var Stream = require('stream'); var http = require('http'); var koa = require('../../'); var context = require('../context'); describe('ctx.href', function(){ it('should return the full request url', function(){ var socket = new Stream.Duplex(); var req = { url: '/users/1?next=/dashboard', headers: { host: 'localhost' }, socket: socket, __proto__: Stream.Readable.prototype }; var ctx = context(req); ctx.href.should.equal('http://localhost/users/1?next=/dashboard'); // change it also work ctx.url = '/foo/users/1?next=/dashboard'; ctx.href.should.equal('http://localhost/users/1?next=/dashboard'); }) it('should work with `GET`', function(done){ var app = koa() app.use(function* (){ this.body = this.href }) app.listen(function(){ var address = this.address() http.get({ host: 'localhost', path: '', port: address.port }, function(res){ res.statusCode.should.equal(200) var buf = '' res.setEncoding('utf8') res.on('data', function(s){ buf += s }) res.on('end', function(){ buf.should.equal('') done() }) }) }) }) })