#!/usr/bin/env node /** * Copyright (c) 2014 Trent Mick. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2014 Joyent Inc. All rights reserved. * * bunyan -- filter and pretty-print Bunyan log files (line-delimited JSON) * * See . * * -*- mode: js -*- * vim: expandtab:ts=4:sw=4 */ var VERSION = '1.2.0'; var p = console.log; var util = require('util'); var pathlib = require('path'); var vm = require('vm'); var http = require('http'); var fs = require('fs'); var warn = console.warn; var child_process = require('child_process'), spawn = child_process.spawn, exec = child_process.exec, execFile = child_process.execFile; var assert = require('assert'); var nodeSpawnSupportsStdio = ( Number(process.version.split('.')[0]) >= 0 || Number(process.version.split('.')[1]) >= 8); //---- globals and constants // Internal debug logging via `console.warn`. var _DEBUG = false; // Output modes. var OM_LONG = 1; var OM_JSON = 2; var OM_INSPECT = 3; var OM_SIMPLE = 4; var OM_SHORT = 5; var OM_BUNYAN = 6; var OM_FROM_NAME = { 'long': OM_LONG, 'paul': OM_LONG, /* backward compat */ 'json': OM_JSON, 'inspect': OM_INSPECT, 'simple': OM_SIMPLE, 'short': OM_SHORT, 'bunyan': OM_BUNYAN }; // Levels var TRACE = 10; var DEBUG = 20; var INFO = 30; var WARN = 40; var ERROR = 50; var FATAL = 60; var levelFromName = { 'trace': TRACE, 'debug': DEBUG, 'info': INFO, 'warn': WARN, 'error': ERROR, 'fatal': FATAL }; var nameFromLevel = {}; var upperNameFromLevel = {}; var upperPaddedNameFromLevel = {}; Object.keys(levelFromName).forEach(function (name) { var lvl = levelFromName[name]; nameFromLevel[lvl] = name; upperNameFromLevel[lvl] = name.toUpperCase(); upperPaddedNameFromLevel[lvl] = ( name.length === 4 ? ' ' : '') + name.toUpperCase(); }); // The current raw input line being processed. Used for `uncaughtException`. var currLine = null; // Child dtrace process, if any. Used for signal-handling. var child = null; // Whether ANSI codes are being used. Used for signal-handling. var usingAnsiCodes = false; // Global ref to options used only by 'uncaughtException' handler. var gOptsForUncaughtException; // Pager child process, and output stream to which to write. var pager = null; var stdout = process.stdout; // Whether we are reading from stdin. var readingStdin = false; //---- support functions function getVersion() { return VERSION; } var format = util.format; if (!format) { /* BEGIN JSSTYLED */ // If not node 0.6, then use its `util.format`: // : var inspect = util.inspect; var formatRegExp = /%[sdj%]/g; format = function format(f) { if (typeof f !== 'string') { var objects = []; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { objects.push(inspect(arguments[i])); } return objects.join(' '); } var i = 1; var args = arguments; var len = args.length; var str = String(f).replace(formatRegExp, function (x) { if (i >= len) return x; switch (x) { case '%s': return String(args[i++]); case '%d': return Number(args[i++]); case '%j': return JSON.stringify(args[i++]); case '%%': return '%'; default: return x; } }); for (var x = args[i]; i < len; x = args[++i]) { if (x === null || typeof x !== 'object') { str += ' ' + x; } else { str += ' ' + inspect(x); } } return str; }; /* END JSSTYLED */ } function indent(s) { return ' ' + s.split(/\r?\n/).join('\n '); } function objCopy(obj) { if (obj === null) { return null; } else if (Array.isArray(obj)) { return obj.slice(); } else { var copy = {}; Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (k) { copy[k] = obj[k]; }); return copy; } } function printHelp() { /* BEGIN JSSTYLED */ p('Usage:'); p(' bunyan [OPTIONS] [FILE ...]'); p(' ... | bunyan [OPTIONS]'); p(' bunyan [OPTIONS] -p PID'); p(''); p('Filter and pretty-print Bunyan log file content.'); p(''); p('General options:'); p(' -h, --help print this help info and exit'); p(' --version print version of this command and exit'); p(''); p('Runtime log snooping (via DTrace, only on supported platforms):'); p(' -p PID Process bunyan:log-* probes from the process'); p(' with the given PID. Can be used multiple times,'); p(' or specify all processes with "*", or a set of'); p(' processes whose command & args match a pattern'); p(' with "-p NAME".'); p(''); p('Filtering options:'); p(' -l, --level LEVEL'); p(' Only show messages at or above the specified level.'); p(' You can specify level *names* or the internal numeric'); p(' values.'); p(' -c, --condition CONDITION'); p(' Run each log message through the condition and'); p(' only show those that return truish. E.g.:'); p(' -c \'this.pid == 123\''); p(' -c \'this.level == DEBUG\''); p(' -c \'this.msg.indexOf("boom") != -1\''); p(' "CONDITION" must be legal JS code. `this` holds'); p(' the log record. The TRACE, DEBUG, ... FATAL values'); p(' are