import fs from 'fs' import { EventEmitter } from 'events' import { request } from './client.mjs' const fsp = fs.promises export default class Core extends EventEmitter{ constructor(util, config, db, log, closeCb) { super() this._util = util this._config = config this._db = db this._log = log this._close = closeCb this._appRunning = false this._manageRunning = false this._appUpdating = { status: false, starting: false, logs: '', } this._manageUpdating = { status: false, starting: false, logs: '', } } restart() { this._close() } status() { return { app: this._appRunning, manage: this._manageRunning, appUpdating: this._appUpdating.status, manageUpdating: this._manageUpdating.status, } } async getLatestVersion(active, name) { // Example: '' this.logActive(name, active, `[Core] Fetching release info from:${this._config[name + 'Repository']}/releases\n`) let result = await request(`${this._config[name + 'Repository']}/releases`) let items = result.body.filter(function(item) { if (!item.assets.length) return false for (let i = 0; i < item.assets.length; i++) { if (item.assets[i].name.endsWith('')) return true } }) if (items && items.length) { for (let x = 0; x < items.length; x++) { let item = items[x] for (let i = 0; i < item.assets.length; i++) { if (item.assets[i].name.endsWith('')) { this.logActive(name, active, `[Core] Found version ${} with file ${item.assets[i].name}\n`) await this._db.set(`core.${name}LatestVersion`, .write() this.emit('dbupdated', {}) return { name:, filename: item.assets[i].name, url: item.assets[i].browser_download_url, description: item.body, } } } } } else { return null } } logActive(name, active, logline, doNotPrint = false) { if (!doNotPrint) {`Log ${name}: ` + logline.replace(/\n/g, '')) } active.logs += logline this.emit(name + 'log', active) } getProgramLogs(name) { if (name === 'app' && this._appUpdating.logs) { return this._appUpdating.logs } else if (name === 'manage' && this._manageUpdating.logs) { return this._manageUpdating.logs } let latestInstalled = this._db.get('core.' + name + 'LatestInstalled').value() let latestVersion = this._db.get('core.' + name + 'LatestVersion').value() if (latestVersion) { let value = this._db.get(`core_${name}History`).getById(latestVersion).value() if (value) return value.logs } if (latestInstalled) { let value = this._db.get(`core_${name}History`).getById(latestInstalled).value() if (value) return value.logs } return '< no logs found >' } async installVersion(name, active, version) { if (fs.existsSync(this._util.getPathFromRoot(`./${name}/` + { await this._util.runCommand('rmdir', ['/S', '/Q', `"${this._util.getPathFromRoot(`./${name}/` +}"`]) } try { await fsp.mkdir(this._util.getPathFromRoot(`./${name}/` + } catch(err) { if (err.code !== 'EEXIST') { throw err } } // await fsp.mkdir(this._util.getPathFromRoot(`./${name}/` + + '/node_modules')) this.logActive(name, active, `[Core] Downloading ${} (${version.url}) to ${ + '/' + + '.zip'}\n`) let filePath = this._util.getPathFromRoot(`./${name}/` + + '/' + + '.zip') await request(version.url, filePath) this.logActive(name, active, `[Core] Downloading finished, starting extraction\n`) await this._util.runCommand( '"C:\\Program Files\\7-Zip\\7z.exe"', ['x', `"${filePath}"`], this._util.getPathFromRoot(`./${name}/` + + '/'), this.logActive.bind(this, name, active) ) if (!fs.existsSync(this._util.getPathFromRoot(`./${name}/` + + '/index.mjs'))) { this.logActive(name, active, `\n[Core] ERROR: Missing index.mjs in the folder, exiting\n`) throw new Error(`Missing index.mjs in ${this._util.getPathFromRoot(`./${name}/` + + '/index.mjs')}`) } this.logActive(name, active, `\n[Core] Starting npm install\n`) await this._util.runCommand( 'npm.cmd', ['install', '--production', '--no-optional', '--no-package-lock', '--no-audit'], this._util.getPathFromRoot(`./${name}/` + + '/'), this.logActive.bind(this, name, active) ) await this._db.set(`core.