import cluster from 'cluster' import Util from './util.mjs' import fs from 'fs/promises' import getLog, { getDefaultStreams } from './log.mjs' import GetDB from './db.mjs' import Core from './core.mjs' export async function runner(root_import_meta_url, configname = 'config.json', dbname = 'db.json') { if (!root_import_meta_url) { throw new Error('ServiceRunner must be called with the full string from "import.meta.url" from a file residing in the root directory') } const util = new Util(root_import_meta_url) let config = configname if (typeof(config) === 'string') { let fullpath = util.getPathFromRoot('./' + config) try { config = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(fullpath)) } catch (err) { throw new Error(`critical error opening ${fullpath}: ${err.message}`) } } let streams = getDefaultStreams() if (cluster.isWorker) { streams[0].level = 'error' } const log = getLog(, streams) runner.log = log const db = await GetDB(config, log, util.getPathFromRoot('./' + dbname)) const core = new Core(db, util, log, function(msg) { if (msg) { runner.log.warn('Got a restart request: ' + msg) } else { runner.log.warn('Got a restart request with no message or reason') } process.exit(1) }) await core.init() await return core } runner.log = getLog('runner')