import fs from 'fs' import path from 'path' import { spawn } from 'child_process' import { Eltro as t, assert} from 'eltro' import * as helpers from './helpers.mjs' // import nconf from '../lib/nconf-o.mjs' import Nconf from '../lib/nconf.mjs' let files = [ helpers.fixture('merge/file1.json'), helpers.fixture('merge/file2.json'), ]; let override = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(files[0]), 'utf8'); function assertSystemConf(options) { return new Promise(function(res, rej) { let env = null; if (options.env) { env = {} Object.keys(process.env).forEach(function (key) { env[key] = process.env[key]; }); Object.keys(options.env).forEach(function (key) { env[key] = options.env[key]; }); } let child = spawn('node', [options.script].concat(options.argv), {env: env}); child.stdout.once('data', data => { res(data.toString()) }); }) } t.describe('When using nconf', function() { t.test("calling add with the same store type and different options should use the new instance", function() { let nconf = new Nconf() nconf.file({ file: files[0] }) let old = nconf.using.get('file'); assert.ok(old) assert.strictEqual(old.file, files[0]); nconf.file({ file: files[1] }); let newOne = nconf.using.get('file'); assert.notStrictEqual(old, newOne); assert.strictEqual(newOne.file, files[1]); }) /* t.test("respond with correct arg when 'env' is true", async function() { let result = await assertSystemConf({ script: helpers.fixture('scripts/provider-env.mjs'), env: {SOMETHING: 'foobar'} }) assert.strictEqual(result.toString(), 'foobar') }); t.test("respond with correct arg when 'env' is true and 'parseValues' option is true", function() { let env = { SOMETHING: 'foobar', SOMEBOOL: 'true', SOMENULL: 'null', SOMEUNDEF: 'undefined', SOMEINT: '3600', SOMEFLOAT: '0.5', SOMEBAD: '5.1a' }; let oenv = {}; Object.keys(env).forEach(function (key) { if (process.env[key]) oenv[key] = process.env[key]; process.env[key] = env[key]; }); let provider = new nconf.Provider().use('env', {parseValues: true}); Object.keys(env).forEach(function (key) { delete process.env[key]; if (oenv[key]) process.env[key] = oenv[key]; }); assert.strictEqual(provider.get('SOMETHING'), 'foobar'); assert.strictEqual(provider.get('SOMEBOOL'), true); assert.notStrictEqual(provider.get('SOMEBOOL'), 'true'); assert.strictEqual(provider.get('SOMENULL'), null); assert.strictEqual(provider.get('SOMEUNDEF'), undefined); assert.strictEqual(provider.get('SOMEINT'), 3600); assert.strictEqual(provider.get('SOMEFLOAT'), .5); assert.strictEqual(provider.get('SOMEBAD'), '5.1a'); }); t.describe("an instance of 'nconf.Provider'", function() { t.describe("the merge() method", function() { t.test("should have the result merged in", function() { let provider = new nconf.Provider().use('file', {file: files[1]}); provider.load(); provider.merge(override); helpers.assertMerged(null,; assert.strictEqual(, 'file1'); }); t.test("should merge Objects over null", function() { let provider = new nconf.Provider().use('file', {file: files[1]}); provider.load(); provider.merge(override); assert.strictEqual(, true); }); }) t.describe("the load() method", function() { t.test("should respect the hierarchy when sources are passed in", function() { let provider = new nconf.Provider({ sources: { user: { type: 'file', file: files[0] }, global: { type: 'file', file: files[1] } } }); let merged = provider.load(); helpers.assertMerged(null, merged); assert.strictEqual(merged.candy.something, 'file1'); }) t.test("should respect the hierarchy when multiple stores are used", function() { let provider = new nconf.Provider().overrides({foo: {bar: 'baz'}}) .add('file1', {type: 'file', file: files[0]}) .add('file2', {type: 'file', file: files[1]}); let merged = provider.load(); helpers.assertMerged(null, merged); assert.strictEqual(, 'baz'); assert.strictEqual(merged.candy.something, 'file1'); }) }) }) t.describe("the .file() method", function() { t.test("should use the correct File store with a single filepath", function() { let provider = new nconf.Provider(); provider.file(helpers.fixture('store.json')); assert.strictEqual(typeof(provider.stores.file), 'object'); }); t.test("should use the correct File store with a name and a filepath", function() { let provider = new nconf.Provider(); provider.file('custom', helpers.fixture('store.json')); assert.strictEqual(typeof(provider.stores.custom), 'object'); }); t.test("should use the correct File store with a single object", function() { let provider = new nconf.Provider(); provider.file({ dir: helpers.fixture(''), file: 'store.json', search: true }); assert.strictEqual(typeof(provider.stores.file), 'object'); assert.strictEqual(provider.stores.file.file, helpers.fixture('store.json')); }); t.test("should use the correct File store with a name and an object", function() { let provider = new nconf.Provider(); provider.file('custom', { dir: helpers.fixture(''), file: 'store.json', search: true }); assert.strictEqual(typeof(provider.stores.custom), 'object'); assert.strictEqual(provider.stores.custom.file, helpers.fixture('store.json')); })*/ /*t.describe("the any() method", function() { let provider = new nconf.Provider({ type: 'literal', store: { key: "getThisValue" } }) t.describe("without a callback", function() { t.test("should respond with the correct value given an array of keys with one matching", function() { assert.strictEqual(provider.any(["notthis", "orthis", "key"]), 'getThisValue'); }) t.test("should respond with null given an array of keys with no match", function() { assert.strictEqual(provider.any(["notthis", "orthis"]), null); }); t.test("should respond with the correct value given a variable argument list of keys with one matching", function() { assert.strictEqual(provider.any("notthis", "orthis", "key"), 'getThisValue'); }); t.test("should respond with null given no arguments", function() { assert.strictEqual(provider.any(), null); }); }) t.describe("with a callback", function() { t.test("should respond with the correct value given an array of keys with one matching", function(done) { provider.any(["notthis", "orthis", "key"], (err, value) => { assert.strictEqual(value, 'getThisValue'); done(); }); }); t.test("should respond with an undefined value given an array of keys with no match", function(done) { provider.any(["notthis", "orthis"], (err, value) => { assert.strictEqual(value, undefined) done(); }); }); t.test("should respond with the correct value given a variable argument list of keys with one matching", function(done) { provider.any("notthis", "orthis", "key", (err, value) => { assert.strictEqual(value, 'getThisValue'); done(); }); }); t.test("should respond with an undefined value given no keys", function(done) { provider.any((err, value) => { assert.strictEqual(value, undefined) done(); }); }); }) }) })*/ });