/* * A long-running process that does some periodic logging. Use bunyan with * it some of these ways: * * 1. Direct piping: * node long-running.js | bunyan * 2. Logging to file (e.g. if run via a service system like upstart or * illumos' SMF that sends std output to a log file), then tail -f that * log file. * node long-running.js > long-running.log 2>&1 * tail -f long-running.log | bunyan * 3. Dtrace to watch the logging. This has the bonus of being able to watch * all log levels... even if not normally emitted. * node long-running.js > long-running.log 2>&1 * bunyan -p $(head -1 long-running.log | json pid) * */ var fs = require('fs'); var bunyan = require('../lib/bunyan'); function randint(n) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * n); } function randchoice(array) { return array[randint(array.length)]; } //---- mainline var words = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/long-running.js', 'utf8').split(/\s+/); var levels = ['trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'fatal']; var timeout; var log = bunyan.createLogger({name: 'lr', level: 'debug'}); // We're logging to stdout. Let's exit gracefully on EPIPE. E.g. if piped // to `head` which will close after N lines. process.stdout.on('error', function (err) { if (err.code === 'EPIPE') { process.exit(0); } }) function logOne() { var level = randchoice(levels); var msg = [randchoice(words), randchoice(words)].join(' '); var delay = randint(300); //console.warn('long-running about to log.%s(..., "%s")', level, msg) log[level]({"word": randchoice(words), "delay": delay}, msg); timeout = setTimeout(logOne, delay); } log.info('hi, this is the start'); timeout = setTimeout(logOne, 1000);