defined to help with comparing `this.level`.'); p(' --strict Suppress all but legal Bunyan JSON log lines. By default'); p(' non-JSON, and non-Bunyan lines are passed through.'); p(''); p('Output options:'); p(' --pager Pipe output into `less` (or $PAGER if set), if'); p(' stdout is a TTY. This overrides $BUNYAN_NO_PAGER.'); p(' Note: Paging is only supported on node >=0.8.'); p(' --no-pager Do not pipe output into a pager.'); p(' --color Colorize output. Defaults to try if output'); p(' stream is a TTY.'); p(' --no-color Force no coloring (e.g. terminal doesn\'t support it)'); p(' -o, --output MODE'); p(' Specify an output mode/format. One of'); p(' long: (the default) pretty'); p(' json: JSON output, 2-space indent'); p(' json-N: JSON output, N-space indent, e.g. "json-4"'); p(' bunyan: 0 indented JSON, bunyan\'s native format'); p(' inspect: node.js `util.inspect` output'); p(' short: like "long", but more concise'); p(' -j shortcut for `-o json`'); p(' -0 shortcut for `-o bunyan`'); p(''); p('Environment Variables:'); p(' BUNYAN_NO_COLOR Set to a non-empty value to force no output '); p(' coloring. See "--no-color".'); p(' BUNYAN_NO_PAGER Disable piping output to a pager. '); p(' See "--no-pager".'); p(''); p('See for more complete docs.'); p('Please report bugs to .'); /* END JSSTYLED */ } /* * If the user specifies multiple input sources, we want to print out records * from all sources in a single, chronologically ordered stream. To do this * efficiently, we first assume that all records within each source are ordered * already, so we need only keep track of the next record in each source and * the time of the last record emitted. To avoid excess memory usage, we * pause() streams that are ahead of others. * * 'streams' is an object indexed by source name (file name) which specifies: * * stream Actual stream object, so that we can pause and resume it. * * records Array of log records we've read, but not yet emitted. Each * record includes 'line' (the raw line), 'rec' (the JSON * record), and 'time' (the parsed time value). * * done Whether the stream has any more records to emit. */ var streams = {}; function gotRecord(file, line, rec, opts, stylize) { var time = new Date(rec.time); streams[file]['records'].push({ line: line, rec: rec, time: time }); emitNextRecord(opts, stylize); } function filterRecord(rec, opts) { if (opts.level && rec.level < opts.level) { return false; } if (opts.condFuncs) { var recCopy = objCopy(rec); for (var i = 0; i < opts.condFuncs.length; i++) { var pass = opts.condFuncs[i].call(recCopy); if (!pass) return false; } } else if (opts.condVm) { for (var i = 0; i < opts.condVm.length; i++) { var pass = opts.condVm[i].runInNewContext(rec); if (!pass) return false; } } return true; } function emitNextRecord(opts, stylize) { var ofile, ready, minfile, rec; for (;;) { /* * Take a first pass through the input streams to see if we have a * record from all of them. If not, we'll pause any streams for * which we do already have a record (to avoid consuming excess * memory) and then wait until we have records from the others * before emitting the next record. * * As part of the same pass, we look for the earliest record * we have not yet emitted. */ minfile = undefined; ready = true; for (ofile in streams) { if (streams[ofile].stream === null || (!streams[ofile].done && streams[ofile].records.length === 0)) { ready = false; break; } if (streams[ofile].records.length > 0 && (minfile === undefined || streams[minfile].records[0].time > streams[ofile].records[0].time)) { minfile = ofile; } } if (!ready || minfile === undefined) { for (ofile in streams) { if (!streams[ofile].stream || streams[ofile].done) continue; if (streams[ofile].records.length > 0) { if (!streams[ofile].paused) { streams[ofile].paused = true; streams[ofile].stream.pause(); } } else if (streams[ofile].paused) { streams[ofile].paused = false; streams[ofile].stream.resume(); } } return; } /* * Emit the next record for 'minfile', and invoke ourselves again to * make sure we emit as many records as we can right now. */ rec = streams[minfile].records.shift(); emitRecord(rec.rec, rec.line, opts, stylize); } } /** * Return a function for the given JS code that returns. * * If no 'return' in the given javascript snippet, then assume we are a single * statement and wrap in 'return (...)'