"raw" is now a stream "type" isntead of a separate attribute. The idea is that writing raw objects (instead of JSON-stringified stings) to, e.g. a file WriteStream isn't useful. So, lets re-use the stream "type" field instead of an additional "raw" field.
111 lines
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111 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2012 Trent Mick. All rights reserved.
* Test `type: 'raw'` Logger streams.
var format = require('util').format;
var test = require('tap').test;
var Logger = require('../lib/bunyan');
function CapturingStream(recs) {
this.recs = recs;
CapturingStream.prototype.write = function (rec) {
test('raw stream', function (t) {
var recs = [];
var log = new Logger({
name: 'raw-stream-test',
streams: [
stream: new CapturingStream(recs),
type: 'raw'
log.info({two: 'deux'}, 'second');
t.equal(recs.length, 2);
t.equal(typeof (recs[0]), 'object', 'first rec is an object');
t.equal(recs[1].two, 'deux', '"two" field made it through');
test('raw streams and regular streams can mix', function (t) {
var rawRecs = [];
var nonRawRecs = [];
var log = new Logger({
name: 'raw-stream-test',
streams: [
stream: new CapturingStream(rawRecs),
type: 'raw'
stream: new CapturingStream(nonRawRecs)
log.info({two: 'deux'}, 'second');
t.equal(rawRecs.length, 2);
t.equal(typeof (rawRecs[0]), 'object', 'first rawRec is an object');
t.equal(rawRecs[1].two, 'deux', '"two" field made it through');
t.equal(nonRawRecs.length, 2);
t.equal(typeof (nonRawRecs[0]), 'string', 'first nonRawRec is a string');
test('child adding a non-raw stream works', function (t) {
var parentRawRecs = [];
var rawRecs = [];
var nonRawRecs = [];
var logParent = new Logger({
name: 'raw-stream-test',
streams: [
stream: new CapturingStream(parentRawRecs),
type: 'raw'
var logChild = logParent.child({
child: true,
streams: [
stream: new CapturingStream(rawRecs),
type: 'raw'
stream: new CapturingStream(nonRawRecs)
logChild.info({two: 'deux'}, 'second');
t.equal(rawRecs.length, 1,
format('rawRecs length should be 1 (is %d)', rawRecs.length));
t.equal(typeof (rawRecs[0]), 'object', 'rawRec entry is an object');
t.equal(rawRecs[0].two, 'deux', '"two" field made it through');
t.equal(nonRawRecs.length, 1);
t.equal(typeof (nonRawRecs[0]), 'string', 'first nonRawRec is a string');