import fs from 'fs' import { Eltro as t, assert} from 'eltro' import * as helpers from '../helpers.mjs' import { data } from '../fixtures/data.mjs' import Nconf from '../../lib/nconf.mjs' const fsPromise = fs.promises // let yamlFormat = require('nconf-yaml') t.describe('#load()', function() { let validFile = helpers.fixture('store.json') fs.writeFileSync(validFile, JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)) let malformedFile = helpers.fixture('malformed.json') let bomFile = helpers.fixture('bom.json') let noBomPath = helpers.fixture('no-bom.json') t.test('with valid json should load correctly', function() { let store = new Nconf.File({file: validFile}) store.load() assert.deepStrictEqual(, data) }) t.test('with only file string as option', function() { let store = new Nconf.File(validFile) store.load() assert.deepStrictEqual(, data) }) t.test('malformed JSON should respond with an error and indicate file name', function() { let store = new Nconf.File({file: malformedFile}) assert.throws(() => { store.load() }, /malformed\.json/) }) t.test('with a valid UTF8 JSON file that contains a BOM', function() { let store = new Nconf.File(bomFile) store.load() assert.strictEqual(store.get('port'), 78304) assert.strictEqual(store.get('host'), '') }) t.test('with a valid UTF8 JSON file that contains no BOM', function() { let store = new Nconf.File(noBomPath) store.load() assert.strictEqual(store.get('port'), 78304) assert.strictEqual(store.get('host'), '') }) }) t.describe('#loadAsync()', function() { let validFile = helpers.fixture('store.json') fs.writeFileSync(validFile, JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)) let malformedFile = helpers.fixture('malformed.json') let bomFile = helpers.fixture('bom.json') let noBomPath = helpers.fixture('no-bom.json') t.test('with valid json should load correctly', function() { let store = new Nconf.File({file: validFile}) return store.loadAsync().then(function(newData) { assert.strictEqual(newData, assert.deepStrictEqual(, data) }) }) t.test('with only file string as option', function() { let store = new Nconf.File(validFile) return store.loadAsync().then(function() { assert.deepStrictEqual(, data) }) }) t.test('malformed JSON should respond with an error and indicate file name', function() { let store = new Nconf.File({file: malformedFile}) assert.isRejected(store.loadAsync()).then(function(err) { assert.match(err.message, /malformed\.json/) }) }) t.test('with a valid UTF8 JSON file that contains a BOM', function() { let store = new Nconf.File(bomFile) return store.loadAsync().then(function() { assert.strictEqual(store.get('port'), 78304) assert.strictEqual(store.get('host'), '') }) }) t.test('with a valid UTF8 JSON file that contains no BOM', function() { let store = new Nconf.File(noBomPath) return store.loadAsync().then(function() { assert.strictEqual(store.get('port'), 78304) assert.strictEqual(store.get('host'), '') }) }) }) t.describe('#save()', function() { let testPath = helpers.fixture('tmp.json') let testSecondPath = helpers.fixture('tmp2.json') t.test('should save the data correctly to original file specified', function() { let store = new Nconf.File({file: testPath}) Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) { store.set(key, data[key]) }) assert.strictEqual(, store) let readData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(store.file)) assert.deepStrictEqual(readData, data) }) t.test('should save the data to specified file', function() { let store = new Nconf.File({file: testPath}) Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) { store.set(key, data[key]) }) let readData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(testSecondPath)) assert.deepStrictEqual(readData, data) }) t.after(function() { return Promise.all([ fsPromise.unlink(testPath), fsPromise.unlink(testSecondPath), ]).catch(function() {}) }) }) t.describe('#saveAsync()', function() { let testPath = helpers.fixture('tmp.json') let testSecondPath = helpers.fixture('tmp2.json') t.test('should save the data correctly to original file specified', function() { let store = new Nconf.File({file: testPath}) Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) { store.set(key, data[key]) }) return store.saveAsync().then(function(checkStore) { assert.strictEqual(checkStore, store) return fsPromise.readFile(store.file) }).then(function(readData) { assert.deepStrictEqual(JSON.parse(readData), data) }) }) t.test('should save the data to specified file', function() { let store = new Nconf.File({file: testPath}) Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) { store.set(key, data[key]) }) return store.saveAsync(testSecondPath).then(function() { return fsPromise.readFile(testSecondPath) }).then(function(readData) { assert.deepStrictEqual(JSON.parse(readData), data) }) }) t.after(function() { return Promise.all([ fsPromise.unlink(testPath), fsPromise.unlink(testSecondPath), ]).catch(function() {}) }) }) t.describe('#secure', function() { t.test('the stringify() method should encrypt properly', function() { let secureStore = new Nconf.File({ file: helpers.fixture('secure-iv.json'), secure: 'super-secret-key-32-characterszz' }) = data let contents = JSON.parse(secureStore.stringify()) Object.keys(data).forEach(key => { assert.strictEqual(typeof(contents[key]), 'object') assert.strictEqual(typeof(contents[key].value), 'string') assert.strictEqual(contents[key].alg, 'aes-256-ctr') assert.strictEqual(typeof(contents[key].iv), 'string') }) }) t.test('the parse() method should decrypt properly', function() { let secureStore = new Nconf.File({ file: helpers.fixture('secure-iv.json'), secure: 'super-secret-key-32-characterszz' }) = data let contents = secureStore.stringify() let parsed = secureStore.parse(contents) assert.deepStrictEqual(parsed, data) }) t.test('the load() method should decrypt properly', function() { let secureStore = new Nconf.File({ file: helpers.fixture('secure-iv.json'), secure: 'super-secret-key-32-characterszz' }) secureStore.load() assert.deepStrictEqual(, data) }) t.test('it should throw error on legacy encrypted files', function() { let secureStore = new Nconf.File({ file: helpers.fixture('secure.json'), secure: 'super-secretzzz' }) assert.throws(function() { secureStore.load() }, /[Oo]utdated/) }) }) /* t.test('the search() method when the target file exists higher in the directory tree should update the file appropriately', function() { let searchBase = require('os').homedir() let filePath = path.join(searchBase, '.nconf') fs.writeFileSync(filePath, JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)) let store = new Nconf.File({ file: '.nconf' }) expect(store.file).toEqual(filePath) fs.unlinkSync(filePath) }) t.test('the search() method when the target file doesn't exist higher in the directory tree should update the file appropriately', function() { let filePath = helpers.fixture('search-store.json') let store = new Nconf.File({ dir: path.dirname(filePath), file: 'search-store.json' }) expect(store.file).toEqual(filePath) }) */