. This is for convenience for short * '-c ...' snippets. */ function funcWithReturnFromSnippet(js) { // auto-"return" if (js.indexOf('return') === -1) { if (js.substring(js.length - 1) === ';') { js = js.substring(0, js.length - 1); } js = 'return (' + js + ')'; } // Expose level definitions to condition func context var varDefs = []; Object.keys(upperNameFromLevel).forEach(function (lvl) { varDefs.push(format('var %s = %d;', upperNameFromLevel[lvl], lvl)); }); varDefs = varDefs.join('\n') + '\n'; return (new Function(varDefs + js)); } /** * Parse the command-line options and arguments into an object. * * { * 'args': [...] // arguments * 'help': true, // true if '-h' option given * // etc. * } * * @return {Object} The parsed options. `.args` is the argument list. * @throws {Error} If there is an error parsing argv. */ function parseArgv(argv) { var parsed = { args: [], help: false, color: null, paginate: null, outputMode: OM_LONG, jsonIndent: 2, level: null, conditions: null, strict: false, pids: null, pidsType: null }; // Turn '-iH' into '-i -H', except for argument-accepting options. var args = argv.slice(2); // drop ['node', 'scriptname'] var newArgs = []; var optTakesArg = {'d': true, 'o': true, 'c': true, 'l': true, 'p': true}; for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].charAt(0) === '-' && args[i].charAt(1) !== '-' && args[i].length > 2) { var splitOpts = args[i].slice(1).split(''); for (var j = 0; j < splitOpts.length; j++) { newArgs.push('-' + splitOpts[j]); if (optTakesArg[splitOpts[j]]) { var optArg = splitOpts.slice(j+1).join(''); if (optArg.length) { newArgs.push(optArg); } break; } } } else { newArgs.push(args[i]); } } args = newArgs; // Expose level definitions to condition vm context var condDefines = []; Object.keys(upperNameFromLevel).forEach(function (lvl) { condDefines.push( format('Object.prototype.%s = %s;', upperNameFromLevel[lvl], lvl)); }); condDefines = condDefines.join('\n') + '\n'; var endOfOptions = false; while (args.length > 0) { var arg = args.shift(); switch (arg) { case '--': endOfOptions = true; break; case '-h': // display help and exit case '--help': parsed.help = true; break; case '--version': parsed.version = true; break; case '--strict': parsed.strict = true; break; case '--color': parsed.color = true; break; case '--no-color': parsed.color = false; break; case '--pager': parsed.paginate = true; break; case '--no-pager': parsed.paginate = false; break; case '-o': case '--output': var name = args.shift(); var idx = name.lastIndexOf('-'); if (idx !== -1) { var indentation = Number(name.slice(idx+1)); if (! isNaN(indentation)) { parsed.jsonIndent = indentation; name = name.slice(0, idx); } } parsed.outputMode = OM_FROM_NAME[name]; if (parsed.outputMode === undefined) { throw new Error('unknown output mode: "'+name+'"'); } break; case '-j': // output with JSON.stringify parsed.outputMode = OM_JSON; break; case '-0': parsed.outputMode = OM_BUNYAN; break; case '-p': if (!parsed.pids) { parsed.pids = []; } var pidArg = args.shift(); var pid = +(pidArg); if (!isNaN(pid) || pidArg === '*') { if (parsed.pidsType && parsed.pidsType !== 'num') { throw new Error(format('cannot mix PID name and ' + 'number arguments: "%s"', pidArg)); } parsed.pidsType = 'num'; if (!parsed.pids) { parsed.pids = []; } parsed.pids.push(isNaN(pid) ? pidArg : pid); } else { if (parsed.pidsType && parsed.pidsType !== 'name') { throw new Error(format('cannot mix PID name and ' + 'number arguments: "%s"', pidArg)); } parsed.pidsType = 'name'; parsed.pids = pidArg; } break; case '-l': case '--level': var levelArg = args.shift(); var level = +(levelArg); if (isNaN(level)) { level = +levelFromName[levelArg.toLowerCase()]; } if (isNaN(level)) { throw new Error('unknown level value: "'+levelArg+'"'); } parsed.level = level; break; case '-c': case '--condition': var condition = args.shift(); if (Boolean(process.env.BUNYAN_EXEC && process.env.BUNYAN_EXEC === 'vm')) { parsed.condVm = parsed.condVm || []; var scriptName = 'bunyan-condition-'+parsed.condVm.length; var code = condDefines + condition; var script; try { script = vm.createScript(code, scriptName); } catch (complErr) { throw new Error(format('illegal CONDITION code: %s\n' + ' CONDITION script:\n' + '%s\n' + ' Error:\n' + '%s', complErr, indent(code), indent(complErr.stack))); } // Ensure this is a reasonably safe CONDITION. try { script.runInNewContext(minValidRecord); } catch (condErr) { throw new Error(format( /* JSSTYLED */ 'CONDITION code cannot safely filter a minimal Bunyan log record\n' + ' CONDITION script:\n' + '%s\n' + ' Minimal Bunyan log record:\n' + '%s\n' + ' Filter error:\n' + '%s', indent(code), indent(JSON.stringify(minValidRecord, null, 2)), indent(condErr.stack) )); } parsed.condVm.push(script); } else { parsed.condFuncs = parsed.condFuncs || []; parsed.condFuncs.push(funcWithReturnFromSnippet(condition)); } break; default: // arguments if (!endOfOptions && arg.length > 0 && arg[0] === '-') { throw new Error('unknown option "'+arg+'"'); } parsed.args.push(arg); break; } } //TODO: '--' handling and error on a first arg that looks like an option. return parsed; } function isInteger(s) { return (s.search(/^-?