/* * complete-test.js: Complete test with multiple providers */ var fs = require('fs'), path = require('path'), vows = require('vows'), assert = require('assert'), nconf = require('../lib/nconf'), data = require('./fixtures/data').data, helpers = require('./helpers'); var complete = helpers.fixture('complete.json'); var completeTest = helpers.fixture('complete-test.json'); vows.describe('nconf').addBatch({ "When using the nconf with multiple providers": { topic: function () { var that = this; helpers.cp(complete, completeTest, function () { nconf.env(); nconf.file({file: completeTest}); nconf.use('argv', {type: 'literal', store: data}); that.callback(); }); }, "env vars": { "are present": function () { Object.keys(process.env).forEach(function (key) { assert.equal(nconf.get(key), process.env[key]); }); } }, "json vars": { topic: function () { fs.readFile(complete, 'utf8', this.callback); }, "are present": function (err, data) { assert.isNull(err); data = JSON.parse(data); Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) { assert.deepEqual(nconf.get(key), data[key]); }); } }, "literal vars": { "are present": function () { Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) { assert.equal(nconf.get(key), data[key]); }); } }, "and saving *synchronously*": { topic: function () { nconf.set('weebls', 'stuff'); return nconf.save(); }, "correct return value": function (topic) { Object.keys(topic).forEach(function (key) { assert.deepEqual(topic[key], nconf.get(key)); }); }, "the file": { topic: function () { fs.readFile(completeTest, 'utf8', this.callback); }, "saved correctly": function (err, data) { data = JSON.parse(data); Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) { assert.deepEqual(data[key], nconf.get(key)); }); assert.equal(nconf.get('weebls'), 'stuff'); } } }, teardown: function () { // remove the file so that we can test saving it async fs.unlinkSync(completeTest); } } }).addBatch({ // Threw this in it's own batch to make sure it's run separately from the // sync check "When using the nconf with multiple providers": { "and saving *asynchronously*": { topic: function () { nconf.set('weebls', 'crap'); nconf.save(this.callback); }, "correct return value": function (err, data) { assert.isNull(err); Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) { assert.deepEqual(data[key], nconf.get(key)); }); }, "the file": { topic: function () { fs.readFile(completeTest, 'utf8', this.callback); }, "saved correctly": function (err, data) { assert.isNull(err); data = JSON.parse(data); Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) { assert.deepEqual(nconf.get(key), data[key]); }); assert.equal(nconf.get('weebls'), 'crap'); } } }, teardown: function () { fs.unlinkSync(completeTest); nconf.remove('file'); nconf.remove('memory'); nconf.remove('argv'); nconf.remove('env'); } } }).export(module); // vim: ts=2 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2