var request = require('../request'); describe('req.protocol', function(){ describe('when encrypted', function(){ it('should return "https"', function(){ var req = request(); req.req.socket = { encrypted: true }; req.protocol.should.equal('https'); }) }) describe('when unencrypted', function(){ it('should return "http"', function(){ var req = request(); req.req.socket = {}; req.protocol.should.equal('http'); }) }) describe('when X-Forwarded-Proto is set', function(){ describe('and proxy is trusted', function(){ it('should be used', function(){ var req = request(); = true; req.req.socket = {}; req.header['x-forwarded-proto'] = 'https, http'; req.protocol.should.equal('https'); }) }) describe('and proxy is not trusted', function(){ it('should not be used', function(){ var req = request(); req.req.socket = {}; req.header['x-forwarded-proto'] = 'https, http'; req.protocol.should.equal('http'); }) }) }) })