#!/usr/bin/env node import config from './lib/config.mjs' import SPServer from './lib/spserver.mjs' var env = config.get('NODE_ENV'); //Check if we any var displayHelp = config.get('help'); if (!config.get('file') && !config.get(env + ':file') && !config.get('serve') && !config.get(env + ':serve')) { displayHelp = true; } if (config.get('config')) { console.log(config.get()) process.exit(0) } if (displayHelp) { console.log(`Run static server for static files, simple servers or pure MVVM projects. Specifying either file or folder serving is required. Usage: spserver [options] Options: --config Location of the config file for the server [default: config.json] --port The port server should bind to [default: 3001 or 80 in production mode] --file Single static file the server should serve on all unknown requests --bunyan Use bunyan instead of console to log to [default: true in production mode] --template Parse the static file as lodash template with all options/settings being passed to it --name The name for this server for logging [default: spserver] --serve Folder path to serve static files from [default: public] --prod Force run the server in production mode --debug Force run the server in development mode --ip IP server runs on [default:] --rooturlpath Root URL path server is deployed on; will be removed from URL when resolving to files [default: /] --ssl Specify whether to serve in ssl mode. Uses the path of --sslkey and --sslcert. --sslkey The path to the ssl key for ssl mode [default: key.pem] --sslcert The path to the ssl certificate for ssl mode [default: cert.pem] Examples: spserver -p 2000 -f base.html -s ./dist Will run the server on port 2000 serving static files from the ./dist folder with any unknown file being served the contents of base.html. spserver -f base.html -t --custom test Will run the server with the base.html as a template as well as passing the contents of "test" argument into the template.`); process.exit(0); } //Run our server \o/ let server = new SPServer()