# bunyan Changelog ## bunyan 0.4.0 (not yet released) - Add `new Logger({src: true})` config option to have a 'src' attribute be automatically added to log records with the log call source info. Example: "src": { "file": "/Users/trentm/tm/node-bunyan/examples/src.js", "line": 20, "func": "Wuzzle.woos" }, ## bunyan 0.3.0 - `log.child(options[, simple])` Added `simple` boolean arg. Set `true` to assert that options only add fields (no config changes). Results in a 10x speed increase in child creation. See "tools/timechild.js". On my Mac, "fast child" creation takes about 0.001ms. IOW, if your app is dishing 10,000 req/s, then creating a log child for each request will take about 1% of the request time. - `log.clone` -> `log.child` to better reflect the relationship: streams and serializers are inherited. Streams can't be removed as part of the child creation. The child doesn't own the parent's streams (so can't close them). - Clean up Logger creation. The goal here was to ensure `log.child` usage is fast. TODO: measure that. - Add `Logger.stdSerializers.err` serializer which is necessary to get good Error object logging with node 0.6 (where core Error object properties are non-enumerable). ## bunyan 0.2.0 - Spec'ing core/recommended log record fields. - Add `LOG_VERSION` to exports. - Improvements to request/response serializations. ## bunyan 0.1.0 First release.