[0-9]+$/) == 0); } // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#graphics // Suggested colors (some are unreadable in common cases): // - Good: cyan, yellow (limited use), bold, green, magenta, red // - Bad: blue (not visible on cmd.exe), grey (same color as background on // Solarized Dark theme from , see // issue #160) var colors = { 'bold' : [1, 22], 'italic' : [3, 23], 'underline' : [4, 24], 'inverse' : [7, 27], 'white' : [37, 39], 'grey' : [90, 39], 'black' : [30, 39], 'blue' : [34, 39], 'cyan' : [36, 39], 'green' : [32, 39], 'magenta' : [35, 39], 'red' : [31, 39], 'yellow' : [33, 39] }; function stylizeWithColor(str, color) { if (!str) return ''; var codes = colors[color]; if (codes) { return '\033[' + codes[0] + 'm' + str + '\033[' + codes[1] + 'm'; } else { return str; } } function stylizeWithoutColor(str, color) { return str; } /** * Is this a valid Bunyan log record. */ function isValidRecord(rec) { if (rec.v == null || rec.level == null || rec.name == null || rec.hostname == null || rec.pid == null || rec.time == null || rec.msg == null) { // Not valid Bunyan log. return false; } else { return true; } } var minValidRecord = { v: 0, //TODO: get this from bunyan.LOG_VERSION level: INFO, name: 'name', hostname: 'hostname', pid: 123, time: Date.now(), msg: 'msg' }; /** * Parses the given log line and either emits it right away (for invalid * records) or enqueues it for emitting later when it's the next line to show. */ function handleLogLine(file, line, opts, stylize) { currLine = line; // intentionally global // Emit non-JSON lines immediately. var rec; if (!line) { if (!opts.strict) emit(line + '\n'); return; } else if (line[0] !== '{') { if (!opts.strict) emit(line + '\n'); // not JSON return; } else { try { rec = JSON.parse(line); } catch (e) { if (!opts.strict) emit(line + '\n'); return; } } if (!isValidRecord(rec)) { if (!opts.strict) emit(line + '\n'); return; } if (!filterRecord(rec, opts)) return; if (file === null) return emitRecord(rec, line, opts, stylize); return gotRecord(file, line, rec, opts, stylize); } /** * Print out a single result, considering input options. */ function emitRecord(rec, line, opts, stylize) { var short = false; switch (opts.outputMode) { case OM_SHORT: short = true; /* jsl:fall-thru */ case OM_LONG: // [time] LEVEL: name[/comp]/pid on hostname (src): msg* (extras...) // msg* // -- // long and multi-line extras // ... // If 'msg' is single-line, then it goes in the top line. // If 'req', show the request. // If 'res', show the response. // If 'err' and 'err.stack' then show that. if (!isValidRecord(rec)) { return emit(line + '\n'); } delete rec.v; /* * We assume the Date is formatted according to ISO8601, in which * case we can safely chop off the date information. */ if (short && rec.time[10] == 'T') { var time = rec.time.substr(11); time = stylize(time, 'XXX'); } else { var time = stylize('[' + rec.time + ']', 'XXX'); } delete rec.time; var nameStr = rec.name; delete rec.name; if (rec.component) { nameStr += '/' + rec.component; } delete rec.component; if (!short) nameStr += '/' + rec.pid; delete rec.pid; var level = (upperPaddedNameFromLevel[rec.level] || 'LVL' + rec.level); if (opts.color) { var colorFromLevel = { 10: 'white', // TRACE 20: 'yellow', // DEBUG 30: 'cyan', // INFO 40: 'magenta', // WARN 50: 'red', // ERROR 60: 'inverse', // FATAL }; level = stylize(level, colorFromLevel[rec.level]); } delete rec.level; var src = ''; if (rec.src && rec.src.file) { var s = rec.src; if (s.func) { src = format(' (%s:%d in %s)', s.file, s.line, s.func); } else { src = format(' (%s:%d)', s.file, s.line); } src = stylize(src, 'green'); } delete rec.src; var hostname = rec.hostname; delete rec.hostname; var extras = []; var details = []; if (rec.req_id) { extras.push('req_id=' + rec.req_id); } delete rec.req_id; var onelineMsg; if (rec.msg.indexOf('\n') !== -1) { onelineMsg = ''; details.push(indent(stylize(rec.msg, 'cyan'))); } else { onelineMsg = ' ' + stylize(rec.msg, 'cyan'); } delete rec.msg; if (rec.req && typeof (rec.req) === 'object') { var req = rec.req; delete rec.req; var headers = req.headers; if (!headers) { headers = ''; } else if (typeof (headers) === 'string') { headers = '\n' + headers; } else if (typeof (headers) === 'object') { headers = '\n' + Object.keys(headers).map(function (h) { return h + ': ' + headers[h]; }).join('\n'); } var s = format('%s %s HTTP/%s%s', req.method, req.url, req.httpVersion || '1.1', headers ); delete req.url; delete req.method; delete req.httpVersion; delete req.headers; if (req.body) { s += '\n\n' + (typeof (req.body) === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(req.body, null, 