'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const response = require('../helpers/context').response; describe('res.lastModified', () => { it('should set the header as a UTCString', () => { const res = response(); const date = new Date(); res.lastModified = date; assert.equal(res.header['last-modified'], date.toUTCString()); }); it('should work with date strings', () => { const res = response(); const date = new Date(); res.lastModified = date.toString(); assert.equal(res.header['last-modified'], date.toUTCString()); }); it('should get the header as a Date', () => { // Note: Date() removes milliseconds, but it's practically important. const res = response(); const date = new Date(); res.lastModified = date; assert.equal((res.lastModified.getTime() / 1000), Math.floor(date.getTime() / 1000)); }); describe('when lastModified not set', () => { it('should get undefined', () => { const res = response(); assert.equal(res.lastModified, undefined); }); }); });