import defaults from './defaults.mjs' export function safeWrap(log, name, fn) { return function(data, cb) { try { let out = fn(data, cb) if (out && out.then) { out.then(function() {}, function(err) { log.error(err, 'Unknown error in ' + name) log.event.error('Unknown error occured in ' + name + ': ' + err.message) }) } } catch (err) { log.error(err, 'Unknown error in ' + name) log.event.error('Unknown error occured in ' + name + ': ' + err.message) } } } export function getConfig(ctx) { let merge = { applications: [], name: || '', title: ctx.db.config.title || '', } for (let app of ctx.core.applications) { merge[] = { provider: app.config.provider || null, url: app.config.url || null, port: app.config.port || null, scAllowStop: app.config.scAllowStop || null, } merge.applications.push( } return merge } export function getApp(ctx, name, action) { let app = ctx.core.applicationMap.get(name) if (!app) { ctx.log.warn(`Invalid action ${action} on non-existing app ${name}`) ctx.log.event.warn(`Invalid action ${action} on non-existing app ${name}`) return null } if (action === 'start' && !app.config.scAllowStop && app.running) { ctx.log.warn(`Invalid action ${action} on existing app ${name}`) ctx.log.event.warn(`Invalid action ${action} on existing app ${name}`) return null } return app } const lastAction = { } export function stopSpam(ctx, action, name) { let key = name + '.' + action var d = new Date() if (!lastAction[key]) { lastAction[key] = d return false } if (d - lastAction[key] < 1000 * 60 * 1) { ctx.log.warn(`${action} called too fast on ${name}`) ctx.log.event.warn(`${action} called too fast on ${name}`) return lastAction[key] } lastAction[key] = d return false } export function getStatus(ctx) { let status = {} for (let app of ctx.core.applications) { if (app.provider.static) { status[] = { active: 'static', latestInstalled: 'static', updated: '', running: app.running, updating: false, } } else { let appDb =[] let active = ctx.db.get(appDb.versions, let installed = ctx.db.get(appDb.versions, appDb.latestInstalled) status[] = { active: active, latestInstalled: installed, updated: appDb.updater, running: app.running || app.ctx.version, updating: app.updating, } } } return status }