2) : req.body); delete req.body; } if (req.trailers && Object.keys(req.trailers) > 0) { s += '\n' + Object.keys(req.trailers).map(function (t) { return t + ': ' + req.trailers[t]; }).join('\n'); } delete req.trailers; details.push(indent(s)); // E.g. for extra 'foo' field on 'req', add 'req.foo' at // top-level. This *does* have the potential to stomp on a // literal 'req.foo' key. Object.keys(req).forEach(function (k) { rec['req.' + k] = req[k]; }) } if (rec.client_req && typeof (rec.client_req) === 'object') { var client_req = rec.client_req; delete rec.client_req; var headers = client_req.headers; var hostHeaderLine = ''; var s = ''; if (client_req.address) { hostHeaderLine = 'Host: ' + client_req.address; if (client_req.port) hostHeaderLine += ':' + client_req.port; hostHeaderLine += '\n'; } delete client_req.headers; delete client_req.address; delete client_req.port; s += format('%s %s HTTP/%s\n%s%s', client_req.method, client_req.url, client_req.httpVersion || '1.1', hostHeaderLine, (headers ? Object.keys(headers).map( function (h) { return h + ': ' + headers[h]; }).join('\n') : '')); delete client_req.method; delete client_req.url; delete client_req.httpVersion; if (client_req.body) { s += '\n\n' + (typeof (client_req.body) === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(client_req.body, null, 2) : client_req.body); delete client_req.body; } // E.g. for extra 'foo' field on 'client_req', add // 'client_req.foo' at top-level. This *does* have the potential // to stomp on a literal 'client_req.foo' key. Object.keys(client_req).forEach(function (k) { rec['client_req.' + k] = client_req[k]; }) details.push(indent(s)); } function _res(res) { var s = ''; if (res.statusCode !== undefined) { s += format('HTTP/1.1 %s %s\n', res.statusCode, http.STATUS_CODES[res.statusCode]); delete res.statusCode; } // Handle `res.header` or `res.headers` as either a string or // and object of header key/value pairs. Prefer `res.header` if set // (TODO: Why? I don't recall. Typical of restify serializer? // Typical JSON.stringify of a core node HttpResponse?) var headers; if (res.header !== undefined) { headers = res.header; delete res.header; } else if (res.headers !== undefined) { headers = res.headers; delete res.headers; } if (!headers) { /* pass through */ } else if (typeof (headers) === 'string') { s += headers.trimRight(); } else { s += Object.keys(headers).map( function (h) { return h + ': ' + headers[h]; }).join('\n'); } if (res.body !== undefined) { s += '\n\n' + (typeof (res.body) === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(res.body, null, 2) : res.body); delete res.body; } else { s = s.trimRight(); } if (res.trailer) { s += '\n' + res.trailer; } delete res.trailer; if (s) { details.push(indent(s)); } // E.g. for extra 'foo' field on 'res', add 'res.foo' at // top-level. This *does* have the potential to stomp on a // literal 'res.foo' key. Object.keys(res).forEach(function (k) { rec['res.' + k] = res[k]; }); } if (rec.res && typeof (rec.res) === 'object') { _res(rec.res); delete rec.res; } if (rec.client_res && typeof (rec.client_res) === 'object') { _res(rec.client_res); delete rec.res; } if (rec.err && rec.err.stack) { var err = rec.err details.push(indent(err.stack)); delete err.message; delete err.name; delete err.stack; // E.g. for extra 'foo' field on 'err', add 'err.foo' at // top-level. This *does* have the potential to stomp on a // literal 'err.foo' key. Object.keys(err).forEach(function (k) { rec['err.' + k] = err[k]; }) delete rec.err; } var leftover = Object.keys(rec); for (var i = 0; i < leftover.length; i++) { var key = leftover[i]; var value = rec[key]; var stringified = false; if (typeof (value) !== 'string') { value = JSON.stringify(value, null, 2); stringified = true; } if (value.indexOf('\n') !== -1 || value.length > 50) { details.push(indent(key + ': ' + value)); } else if (!stringified && (value.indexOf(' ') != -1 || value.length === 0)) { extras.push(key + '=' + JSON.stringify(value)); } else { extras.push(key + '=' + value); } } extras = stylize( (extras.length ? ' (' + extras.join(', ') + ')' : ''), 'XXX'); details = stylize( (details.length ? details.join('\n --\n') + '\n' : ''), 'XXX'); if (!short) emit(format('%s %s: %s on %s%s:%s%s\n%s', time, level, nameStr, hostname || '', src, onelineMsg, extras, details)); else emit(format('%s %s %s:%s%s\n%s', time, level, nameStr, onelineMsg, extras, details)); break; case OM_INSPECT: emit(util.inspect(rec, false, Infinity, true) + '\n'); break; case OM_BUNYAN: emit(JSON.stringify(rec, null, 0) + '\n'); break; case OM_JSON: emit(JSON.stringify(rec, null, opts.jsonIndent) + '\n'); break; case OM_SIMPLE: /* JSSTYLED */ // if (!isValidRecord(rec)) { return emit(line + '\n'); } emit(format('%s - %s\n', upperNameFromLevel[rec.level] || 'LVL' + rec.level, rec.msg)); break; default: throw new Error('unknown output mode: '+opts.outputMode); } } var stdoutFlushed = true; function emit(s) { try { stdoutFlushed = stdout.write(s); } catch (e) { // Handle any exceptions in stdout writing in `stdout.on('error', ...)