import _ from 'lodash' import knex from 'knex-core' import bookshelf from 'bookshelf' import config from './config.mjs' import defaults from './defaults.mjs' import log from './log.mjs' let connections = [config.get('knex:connection')] if (config.get('knex:connectionslave')) { connections.push(config.get('knex:connectionslave')) } let isRecovering = false let isUrgent = false let currentIndex = 0 let nextIndex = currentIndex + 1 let client let secondaryClient /** * Semi-gracefully shift the current active client connection from the * current connected client and switch to the selected index server. */ async function shiftConnection(index) { // Update our variables isUrgent = false currentIndex = index log.warn('DB: Destroying current pool') await client.destroy() // Update connection settings to the new server and re-initialize the pool. log.warn(connections[currentIndex], 'DB: Connecting to next server') client.client.connectionSettings = connections[currentIndex] client.initialize() } /** * Start a graceful server migration. Creates a secondary database connection * and checks other available servers we have if they're up and can be used. */ async function gracefulServerMigrate() { // Check if we're already recovering and exit then. if (isRecovering) return // Urgent means we don't have ANY active database connectiong and need one quickly. if (isUrgent) { log.error(connections[currentIndex], `DB: Server connected to is offline.`) } else { log.warn(connections[currentIndex], `DB: Successfully connected to a server but its status was recovering (slave).`) } log.warn('DB: Attempting to gracefully connecting to different server') isRecovering = true // Load up next server into a new knex connection and start connecting. if (nextIndex === connections.length) { nextIndex = 0 } secondaryClient = knex(getConfig(nextIndex, false)) // Keep on trying :) while (true) { // Make multiple attempts when we're connecting to downed or timed out databases. let attempts = 0 while (attempts++ < 5) { try { log.warn(connections[nextIndex], `DB: Gracefully attempting to connect to server (attempt ${attempts}/5).`) // Connect to the database (this creates a new pool connection) and check if it's in recovery mode let data = await secondaryClient.raw('select pg_is_in_recovery()') // If we reach here, we got data which means the database is up and running. // As such, there's no need to make more attempts to same server attempts = 6 // Check if it's master or if we are desperate if (!data.rows[0].pg_is_in_recovery || isUrgent) { // Found a viable server to connect to. Shift our active client to it.[nextIndex], 'DB: Found available server, connecting to it') await shiftConnection(nextIndex) // Check if we're connected to master or just a slave. if (!data.rows[0].pg_is_in_recovery) { // We found a master, stop recovering[nextIndex], 'DB: Connection established with master.') isRecovering = false break } } } catch (err) { // We only care to log weird errors like postgresql errors or such. if (err.code !== 'ECONNREFUSED' && err.code !== 'ETIMEDOUT') { log.error({ code: err.code, message: err.message }, `DB: Unknown error while gracefully connecting to ${connections[nextIndex].host}`) } // Make a next attempt after 10 seconds await new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, 10000)) } } // Check if we found a master and break if we did. if (isRecovering === false) break // Didn't find a master :( wait 60 seconds before running another attempt log.warn(connections[nextIndex], 'DB: Connected server was deemeed unable to fit master role') log.warn('DB: waiting 60 seconds before attempting next server') await new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, 60000)) // Move to next server nextIndex++ if (nextIndex === connections.length) { nextIndex = 0 } // Time to destroy our active pool on our current server and update // the connection settings to the next server and re-initialise. await secondaryClient.destroy() secondaryClient.client.connectionSettings = connections[nextIndex] secondaryClient.initialize() } // We got here means we have stopped recovery process. // Shut down the secondary knex client and destroy it and // remove reference to it so GC can collect it eventually, hopefully. await secondaryClient.destroy() nextIndex = currentIndex + 1 secondaryClient = null } /** * Event handler after our pool is created and we are creating a connection. * Here we check if the database is in recovery mode (a.k.a. slave) and if so * start the graceful migration to migrate back to master once it's up and running. */ function afterCreate(conn, done) { conn.query('select pg_is_in_recovery()', (e, res) => { if (e) return done(e, conn) if (res.rows[0].pg_is_in_recovery) gracefulServerMigrate().then() done(null, conn) }) } /** * Event handler for when the pool gets destroyed. Here we check * if the connection has been marked with _ending = true. * There are some checks available we can use to check if current * connection was abrubtly disconnected. Among those from my testing * are as follows: * * conn.__knex__disposed = 'Connection ended unexpectedly' * conn.connection._ending = true * * I went with connection._ending one as I feel that one's the safest. * */ function beforeDestroy(conn) { if (conn.connection._ending) { checkActiveConnection() } } /** * Return a valid confic for knex based on specific connection index. * Note that we don't wanna hook into afterCreate or beforeDestroy * in our secondary knex connection doing the recovery checking. */ function getConfig(index = 0, addEvents = true) { return { 'client': 'pg', 'connection': connections[index], 'migrations': { }, pool: { afterCreate: addEvents && afterCreate || null, min: 2, max: 10, // beforeDestroy: addEvents && beforeDestroy || null, }, acquireConnectionTimeout: 10000, } } client = knex(getConfig(currentIndex)) /** * Make sure no update or delete queries are run while we're recovering. * This allows knex to connect to a slave and only process select queries. * * Note: Probably does not support complicated select queries that cause * updates on trigger or other such things. */ client.on('query', data => { if (isRecovering && data.method !