
135 lines
4.4 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2012 Trent Mick. All rights reserved.
* Test type checking on creation of the Logger.
var bunyan = require('../lib/bunyan'),
Logger = bunyan;
// node-tap API
if (require.cache[__dirname + '/tap4nodeunit.js'])
delete require.cache[__dirname + '/tap4nodeunit.js'];
var tap4nodeunit = require('./tap4nodeunit.js');
var after = tap4nodeunit.after;
var before = tap4nodeunit.before;
var test = tap4nodeunit.test;
test('ensure Logger creation options', function (t) {
t.throws(function () { new Logger(); },
'options (object) is required',
'no options should throw');
t.throws(function () { new Logger({}); },
' (string) is required',
'no should throw');
t.doesNotThrow(function () { new Logger({name: 'foo'}); },
'just should be sufficient');
var options = {name: 'foo', stream: process.stdout, streams: []};
t.throws(function () { new Logger(options); },
'cannot use "stream" and "streams"');
options = {name: 'foo', streams: {}};
t.throws(function () { new Logger(options); },
'invalid options.streams: must be an array',
'"streams" must be an array');
options = {name: 'foo', serializers: 'a string'};
t.throws(function () { new Logger(options); },
'invalid options.serializers: must be an object',
'"serializers" cannot be a string');
options = {name: 'foo', serializers: [1, 2, 3]};
t.throws(function () { new Logger(options); },
'invalid options.serializers: must be an object',
'"serializers" cannot be an array');
test('ensure Logger constructor is safe without new', function (t) {
t.doesNotThrow(function () { Logger({name: 'foo'}); },
'constructor should call self with new if necessary');
test('ensure Logger creation options (createLogger)', function (t) {
t.throws(function () { bunyan.createLogger(); },
'options (object) is required',
'no options should throw');
t.throws(function () { bunyan.createLogger({}); },
' (string) is required',
'no should throw');
t.doesNotThrow(function () { bunyan.createLogger({name: 'foo'}); },
'just should be sufficient');
var options = {name: 'foo', stream: process.stdout, streams: []};
t.throws(function () { bunyan.createLogger(options); },
'cannot use "stream" and "streams"');
options = {name: 'foo', streams: {}};
t.throws(function () { bunyan.createLogger(options); },
'invalid options.streams: must be an array',
'"streams" must be an array');
options = {name: 'foo', serializers: 'a string'};
t.throws(function () { bunyan.createLogger(options); },
'invalid options.serializers: must be an object',
'"serializers" cannot be a string');
options = {name: 'foo', serializers: [1, 2, 3]};
t.throws(function () { bunyan.createLogger(options); },
'invalid options.serializers: must be an object',
'"serializers" cannot be an array');
test('ensure Logger child() options', function (t) {
var log = new Logger({name: 'foo'});
t.doesNotThrow(function () { log.child(); },
'no options should be fine');
t.doesNotThrow(function () { log.child({}); },
'empty options should be fine too');
t.throws(function () { log.child({name: 'foo'}); },
'invalid child cannot set logger name',
'child cannot change name');
var options = {stream: process.stdout, streams: []};
t.throws(function () { log.child(options); },
'cannot use "stream" and "streams"');
options = {streams: {}};
t.throws(function () { log.child(options); },
'invalid options.streams: must be an array',
'"streams" must be an array');
options = {serializers: 'a string'};
t.throws(function () { log.child(options); },
'invalid options.serializers: must be an object',
'"serializers" cannot be a string');
options = {serializers: [1, 2, 3]};
t.throws(function () { log.child(options); },
'invalid options.serializers: must be an object',
'"serializers" cannot be an array');