import lowdb from 'lowdb' import FileAsync from 'lowdb/adapters/FileAsync.js' let lastId = -1 // Take from // from package lodash-id const lodashId = { // Empties properties __empty: function (doc) { this.forEach(doc, function (value, key) { delete doc[key] }) }, // Copies properties from an object to another __update: function (dest, src) { this.forEach(src, function (value, key) { dest[key] = value }) }, // Removes an item from an array __remove: function (array, item) { var index = this.indexOf(array, item) if (index !== -1) array.splice(index, 1) }, __id: function () { var id = || 'id' return id }, getById: function (collection, id) { var self = this return this.find(collection, function (doc) { if (self.has(doc, self.__id())) { return doc[self.__id()] === id } }) }, createId: function (collection, doc) { let next = new Date().getTime() if (next <= lastId) { next = lastId + 1 } lastId = next return next }, insert: function (collection, doc) { doc[this.__id()] = doc[this.__id()] || this.createId(collection, doc) var d = this.getById(collection, doc[this.__id()]) if (d) throw new Error('Insert failed, duplicate id') collection.push(doc) return doc }, upsert: function (collection, doc) { if (doc[this.__id()]) { // id is set var d = this.getById(collection, doc[this.__id()]) if (d) { // replace properties of existing object this.__empty(d) this.assign(d, doc) } else { // push new object collection.push(doc) } } else { // create id and push new object doc[this.__id()] = this.createId(collection, doc) collection.push(doc) } return doc }, updateById: function (collection, id, attrs) { var doc = this.getById(collection, id) if (doc) { this.assign(doc, attrs, {id:}) } return doc }, updateWhere: function (collection, predicate, attrs) { var self = this var docs = this.filter(collection, predicate) docs.forEach(function (doc) { self.assign(doc, attrs, {id:}) }) return docs }, replaceById: function (collection, id, attrs) { var doc = this.getById(collection, id) if (doc) { var docId = this.__empty(doc) this.assign(doc, attrs, {id: docId}) } return doc }, removeById: function (collection, id) { var doc = this.getById(collection, id) this.__remove(collection, doc) return doc }, removeWhere: function (collection, predicate) { var self = this var docs = this.filter(collection, predicate) docs.forEach(function (doc) { self.__remove(collection, doc) }) return docs } } export default function GetDB(util, log) { const adapter = new FileAsync(util.getPathFromRoot('./db.json')) return lowdb(adapter) .then(function(db) { db._.mixin(lodashId) db.defaults({ core: { "appActive": null, // Current active running "appLastActive": null, // Last active stable running "appLatestInstalled": null, // Latest installed version "appLatestVersion": null, // Newest version available "manageActive": null, "manageLastActive": null, "manageLatestInstalled": null, "manageLatestVersion": null }, core_appHistory: [], core_manageHistory: [], core_version: 1, }) .write() .then( function() { }, function(e) { log.error(e, 'Error writing defaults to lowdb') } ) return db }) }