var context = require('../context'); var assert = require('assert'); describe('ctx.type=', function(){ describe('with a mime', function(){ it('should set the Content-Type', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.type = 'text/plain'; ctx.type.should.equal('text/plain'); ctx.response.header['content-type'].should.equal('text/plain'); }) }) describe('with an extension', function(){ it('should lookup the mime', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.type = 'json'; ctx.type.should.equal('application/json'); ctx.response.header['content-type'].should.equal('application/json'); }) }) }) describe('ctx.type', function(){ describe('with no Content-Type', function(){ it('should return null', function(){ var ctx = context(); // TODO: this is lame assert(null == ctx.type); }) }) describe('with a Content-Type', function(){ it('should return the mime', function(){ var ctx = context(); ctx.type = 'json'; ctx.type.should.equal('application/json'); }) }) })