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2011-04-02 08:59:18 +00:00
# nconf
A hybrid local / remote configuration storage library for node.js.
## Installation
### Installing npm (node package manager)
curl | sh
### Installing nconf
[sudo] npm install nconf
## Usage
Using nconf is easy; it is designed to be a simple key-value store with support for both local and remote storage. Keys are namespaced and delimited by `:`. Lets dive right into sample usage:
var fs = require('fs'),
nconf = require('nconf');
// Setup nconf to user the 'file' store and set a couple of values;
nconf.use('file', { file: 'path/to/your/config.json' });
nconf.set('database:host', '');
nconf.set('database:port', 5984);
// Get the entire database object from nconf
var database = nconf.get('database');
// Save the configuration object to disk
// (err) {
fs.readFile('path/to/your/config.json', function (err, data) {
## Storage Engines
### Memory
### File
### Redis
## More Documentation
## Run Tests
Tests are written in vows and give complete coverage of all APIs and storage engines.
vows test/*-test.js --spec
#### Author: [Charlie Robbins](