== 'select') { throw new Error('Database is in read-only mode') } }) function checkActiveConnection(attempt = 1) { if (attempt > 5) { isUrgent = true return gracefulServerMigrate().then() } //`DB: (Attempt ${attempt}/5) Checking connection is active.`) client.raw('select 1').catch(err => { if (err.code === 'ECONNREFUSED') { // err.code === 'ETIMEDOUT' isUrgent = true return gracefulServerMigrate().then() } if (err) { let wait = 3000 // err.code like '57P03' and such. if (err.code === 'ETIMEDOUT') { wait = 10000 } log.error({ code: err.code, message: err.message }, `DB: (Attempt ${attempt}/5) Error while checking connection status`) if (attempt < 5) { log.warn(`DB: (Attempt ${attempt}/5) Attempting again in ${wait / 1000} seconds.`) setTimeout(() => checkActiveConnection(attempt + 1), wait) } else { checkActiveConnection(attempt + 1) } } }) } // Only way to check startup connection errors, 'DB: Connecting to server') setTimeout(() => checkActiveConnection(), 100) // Check if we're running tests while connected to // potential production environment. /* istanbul ignore if */ if (config.get('NODE_ENV') === 'test' && (config.get('knex:connection:database') !== 'kisildalur_test' || config.get('knex:connection:connection'))) { // There is an offchance that we're running tests on // production database. Exit NOW! log.error('Critical: potentially running test on production enviroment. Shutting down.') process.exit(1) } const shelf = bookshelf(client) shelf.plugin('virtuals') shelf.plugin('pagination') // Helper method to create models shelf.createModel = (attr, opts) => { // Create default attributes to all models let attributes = defaults(attr, { /** * Always include created_at and updated_at for all models default. */ hasTimestamps: true, /** * Columns selected in get single queries. */ privateFields: ['*'], /** * Event handler when fetch() is called. This gets called for both * when getSingle() or just manual fetch() is called as well as * when relation models through belongsTo() resources get fetched. * * @param {Model} model - The model instance if fetch() was used. For * belongsTo this is the relation model thingy. * @param {Array} columns - Array of columns to select if fetch() was used. * Otherwise this is null. * @param {Object} options - Options for the fetch. Includes the query * builder object. */ checkFetching(model, columns, options) { // First override that is_deleted always gets filtered out. options.query.where({ is_deleted: false }) // If we have columns, fetch() or getSingle is the caller and no // custom select() was called on the query. if (columns) { // We override columns default value of 'table_name.*' select and // replace it with actual fields. This allows us to hide columns in // public results. columns.splice(...[0, columns.length].concat( => `${model.tableName}.${item}`) )) // If we have relatedData in the model object, then we're dealing with a // belongsTo relation query. If not, then we're dealing with a custom // fetch() with select() query. } else if (model.relatedData) { // We are dealing with belongsTo relation query. Override the default // 'relation_table.*' with public select columns. // We override the actual value in the query because doing select() // does not override or replace the previous value during testing. let relatedColums = options.query._statements[0].value // During some Model.relatedDAta() queries, the select statement // is actually hidden in the third statement so we grab that instead if (options.query._statements[0].grouping === 'where') { relatedColums = options.query._statements[2].value } relatedColums.splice(...[0, relatedColums.length].concat( => `${model.relatedData.targetTableName}.${item}`) )) } }, /** * Event handler after a fetch() operation and finished. * * @param {Model} model - The model instance. * @param {Object} response - Knex query response. * @param {Object} options - Options for the fetched. */ checkFetched(model, response, options) { model._ctx = options.ctx }, /** * Event handler when fetchALL() is called. This gets called for both * when getAll() or just manual fetchAll(). * * @param {CollectionBase} collection - The collection base for the model. * This does not contain a model * instance so privateFields is not * accessible here. * @param {Array} columns - Array of columns to select if fetchAll() was * used. Otherwise this is null. * @param {Object} options - Options for the fetch. Includes the query * builder object. */ checkFetchingCollection(collection, columns, options) { // I really really apologise for this. if (!options.query._statements[0] || !options.query._statements[0].column || !options.query._statements[0].column.indexOf || options.query._statements[0].column.indexOf('is_deleted') === -1) { // First override that is_deleted always gets filtered out. options.query.where(`${collection.tableName()}.is_deleted`, false) } // If we have columns, we're dealing with a normal basic fetchAll() or // a getAll() caller. if (columns) { columns.splice(...