// Show the usage of `src: true` config option to get log call source info in // log records (the `src` field). var Logger = require('../lib/bunyan'); var log = new Logger({name: 'src-example', src: true}); log.info('one'); log.info('two'); function doSomeFoo() { log.info({foo:'bar'}, 'three'); } doSomeFoo(); function Wuzzle(options) { this.log = options.log; this.log.info('creating a wuzzle') } Wuzzle.prototype.woos = function () { this.log.warn('This wuzzle is woosey.') } var wuzzle = new Wuzzle({log: log.child({component: 'wuzzle'})}); wuzzle.woos(); log.info('done with the wuzzle')