/* * memory.js: Simple memory storage engine for nconf configuration(s) * * (C) 2011, Charlie Robbins * */ require.paths.unshift(require('path').join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'lib')); var vows = require('vows'), assert = require('assert'), nconf = require('nconf'); vows.describe('nconf/stores/memory').addBatch({ "When using the nconf memory store": { topic: new nconf.stores.Memory(), "the set() method": { "should respond with true": function (store) { assert.isTrue(store.set('foo:bar:bazz', 'buzz')); } }, "the get() method": { "should respond with the correct value": function (store) { assert.equal(store.get('foo:bar:bazz'), 'buzz'); } }, "the clear() method": { "should respond with the true": function (store) { assert.equal(store.get('foo:bar:bazz'), 'buzz'); assert.isTrue(store.clear('foo:bar:bazz')); assert.isTrue(typeof store.get('foo:bar:bazz') === 'undefined'); } } } }).export(module);