#!/usr/bin/env node /* * Time logging with/without a try/catch-guard on the JSON.stringify. */ console.log('Time try/catch-guard on JSON.stringify:'); var ben = require('ben'); // npm install ben var bunyan = require('../lib/bunyan'); function Collector() {} Collector.prototype.write = function (s) {}; var log = bunyan.createLogger({ name: 'timeguard', stream: new Collector() }); var ms = ben(1e5, function () { log.info('hi'); }); console.log(' - log.info: %dms per iteration', ms); console.log('\nNow you need to manually change `Logger.prototype._emit` in\n' + '"../lib/bunyan.js" to (not) have a try/catch around `JSON.stringify`.\n' + 'Then re-run this a few times to compare speed.');