#!/usr/bin/env node // // bunyan -- filter and pretty-print JSON logs, like Bunyan logs. // // See . // var VERSION = "0.1.0"; var util = require('util'); var pathlib = require('path'); var vm = require('vm'); var warn = console.warn; //---- globals and constants // Output modes. var OM_PAUL = 1; var OM_JSON = 2; var OM_INSPECT = 3; var OM_SIMPLE = 4; var OM_FROM_NAME = { "paul": OM_PAUL, "json": OM_JSON, "inspect": OM_INSPECT, "simple": OM_SIMPLE } // Levels var DEBUG = 1; var INFO = 2; var WARN = 3; var ERROR = 4; var FATAL = 5; var levelFromName = { 'debug': DEBUG, 'info': INFO, 'warn': WARN, 'error': ERROR, 'fatal': FATAL }; var nameFromLevel = [undefined].concat(Object.keys(levelFromName)); var upperNameFromLevel = [undefined].concat( Object.keys(levelFromName).map(function (l) { return l.toUpperCase(); })); //---- support functions function getVersion() { return VERSION; } var format = util.format; if (!format) { // If not node 0.6, then use its `util.format`: // : var inspect = util.inspect; var formatRegExp = /%[sdj%]/g; format = function format(f) { if (typeof f !== 'string') { var objects = []; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { objects.push(inspect(arguments[i])); } return objects.join(' '); } var i = 1; var args = arguments; var len = args.length; var str = String(f).replace(formatRegExp, function(x) { if (i >= len) return x; switch (x) { case '%s': return String(args[i++]); case '%d': return Number(args[i++]); case '%j': return JSON.stringify(args[i++]); case '%%': return '%'; default: return x; } }); for (var x = args[i]; i < len; x = args[++i]) { if (x === null || typeof x !== 'object') { str += ' ' + x; } else { str += ' ' + inspect(x); } } return str; }; } function isArray(ar) { return ar instanceof Array || Array.isArray(ar) || (ar && ar !== Object.prototype && isArray(ar.__proto__)); } // json_parse.js () // START json_parse var json_parse=function(){"use strict";var a,b,c={'"':'"',"\\":"\\","/":"/",b:"\b",f:"\f",n:"\n",r:"\r",t:"\t"},d,e=function(b){throw{name:"SyntaxError",message:b,at:a,text:d}},f=function(c){return c&&c!==b&&e("Expected '"+c+"' instead of '"+b+"'"),b=d.charAt(a),a+=1,b},g=function(){var a,c="";b==="-"&&(c="-",f("-"));while(b>="0"&&b<="9")c+=b,f();if(b==="."){c+=".";while(f()&&b>="0"&&b<="9")c+=b}if(b==="e"||b==="E"){c+=b,f();if(b==="-"||b==="+")c+=b,f();while(b>="0"&&b<="9")c+=b,f()}a=+c;if(!isFinite(a))e("Bad number");else return a},h=function(){var a,d,g="",h;if(b==='"')while(f()){if(b==='"')return f(),g;if(b==="\\"){f();if(b==="u"){h=0;for(d=0;d<4;d+=1){a=parseInt(f(),16);if(!isFinite(a))break;h=h*16+a}g+=String.fromCharCode(h)}else if(typeof c[b]=="string")g+=c[b];else break}else g+=b}e("Bad string")},i=function(){while(b&&b<=" ")f()},j=function(){switch(b){case"t":return f("t"),f("r"),f("u"),f("e"),!0;case"f":return f("f"),f("a"),f("l"),f("s"),f("e"),!1;case"n":return f("n"),f("u"),f("l"),f("l"),null}e("Unexpected '"+b+"'")},k,l=function(){var a=[];if(b==="["){f("["),i();if(b==="]")return f("]"),a;while(b){a.push(k()),i();if(b==="]")return f("]"),a;f(","),i()}}e("Bad array")},m=function(){var a,c={};if(b==="{"){f("{"),i();if(b==="}")return f("}"),c;while(b){a=h(),i(),f(":"),Object.hasOwnProperty.call(c,a)&&e('Duplicate key "'+a+'"'),c[a]=k(),i();if(b==="}")return f("}"),c;f(","),i()}}e("Bad object")};return k=function(){i();switch(b){case"{":return m();case"[":return l();case'"':return h();case"-":return g();default:return b>="0"&&b<="9"?g():j()}},function(c,f){var g;return d=c,a=0,b=" ",g=k(),i(),b&&e("Syntax error"),typeof f=="function"?function h(a,b){var c,d,e=a[b];if(e&&typeof e=="object")for(c in e)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,c)&&(d=h(e,c),d!