/* * Copyright (c) 2012 Trent Mick. All rights reserved. * * Test emission and handling of 'error' event in a logger with a 'path' * stream. */ var test = require('tap').test; var Logger = require('../lib/bunyan'); test('error event on log write', function (t) { LOG_PATH = '/this/path/is/bogus.log' var log = new Logger({name: 'error-event', streams: [{path: LOG_PATH}]}); t.plan(5); log.on('error', function (err, stream) { t.ok(err, 'got err in error event: ' + err); t.equal(err.code, 'ENOENT', 'error code is ENOENT'); t.ok(stream, 'got a stream argument'); t.equal(stream.path, LOG_PATH); t.equal(stream.type, 'file'); t.end(); }); log.info('info log message'); });