * Default error handler. * * @param {Error} err * @api private */ app.onerror = function(err){ if (!this.outputErrors) return; if (404 == err.status) return; console.error(err.stack); }; /** * Response middleware. */ function *respond(next){ if (this.app.poweredBy) this.set('X-Powered-By', 'koa'); yield *next; if (false === this.respond) return; var res = this.res; if (res.headersSent || !res.socket.writable) return; var body = this.body; var status = this.status = this.status || 404; var head = 'HEAD' == this.method; var noContent = ~[204, 205, 304].indexOf(status); // ignore body if (noContent) return res.end(); // status body if (null == body) { this.type = 'text'; body = http.STATUS_CODES[status]; } // Buffer body if (Buffer.isBuffer(body)) { if (head) return res.end(); return res.end(body); } // string body if ('string' == typeof body) { if (head) return res.end(); return res.end(body); } // Stream body if ('function' == typeof body.pipe) { if (!~body.listeners('error').indexOf(this.onerror)) body.on('error', this.onerror); if (head) { if (body.close) body.close(); return res.end(); } return body.pipe(res); } // body: json body = JSON.stringify(body, null, this.app.jsonSpaces); this.length = Buffer.byteLength(body); if (head) return res.end(); res.end(body); }