`. } } /** * A hacked up version of 'process.exit' that will first drain stdout * before exiting. *WARNING: This doesn't stop event processing.* IOW, * callers have to be careful that code following this call isn't * accidentally executed. * * In node v0.6 "process.stdout and process.stderr are blocking when they * refer to regular files or TTY file descriptors." However, this hack might * still be necessary in a shell pipeline. */ function drainStdoutAndExit(code) { if (_DEBUG) warn('(drainStdoutAndExit(%d))', code); stdout.on('drain', function () { cleanupAndExit(code); }); if (stdoutFlushed) { cleanupAndExit(code); } } /** * Process all input from stdin. * * @params opts {Object} Bunyan options object. * @param stylize {Function} Output stylize function to use. * @param callback {Function} `function ()` */ function processStdin(opts, stylize, callback) { readingStdin = true; var leftover = ''; // Left-over partial line from last chunk. var stdin = process.stdin; stdin.resume(); stdin.setEncoding('utf8'); stdin.on('data', function (chunk) { var lines = chunk.split(/\r\n|\n/); var length = lines.length; if (length === 1) { leftover += lines[0]; return; } if (length > 1) { handleLogLine(null, leftover + lines[0], opts, stylize); } leftover = lines.pop(); length -= 1; for (var i = 1; i < length; i++) { handleLogLine(null, lines[i], opts, stylize); } }); stdin.on('end', function () { if (leftover) { handleLogLine(null, leftover, opts, stylize); leftover = ''; } callback(); }); } /** * Process bunyan:log-* probes from the given pid. * * @params opts {Object} Bunyan options object. * @param stylize {Function} Output stylize function to use. * @param callback {Function} `function (code)` */ function processPids(opts, stylize, callback) { var leftover = ''; // Left-over partial line from last chunk. /** * Get the PIDs to dtrace. * * @param cb {Function} `function (errCode, pids)` */ function getPids(cb) { if (opts.pidsType === 'num') { return cb(null, opts.pids); } if (process.platform === 'sunos') { execFile('/bin/pgrep', ['-lf', opts.pids], function (pidsErr, stdout, stderr) { if (pidsErr) { warn('bunyan: error getting PIDs for "%s": %s\n%s\n%s', opts.pids, pidsErr.message, stdout, stderr); return cb(1); } var pids = stdout.trim().split('\n') .map(function (line) { return line.trim().split(/\s+/)[0] }) .filter(function (pid) { return Number(pid) !== process.pid }); if (pids.length === 0) { warn('bunyan: error: no matching PIDs found for "%s"', opts.pids); return cb(2); } cb(null, pids); } ); } else { var regex = opts.pids; if (regex && /[a-zA-Z0-9_]/.test(regex[0])) { // 'foo' -> '[f]oo' trick to exclude the 'grep' PID from its // own search. regex = '[' + regex[0] + ']' + regex.slice(1); } exec(format('ps -A -o pid,command | grep \'%s\'', regex), function (pidsErr, stdout, stderr) { if (pidsErr) { warn('bunyan: error getting PIDs for "%s": %s\n%s\n%s', opts.pids, pidsErr.message, stdout, stderr); return cb(1); } var pids = stdout.trim().split('\n') .map(function (line) { return line.trim().split(/\s+/)[0]; }) .filter(function (pid) { return Number(pid) !== process.pid; }); if (pids.length === 0) { warn('bunyan: error: no matching PIDs found for "%s"', opts.pids); return cb(2); } cb(null, pids); } ); } } getPids(function (errCode, pids) { if (errCode) { return callback(errCode); } var probes = pids.map(function (pid) { if (!opts.level) return format('bunyan%s:::log-*', pid); var rval = [], l; for (l in levelFromName) { if (levelFromName[l] >= opts.level) rval.push(format('bunyan%s:::log-%s', pid, l)); } if (rval.length != 0) return rval.join(','); warn('bunyan: error: level (%d) exceeds maximum logging level', opts.level); return drainStdoutAndExit(1); }).join(','); var argv = ['dtrace', '-Z', '-x', 'strsize=4k', '-x', 'switchrate=10hz', '-qn', format('%s{printf("%s", copyinstr(arg0))}', probes)]; //console.log('dtrace argv: %s', argv); var dtrace = spawn(argv[0], argv.slice(1), // Share the stderr handle to have error output come // straight through. Only supported in v0.8+. {stdio: ['pipe', 'pipe', process.stderr]}); dtrace.on('error', function (e) { if (e.syscall === 'spawn' && e.errno === 'ENOENT') { console.error('bunyan: error: could not spawn "dtrace" ' + '("bunyan -p" is only supported on platforms with dtrace)'); } else { console.error('bunyan: error: unexpected dtrace error: %s', e); } callback(1); }) child = dtrace; // intentionally global function finish(code) { if (leftover) { handleLogLine(null, leftover, opts, stylize); leftover = ''; } callback(code); } dtrace.stdout.setEncoding('utf8'); dtrace.stdout.on('data', function (chunk) { var lines = chunk.split(/\r\n|\n/); var length = lines.length; if (length === 1) { leftover += lines[0]; return; } if (length > 1) { handleLogLine(null, leftover + lines[0], opts, stylize); } leftover = lines.pop(); length -= 1; for (var i = 1; i < length; i++) { handleLogLine(null, lines[i], opts, stylize); } }); if (nodeSpawnSupportsStdio) { dtrace.on('exit', finish); } else { // Fallback (for < v0.8) to pipe the dtrace process' stderr to // this stderr. Wait for all of (1) process 'exit', (2) stderr // 'end', and (2) stdout 'end' before returning to ensure all // stderr is flushed (issue #54). var returnCode = null; var eventsRemaining = 3; function countdownToFinish(code) { returnCode = code; eventsRemaining--; if (eventsRemaining == 0) { finish(returnCode); } } dtrace.stderr.pipe(process.stderr); dtrace.stderr.on('end', countdownToFinish); dtrace.stderr.on('end', countdownToFinish); dtrace.on('exit', countdownToFinish); } }); } /** * Process all input from the given log file. * * @param file {String} Log file path to process. * @params opts {Object} Bunyan options object. * @param stylize {Function} Output stylize function to use. * @param callback {Function} `function ()` */ function processFile(file, opts, stylize, callback) { var stream = fs.createReadStream(file); if (/\.gz$/.test(file)) { stream = stream.pipe(require('zlib').createGunzip()); } // Manually decode streams - lazy load here as per node/lib/fs.js var decoder = new (require('string_decoder').StringDecoder)('utf8'); streams[file].stream = stream; stream.on('error', function (err) { streams[file].done = true; callback(err); }); var leftover = ''; // Left-over partial line from last chunk. stream.on('data', function (data) { var chunk = decoder.write(data); if (!chunk.length) { return; } var lines = chunk.split(/\r\n|\n/); var length = lines.length; if (length === 1) { leftover += lines[0]; return; } if (length > 1) { handleLogLine(file, leftover + lines[0], opts, stylize); } leftover = lines.pop(); length -= 1; for (var i = 1; i < length; i++) { handleLogLine(file, lines[i], opts, stylize); } }); stream.on('end', function () { streams[file].done = true; if (leftover) { handleLogLine(file, leftover, opts, stylize); leftover = ''; } else { emitNextRecord(opts, stylize); } callback(); }); } /** * From node async module. */ /* BEGIN JSSTYLED */ function asyncForEach(arr, iterator, callback) { callback = callback || function () {}; if (!arr.length) { return callback(); } var completed = 0; arr.forEach(function (x) { iterator(x, function (err) { if (err) { callback(err); callback = function () {}; } else { completed += 1; if (completed === arr.length) { callback(); } } }); }); }; /* END JSSTYLED */ /** * Cleanup and exit properly. * * Warning: this doesn't stop processing, i.e. process exit might be delayed. * It is up to the caller to ensure that no subsequent bunyan processing * is done after calling this. * * @param code {Number} exit code. * @param signal {String} Optional signal name, if this was exitting because * of a signal. */ var cleanedUp = false; function cleanupAndExit(code, signal) { // Guard one call. if (cleanedUp) { return; } cleanedUp = true; if (_DEBUG) warn('(bunyan: cleanupAndExit)'); // Clear possibly interrupted ANSI code (issue #59). if (usingAnsiCodes) { stdout.write('\033[0m'); } // Kill possible dtrace child. if (child) { child.kill(signal); } if (pager) { // Let pager know that output is done, then wait for pager to exit. stdout.end(); pager.on('exit', function (pagerCode) { if (_DEBUG) warn('(bunyan: pager exit -> process.exit(%s))', pagerCode || code); process.exit(pagerCode || code); }); } else { if (_DEBUG) warn('(bunyan: process.exit(%s))', code); process.exit(code); } } //---- mainline process.on('SIGINT', function () { /** * Ignore SIGINT (Ctrl+C) if processing stdin -- we should process * remaining output from preceding process in the pipeline and * except *it* to close. */ if (!readingStdin) { cleanupAndExit(1, 'SIGINT'); } }); process.on('SIGQUIT', function () { cleanupAndExit(1, 'SIGQUIT'); }); process.on('SIGTERM', function () { cleanupAndExit(1, 'SIGTERM'); }); process.on('SIGHUP', function () { cleanupAndExit(1, 'SIGHUP'); }); process.on('uncaughtException', function (err) { function _indent(s) { var lines = s.split(/\r?