==undefined?e[c]=d:delete e[c]);return f.call(a,b,e)}({"":g},""):g}}(); // END json_parse function printHelp() { util.puts("Usage:"); util.puts(" cat some-json-log-file.log | bunyan [OPTIONS]"); util.puts(""); util.puts("Pipe in your JSON log file content (e.g. bunyan logs) for nicer "); util.puts("output"); util.puts(""); util.puts("Options:"); util.puts(" -h, --help print this help info and exit"); util.puts(" --version print version of this command and exit"); util.puts(""); util.puts(" -e CODE execute the given code on input, on each array item"); util.puts(" if '-a' is used. This execution is run before "); util.puts(" filtering."); util.puts(""); util.puts(" -o, --output MODE Specify an output mode. One of"); util.puts(" json: JSON output, 2-space indent"); util.puts(" json-N: JSON output, N-space indent, e.g. 'json-4'"); util.puts(" inspect: node.js `util.inspect` output"); util.puts(" -j shortcut for `-o json`"); util.puts(""); util.puts("See for more complete docs."); } /** * Parse the command-line options and arguments into an object. * * { * 'args': [...] // arguments * 'help': true, // true if '-h' option given * // etc. * } * * @return {Object} The parsed options. `.args` is the argument list. * @throws {Error} If there is an error parsing argv. */ function parseArgv(argv) { var parsed = { args: [], help: false, quiet: false, dropHeaders: false, executableSnippets: [], outputMode: OM_PAUL, jsonIndent: 2 }; // Turn '-iH' into '-i -H', except for argument-accepting options. var args = argv.slice(2); // drop ['node', 'scriptname'] var newArgs = []; var optTakesArg = {'d': true, 'o': true}; for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].charAt(0) === "-" && args[i].charAt(1) !== '-' && args[i].length > 2) { var splitOpts = args[i].slice(1).split(""); for (var j = 0; j < splitOpts.length; j++) { newArgs.push('-' + splitOpts[j]) if (optTakesArg[splitOpts[j]]) { var optArg = splitOpts.slice(j+1).join(""); if (optArg.length) { newArgs.push(optArg); } break; } } } else { newArgs.push(args[i]); } } args = newArgs; endOfOptions = false; while (args.length > 0) { var arg = args.shift(); switch(arg) { case "--": endOfOptions = true; break; case "-h": // display help and exit case "--help": parsed.help = true; break; case "--version": parsed.version = true; break; case "-q": case "--quiet": parsed.quiet = true; break; case "-H": // drop any headers parsed.dropHeaders = true; break; case "-o": case "--output": var name = args.shift(); var idx = name.lastIndexOf('-'); if (idx !== -1) { var indent = Number(name.slice(idx+1)); if (! isNaN(indent)) { parsed.jsonIndent = indent; name = name.slice(0, idx); } } parsed.outputMode = OM_FROM_NAME[name]; if (parsed.outputMode === undefined) { throw new Error("unknown output mode: '"+name+"'"); } break; case "-j": // output with JSON.stringify parsed.outputMode = OM_JSON; break; case "-e": parsed.executableSnippets.push(args.shift()); break; default: // arguments if (!endOfOptions && arg.length > 0 && arg[0] === '-') { throw new Error("unknown option '"+arg+"'"); } parsed.args.push(arg); break; } } //TODO: '--' handling and error on a first arg that looks like an option. return parsed; } function isInteger(s) { return (s.search(/^-?[0-9]+$/) == 0); } /** * Print out a single result, considering input options. */ function handleLogLine(line, opts) { // Handle non-JSON lines. var rec; if (!line) { return emit(line + '\n'); } else if (line[0] !