#---- Tools TAP := ./node_modules/.bin/tap SUDO := sudo ifeq ($(shell uname -s),SunOS) # On SunOS (e.g. SmartOS) we expect to run the test suite as the # root user -- necessary to run dtrace. Therefore `pfexec` isn't # necessary. SUDO := endif #---- Files JSSTYLE_FILES := $(shell find lib test tools examples -name "*.js") bin/bunyan # All test files *except* dtrace.test.js. TEST_FILES := $(shell ls -1 test/*.test.js | grep -v dtrace | xargs) #---- Targets all: npm install # Ensure all version-carrying files have the same version. .PHONY: versioncheck versioncheck: [[ `cat package.json | json version` == `grep '^## ' CHANGES.md | head -1 | awk '{print $$3}'` ]] [[ `cat package.json | json version` == `grep '^var VERSION' bin/bunyan | awk -F'"' '{print $$2}'` ]] [[ `cat package.json | json version` == `grep '^var VERSION' lib/bunyan.js | awk -F"'" '{print $$2}'` ]] @echo Version check ok. .PHONY: cutarelease cutarelease: versioncheck [[ `git status | tail -n1` == "nothing to commit (working directory clean)" ]] ./tools/cutarelease.py -p bunyan -f package.json -f lib/bunyan.js -f bin/bunyan .PHONY: docs docs: @[[ `which ronn` ]] || (echo "No 'ronn' on your PATH. Install with 'gem install ronn'" && exit 2) mkdir -p man/man1 ronn --style=toc --manual="bunyan manual" --date=$(shell git log -1 --pretty=format:%cd --date=short) --roff --html docs/bunyan.1.ronn python -c 'import sys; h = open("docs/bunyan.1.html").read(); h = h.replace(".mp dt.flush {float:left;width:8ex}", ""); open("docs/bunyan.1.html", "w").write(h)' python -c 'import sys; h = open("docs/bunyan.1.html").read(); h = h.replace("</body>", """<a href="https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan"><img style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border: 0;" src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/github/ribbons/forkme_right_darkblue_121621.png" alt="Fork me on GitHub"></a></body>"""); open("docs/bunyan.1.html", "w").write(h)' @echo "# test with 'man ./docs/bunyan.1' and 'open ./docs/bunyan.1.html'" .PHONY: publish publish: mkdir -p tmp [[ -d tmp/bunyan-gh-pages ]] || git clone git@github.com:trentm/node-bunyan.git tmp/bunyan-gh-pages cd tmp/bunyan-gh-pages && git checkout gh-pages && git pull --rebase origin gh-pages cp docs/index.html tmp/bunyan-gh-pages/index.html cp docs/bunyan.1.html tmp/bunyan-gh-pages/bunyan.1.html (cd tmp/bunyan-gh-pages \ && git commit -a -m "publish latest docs" \ && git push origin gh-pages || true) .PHONY: distclean distclean: rm -rf node_modules #---- test .PHONY: test test: $(TAP) [[ -n "$(SKIP_DTRACE)" ]] || \ node -e 'require("trentm-dtrace-provider").createDTraceProvider("isthisthingon")' && \ $(SUDO) $(TAP) --tap test/dtrace.test.js $(TAP) --tap $(TEST_FILES) # Test will all node supported versions (presumes install locations I use on # my machine). # Note: 'test08' is last so (if all is well) I end up with a binary # dtrace-provider build for node 0.8 (my current version). .PHONY: testall testall: test06 test08 .PHONY: test09 test09: @echo "# Test node 0.9.x (with node `$(HOME)/opt/node-0.9/bin/node --version`)" PATH="$(HOME)/opt/node-0.9/bin:$(PATH)" make distclean all test .PHONY: test08 test08: @echo "# Test node 0.8.x (with node `$(HOME)/opt/node-0.8/bin/node --version`)" PATH="$(HOME)/opt/node-0.8/bin:$(PATH)" make distclean all test .PHONY: test06 test06: @echo "# Test node 0.6.x (with node `$(HOME)/opt/node-0.6/bin/node --version`)" PATH="$(HOME)/opt/node-0.6/bin:$(PATH)" make distclean all test #---- check .PHONY: check-jsstyle check-jsstyle: $(JSSTYLE_FILES) ./tools/jsstyle -o indent=2,doxygen,unparenthesized-return=0,blank-after-start-comment=0,leading-right-paren-ok $(JSSTYLE_FILES) .PHONY: check check: check-jsstyle @echo "Check ok." .PHONY: prepush prepush: check testall @echo "Okay to push."