\n/); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { lines[i] = '* ' + lines[i]; } return lines.join('\n'); } var title = encodeURIComponent(format( 'Bunyan %s crashed: %s', getVersion(), String(err))); var e = console.error; e('* * *'); e('* The Bunyan CLI crashed!'); e('*'); if (err.name === 'ReferenceError' && gOptsForUncaughtException.conditions) { e('* A "ReferenceError" is often the result of given'); e('* `-c CONDITION` code that doesn\'t guard against undefined'); e('* values. If that is not the problem:'); e('*'); } e('* Please report this issue and include the details below:'); e('*'); e('* https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan/issues/new?title=%s', title); e('*'); e('* * *'); e('* platform:', process.platform); e('* node version:', process.version); e('* bunyan version:', getVersion()); e('* argv: %j', process.argv); e('* log line: %j', currLine); e('* stack:'); e(_indent(err.stack)); e('* * *'); process.exit(1); }); function main(argv) { try { var opts = parseArgv(argv); } catch (e) { warn('bunyan: error: %s', e.message); return drainStdoutAndExit(1); } gOptsForUncaughtException = opts; // intentionally global if (opts.help) { printHelp(); return; } if (opts.version) { console.log('bunyan ' + getVersion()); return; } if (opts.pid && opts.args.length > 0) { warn('bunyan: error: can\'t use both "-p PID" (%s) and file (%s) args', opts.pid, opts.args.join(' ')); return drainStdoutAndExit(1); } if (opts.color === null) { if (process.env.BUNYAN_NO_COLOR && process.env.BUNYAN_NO_COLOR.length > 0) { opts.color = false; } else { opts.color = process.stdout.isTTY; } } usingAnsiCodes = opts.color; // intentionally global var stylize = (opts.color ? stylizeWithColor : stylizeWithoutColor); // Pager. var nodeVer = process.versions.node.split('.').map(Number); var paginate = ( process.stdout.isTTY && process.stdin.isTTY && !opts.pids && // Don't page if following process output. opts.args.length > 0 && // Don't page if no file args to process. process.platform !== 'win32' && (nodeVer[0] > 0 || nodeVer[1] >= 8) && (opts.paginate === true || (opts.paginate !== false && (!process.env.BUNYAN_NO_PAGER || process.env.BUNYAN_NO_PAGER.length === 0)))); if (paginate) { var pagerCmd = process.env.PAGER || 'less'; /* JSSTYLED */ assert.ok(pagerCmd.indexOf('"') === -1 && pagerCmd.indexOf("'") === -1, 'cannot parse PAGER quotes yet'); var argv = pagerCmd.split(/\s+/g); var env = objCopy(process.env); if (env.LESS === undefined) { // git's default is LESS=FRSX. I don't like the 'S' here because // lines are *typically* wide with bunyan output and scrolling // horizontally is a royal pain. Note a bug in Mac's `less -F`, // such that SIGWINCH can kill it. If that rears too much then // I'll remove 'F' from here. env.LESS = 'FRX'; } if (_DEBUG) warn('(pager: argv=%j, env.LESS=%j)', argv, env.LESS); // `pager` and `stdout` intentionally global. pager = spawn(argv[0], argv.slice(1), // Share the stderr handle to have error output come // straight through. Only supported in v0.8+. {env: env, stdio: ['pipe', 1, 2]}); stdout = pager.stdin; // Early termination of the pager: just stop. pager.on('exit', function (pagerCode) { if (_DEBUG) warn('(bunyan: pager exit)'); pager = null; stdout.end() stdout = process.stdout; cleanupAndExit(pagerCode); }); } // Stdout error handling. (Couldn't setup until `stdout` was determined.) stdout.on('error', function (err) { if (_DEBUG) warn('(stdout error event: %s)', err); if (err.code === 'EPIPE') { drainStdoutAndExit(0); } else if (err.toString() === 'Error: This socket is closed.') { // Could get this if the pager closes its stdin, but hasn't // exited yet. drainStdoutAndExit(1); } else { warn(err); drainStdoutAndExit(1); } }); var retval = 0; if (opts.pids) { processPids(opts, stylize, function (code) { cleanupAndExit(code); }); } else if (opts.args.length > 0) { var files = opts.args; files.forEach(function (file) { streams[file] = { stream: null, records: [], done: false } }); asyncForEach(files, function (file, next) { processFile(file, opts, stylize, function (err) { if (err) { warn('bunyan: %s', err.message); retval += 1; } next(); }); }, function (err) { if (err) { warn('bunyan: unexpected error: %s', err.stack || err); return drainStdoutAndExit(1); } cleanupAndExit(retval); } ); } else { processStdin(opts, stylize, function () { cleanupAndExit(retval); }); } } if (require.main === module) { // HACK guard for . // We override the `process.stdout.end` guard that core node.js puts in // place. The real fix is that `.end()` shouldn't be called on stdout // in node core. Node v0.6.9 fixes that. Only guard for v0.6.0..v0.6.8. var nodeVer = process.versions.node.split('.').map(Number); if ([0, 6, 0] <= nodeVer && nodeVer <= [0, 6, 8]) { var stdout = process.stdout; stdout.end = stdout.destroy = stdout.destroySoon = function () { /* pass */ }; } main(process.argv); }