== '{') { return emit(line + '\n'); // not JSON } else { try { rec = JSON.parse(line); } catch(e) { return emit(line + '\n'); } } switch (opts.outputMode) { case OM_PAUL: // Single-line msg: // [time] LEVEL: service[/component] on hostname: msg (request_id, $latencyms) // Multi-line msg: // [time] LEVEL: service[/component] on hostname: (request_id, $latencyms) // msg // Request/HTTP info: // TODO var svc = rec.service; if (rec.component) { svc += '/' + rec.component; } var levelStr = (upperNameFromLevel[rec.level] || ""); var extras = []; if (rec.request_id) extras.push(rec.request_id); if (rec.latency) extras.push(rec.latency + "ms"); extras = (extras.length ? ' (' + extras.join(', ') + ')' : ''); if (rec.msg.indexOf('\n') !== -1) { XXX } else { emit(format("[%s] %s: %s on %s: %s%s\n", rec.time, upperNameFromLevel[rec.level] || "", svc, rec.hostname || "", rec.msg, extras)); } break; case OM_INSPECT: emit(util.inspect(rec, false, Infinity, true) + '\n'); break; case OM_JSON: emit(JSON.stringify(rec, null, opts.jsonIndent) + '\n'); break; case OM_SIMPLE: // emit(format("%s - %s", upperNameFromLevel[rec.level] || "???", rec.msg)); break; default: throw new Error("unknown output mode: "+opts.outputMode); } } var stdoutFlushed = true; function emit(s) { // TODO:PERF If this is try/catch is too slow (too granular): move up to // mainline and be sure to only catch this particular error. try { stdoutFlushed = process.stdout.write(s); } catch (e) { // Handle any exceptions in stdout writing in the "error" event above. } } process.stdout.on("error", function (err) { if (err.code === "EPIPE") { // Pass. See . } else { warn(err) drainStdoutAndExit(1); } }); /** * A hacked up version of "process.exit" that will first drain stdout * before exiting. *WARNING: This doesn't stop event processing.* IOW, * callers have to be careful that code following this call isn't * accidentally executed. * * In node v0.6 "process.stdout and process.stderr are blocking when they * refer to regular files or TTY file descriptors." However, this hack might * still be necessary in a shell pipeline. */ function drainStdoutAndExit(code) { process.stdout.on('drain', function () { process.exit(code); }); if (stdoutFlushed) { process.exit(code); } } //---- mainline function main(argv) { var opts; try { opts = parseArgv(argv); } catch (e) { warn("json: error: %s", e.message) return drainStdoutAndExit(1); } //warn(opts); if (opts.help) { printHelp(); return; } if (opts.version) { util.puts("bunyan " + getVersion()); return; } var leftover = ""; // Left-over partial line from last chunk. var stdin = process.openStdin(); stdin.setEncoding('utf8'); stdin.on('data', function (chunk) { var lines = chunk.split(/\r\n|\n/); var length = lines.length; if (length === 1) { leftover += lines[0]; return; } if (length > 1) { handleLogLine(leftover + lines[0], opts); } leftover = lines.pop(); length -= 1; for (var i=1; i < length; i++) { handleLogLine(lines[i], opts); } }); stdin.on('end', function () { if (leftover) { handleLogLine(leftover, opts); leftover = ''; } }); } if (require.main === module) { // HACK guard for . // We override the `process.stdout.end` guard that core node.js puts in // place. The real fix is that `.end()` shouldn't be called on stdout // in node core. Hopefully node v0.6.9 will fix that. Only guard // for v0.6.0..v0.6.8. var nodeVer = process.versions.node.split('.').map(Number); if ([0,6,0] <= nodeVer && nodeVer <= [0,6,8]) { var stdout = process.stdout; stdout.end = stdout.destroy = stdout.destroySoon = function() { /* pass */ }; } main(process.argv); }