${name}LatestInstalled`, .write() this.emit('dbupdated', {}) this.logActive(name, active, `\n[Core] Successfully installed ${}\n`) } getActive(name) { if (name === 'app') { return this._appUpdating } else if (name === 'manage') { return this._manageUpdating } else { throw new Error('Invalid name: ' + name) } } async startProgram(name) { let active = this.getActive(name) if ((name === 'app' && this._appRunning) || (name === 'manage' && this._manageRunning) || active.starting) { this._log.event.warn('Attempting to start ' + name + ' which is already running') this._log.warn('Attempting to start ' + name + ' which is already running') this.logActive(name, active, `[${name}] Attempting to start it but it is already running\n`, true) return } active.starting = true let core = this._db.get('core').value() let version = core[name + 'LatestInstalled'] if (await this.tryStartProgram(name, active, version)) return version = core[name + 'LastActive'] if (await this.tryStartProgram(name, active,version)) return this._log.error('Unable to start ' + name) this._log.event.error('Unable to start ' + name) active.starting = false } async tryStartProgram(name, active, version) { if (!version) return false this.logActive(name, active, `[${name}] Attempting to start ${version}\n`) let indexPath = this._util.getUrlFromRoot(`./${name}/` + version + '/index.mjs') let module try { this.logActive(name, active, `[${name}] Loading ${indexPath}\n`) module = await import(indexPath) } catch (err) { this.logActive(name, active, `[${name}] Error importing module\n`, true) this.logActive(name, active, `[${name}] ${err.stack}\n`, true) this._log.error(err, `Failed to load ${indexPath}`) return false } let checkTimeout = null try { await new Promise((res, rej) => { try { let checkTimeout = setTimeout(function() { rej(new Error('Program took longer than 60 seconds to resolve promise')) }, 60 * 1000) this.logActive(name, active, `[${name}] Starting module\n`) let out = module.start(this._config, this._db, this._log, this) if (out.then) { return out.then(res, rej) } else { res() } } catch (err) { rej(err) } }) } catch (err) { clearTimeout(checkTimeout) this.logActive(name, active, `[${name}] Error starting\n`, true) this.logActive(name, active, `[${name}] ${err.stack}\n`, true) this._log.error(err, `Failed to start ${name}`) return false } clearTimeout(checkTimeout) this.logActive(name, active, `[${name}] Successfully started version ${version}\n`) await this._db.set(`core.${name}Active`, version) .write() let port = name === 'app' ? this._config.port : this._config.managePort this.logActive(name, active, `[${name}] Checking if listening to port ${port}\n`) if (name === 'app') { this._appRunning = true } else { this._manageRunning = true } this.logActive(name, active, `[${name}] Module is running successfully\n`) return true } async updateProgram(name) { if (!this._config[name + 'Repository']) { if (name === 'app') { this._log.error(name + 'Repository was missing from config') this._log.event.error(name + 'Repository was missing from config') } else { this._log.warn(name + 'Repository was missing from config') this._log.event.warn(name + 'Repository was missing from config') } return } let active = this.getActive(name) active.status = true active.logs = '' this.emit('statusupdated', {}) this.logActive(name, active, `[Core] Time: ${new Date().toISOString().replace('T', ' ').split('.')[0]}\n`) this.logActive(name, active, '[Core] Checking for updates...\n') let version = null let installed = false let found = false try { version = await this.getLatestVersion(active, name) let core = this._db.get('core').value() let fromDb = this._db.get(`core_${name}History`).getById( console.log(fromDb) if (!fromDb || !fromDb.installed) { let oldVersion = core[name + 'Current'] || '' this.logActive(name, active, `[Core] Updating from ${oldVersion} to ${}\n`) await this.installVersion(name, active, version) this.logActive(name, active, `[Core] Finished: ${new Date().toISOString().replace('T', ' ').split('.')[0]}\n`) installed = new Date() } else { found = true this.logActive(name, active, `[Core] Version ${} already installed\n\n[Core] Logs from previous install:\n----------------------------------\n\n${fromDb.logs}\n----------------------------------\n[Core] Old logs finished`) } } catch(err) { this.logActive(name, active, '\n', true) this.logActive(name, active, `[Error] Exception occured while updating ${name}\n`, true) this.logActive(name, active, err.stack, true) this._log.error(err, 'Error while updating ' + name) } active.status = false if (version && !found) { await this._db.get(`core_${name}History`).upsert({ id:, name:, filename: version.filename, url: version.url, description: version.description, logs: active.logs, stable: 0, installed: installed, }).write() } this.emit('statusupdated', {}) } async start(name) { await this.updateProgram(name) if (core[name + 'CurrentVersion']) { await this.startProgram(name) } } }