import fs from 'fs' import path from 'path' import { Eltro as t, assert} from 'eltro' import nconf from '../lib/nconf.js' import * as helpers from './helpers.mjs' t.describe('nconf, When using the nconf', function() { t.test("should have the correct methods set", function() { assert.strictEqual(typeof(nconf.key), 'function') assert.strictEqual(typeof(nconf.path), 'function') assert.strictEqual(typeof(nconf.use), 'function') assert.strictEqual(typeof(nconf.any), 'function') assert.strictEqual(typeof(nconf.get), 'function') assert.strictEqual(typeof(nconf.set), 'function') assert.strictEqual(typeof(nconf.clear), 'function') assert.strictEqual(typeof(nconf.load), 'function') assert.strictEqual(typeof(, 'function') assert.strictEqual(typeof(nconf.reset), 'function') assert.strictEqual(typeof(nconf.required), 'function') }) t.test("the use() method should instaniate the correct store", function() { nconf.use('memory') nconf.load() assert.ok(nconf.stores['memory'] instanceof nconf.Memory) }) t.test("nconf should have the correct version set", function () { let pckg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(helpers.fixture('../../package.json'))) assert.ok(pckg.version) assert.strictEqual(nconf.version, pckg.version) }) t.describe("the required() method", function() { t.test("should throw error with missing keys", function() { nconf.set('foo:bar:bazz', 'buzz') assert.throws(function() { nconf.required(['missing', 'foo:bar:bazz']) }) }) t.test("should return the provider if all required keys exist", function() { var Provider = nconf.Provider nconf.set('foo:bar:bazz', 'buzz') assert.ok(nconf.required(['foo:bar:bazz']) instanceof Provider) }) }) t.describe("with the memory store", function() { t.describe("the set() method", function() { t.test("should respond with true", function() { assert.ok(nconf.set('foo:bar:bazz', 'buzz')) }) t.test("should respond allow access to the root and complain about non-objects", function() { assert.notOk(nconf.set(null, null)) assert.notOk(nconf.set(null, undefined)) assert.notOk(nconf.set(null)) assert.notOk(nconf.set(null, '')) assert.notOk(nconf.set(null, 1)) var original = nconf.get() assert.ok(nconf.set(null, nconf.get())) assert.notStrictEqual(nconf.get(), original) assert.deepEqual(nconf.get(), original) }) }) t.describe("the get() method", function() { t.test("should respond with the correct value without a callback", function() { assert.strictEqual(nconf.get('foo:bar:bazz'), 'buzz') }) t.test("should not step inside strings without a callback", function() { assert.strictEqual(nconf.get('foo:bar:bazz:0'), undefined) }) t.test("should respond with the correct value with a callback", function (done) { nconf.get('foo:bar:bazz', (err, value) => { try { assert.strictEqual(value, 'buzz') done() } catch (leErr) { done(leErr) } }) }) t.test("should respond allow access to the root", function() { assert.ok(nconf.get(null)) assert.ok(nconf.get(undefined)) assert.ok(nconf.get()) }) }) t.describe("the clear() method", function() { t.test("should respond with the true", function() { assert.strictEqual(nconf.get('foo:bar:bazz'), 'buzz') assert.ok(nconf.clear('foo:bar:bazz')) assert.ok(typeof(nconf.get('foo:bar:bazz')) === 'undefined') }) }) t.describe("the load() method", function() { t.test("should respond with the merged store without a callback", function() { assert.deepEqual(nconf.load(), {"foo": {"bar": {}}}) }) t.test("should respond with the merged store", function (done) { nconf.load((err, store) => { try { assert.strictEqual(err, null) assert.deepEqual(store, {"foo": {"bar": {}}}) done() } catch (leErr) { done(leErr) } }) }) }) }) })