/* * Copyright (c) 2012 Trent Mick. All rights reserved. * * Test the standard serializers in Bunyan. */ var test = require('tap').test; var bunyan = require('../lib/bunyan'); var http = require('http'); function CapturingStream(recs) { this.recs = recs; } CapturingStream.prototype.write = function (rec) { this.recs.push(rec); } test('req serializer', function (t) { var records = []; var log = bunyan.createLogger({ name: 'serializer-test', streams: [ { stream: new CapturingStream(records), type: 'raw' } ], serializers: { req: bunyan.stdSerializers.req } }); // None of these should blow up. var bogusReqs = [ undefined, null, {}, 1, 'string', [1,2,3], {'foo':'bar'} ]; for (var i = 0; i < bogusReqs.length; i++) { log.info({req: bogusReqs[i]}, "hi"); t.equal(records[i].req, bogusReqs[i]); } // Get http request and response objects to play with and test. var theReq, theRes; var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) { theReq = req; theRes = res; res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); res.end('Hello World\n'); }) server.listen(8765, function () { http.get({host: '', port: 8765, path: '/'}, function(res) { log.info({req: theReq}, 'the request'); var lastRecord = records[records.length-1]; t.equal(lastRecord.req.method, 'GET'); t.equal(lastRecord.req.url, theReq.url); t.equal(lastRecord.req.remoteAddress, theReq.connection.remoteAddress); t.equal(lastRecord.req.remotePort, theReq.connection.remotePort); server.close(); t.end(); }).on('error', function (err) { t.ok(false, 'error requesting to our test server: ' + err); server.close(); t.end(); }); }); }); test('res serializer', function (t) { var records = []; var log = bunyan.createLogger({ name: 'serializer-test', streams: [ { stream: new CapturingStream(records), type: 'raw' } ], serializers: { res: bunyan.stdSerializers.res } }); // None of these should blow up. var bogusRess = [ undefined, null, {}, 1, 'string', [1,2,3], {'foo':'bar'} ]; for (var i = 0; i < bogusRess.length; i++) { log.info({res: bogusRess[i]}, "hi"); t.equal(records[i].res, bogusRess[i]); } // Get http request and response objects to play with and test. var theReq, theRes; var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) { theReq = req; theRes = res; res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); res.end('Hello World\n'); }) server.listen(8765, function () { http.get({host: '', port: 8765, path: '/'}, function(res) { log.info({res: theRes}, 'the response'); var lastRecord = records[records.length-1]; t.equal(lastRecord.res.statusCode, theRes.statusCode); t.equal(lastRecord.res.header, theRes._header); server.close(); t.end(); }).on('error', function (err) { t.ok(false, 'error requesting to our test server: ' + err); server.close(); t.end(); }); }); }); test('err serializer', function (t) { var records = []; var log = bunyan.createLogger({ name: 'serializer-test', streams: [ { stream: new CapturingStream(records), type: 'raw' } ], serializers: { err: bunyan.stdSerializers.err } }); // None of these should blow up. var bogusErrs = [ undefined, null, {}, 1, 'string', [1,2,3], {'foo':'bar'} ]; for (var i = 0; i < bogusErrs.length; i++) { log.info({err: bogusErrs[i]}, "hi"); t.equal(records[i].err, bogusErrs[i]); } var theErr = new TypeError('blah'); log.info(theErr, 'the error'); var lastRecord = records[records.length-1]; t.equal(lastRecord.err.message, theErr.message); t.equal(lastRecord.err.name, theErr.name); t.equal(lastRecord.err.stack, theErr.stack); t.end(); });