[0, columns.length].concat(collection.model.publicFields)) } }, /** * Event handler when fetchAll() has been called and fetched. * * @param {CollectionBase} collection - The collection that has been fetched. * @param {Array} columns - Array of columns to select if fetchAll() was * used. Otherwise this is null. * @param {Object} options - Options for the fetch. */ checkFetchedCollection(collection, columns, options) { collection.forEach(item => (item._ctx = options.ctx)) }, /** * Event handler for hasMany relation fetching. This gets called whenever * hasMany related is being fetched. * * @param {CollectionBase} collection - The collection base for the model. * This does not contain a model * instance so privateFields is not * accessible here. * @param {Array} columns - Array of columns to select. This is * always null. * @param {Object} options - Options for the fetch. Includes the query * builder object. */ checkFetchingHasMany(collection, columns, options) { // First override that is_deleted always gets filtered out. options.query.where({ is_deleted: false }) // Then we override the actual value in the query because doing select() // does not override or replace the previous value during testing. let relatedColums if (options.query._statements[0].grouping === 'columns') { relatedColums = options.query._statements[0].value } else { relatedColums = options.query._statements[1].value } relatedColums.splice(...[0, relatedColums.length] .concat( item => `${collection.relatedData.targetTableName}.${item}` )) ) // check if pagination is being requested and we support it if (collection.relatedName && options.ctx && options.ctx.state.pagination && options.ctx.state.pagination[collection.relatedName]) { let pagination = options.ctx.state.pagination[collection.relatedName] options.query.limit(pagination.perPage).offset(( - 1) * pagination.perPage) } }, /** * Event handler for belongsTo relation fetching. This gets called whenever * belongsTo related is being fetched. * * @param {CollectionBase} collection - The collection base for the model. * This does not contain a model * instance so privateFields is not * accessible here. * @param {Array} columns - Array of columns to select. This is * always null. * @param {Object} options - Options for the fetch. Includes the query * builder object. */ checkFetchingBelongs(model, columns, options) { // First override that is_deleted always gets filtered out. options.query.where({ is_deleted: false }) // Then we override the actual value in the query because doing select() // does not override or replace the previous value during testing. // The difference between belongsTo and hasMany is in belongsTo, the // actual 'table_name.*' value is in the second item in _statements as // opposed to the first. let relatedColums = options.query._statements[1].value relatedColums.splice(...[0, relatedColums.length].concat( => `${model.relatedData.targetTableName}.${item}`) )) // check if pagination is being requested and we support it if (model.relatedName && options.ctx && options.ctx.state.pagination && options.ctx.state.pagination[model.relatedName]) { let pagination = options.ctx.state.pagination[model.relatedName] options.query.limit(pagination.perPage).offset(( - 1) * pagination.perPage) } }, /** * Initialize a new instance of model. This does not get called when * relations to this model is being fetched though. */ initialize() { this.on('fetching', this.checkFetching) this.on('fetched', this.checkFetched) this.on('fetching:collection', this.checkFetchingCollection) this.on('fetched:collection', this.checkFetchedCollection) }, /** * Define a hasMany relations with the model. This version as opposed to * the default hasMany has filtering enabled to filter is_deleted items * out among other things. */ hasManyFiltered(model, relatedName, foreignKey) { let out = this.hasMany(model, foreignKey) // Hook to the fetching event on the relation out.on('fetching', this.checkFetchingHasMany) out.on('fetched', this.checkFetched) // Add related name if specified to add pagination support out.relatedName = relatedName return out }, /** * Define belongsToMany relations with the model. This version as opposed * to the default belongsToMany has filtering enabled to filter is_deleted items * out among other things. */ belongsToManyFiltered(model, table, foreignKey, otherKey, relatedName) { let out = this.belongsToMany(model, table, foreignKey, otherKey) // Hook to the fetching event on the relation out.on('fetching', this.checkFetchingBelongs) out.on('fetched', this.checkFetched) // Add related name if specified to add pagination support out.relatedName = relatedName return out }, }) // Create default options for all models let options = defaults(opts, { /** * Columns selected in get many queries and relation queries. */ publicFields: ['*'], /** * Create new model object in database. * * @param {Object} data - The values the new model should have * @return {Model} The resulted model */ create(data) { return this.forge(data).save() }, /** * Apply basic filtering to query builder object. Basic filtering * applies stuff like custom filtering in the query and ordering and other stuff * * @param {Request} ctx - API Request object * @param {QueryBuilder} qb - knex query builder object to apply filtering on * @param {Object} [where={}] - Any additional filtering * @param {string} [orderBy=id] - property to order result by * @param {Object[]} [properties=[]] - Properties allowed to filter by from query */ _baseQueryAll(ctx, qb, where = {}, orderBy = 'id', properties = []) { let orderProperty = orderBy let sort = 'ASC' if (orderProperty[0] === '-') { orderProperty = orderProperty.slice(1) sort = 'DESC' } qb.where(where) _.forOwn(ctx.state.filter.where(properties), (value, key) => { if (key.startsWith('is_')) { qb.where(key, value === '0' ? false : true) } else { qb.where(key, 'LIKE', `%${value}%`) } }) _.forOwn(ctx.state.filter.whereNot(properties), (value, key) => { if (key.startsWith('is_')) { qb.whereNot(key, value === '0' ? false : true) } else { qb.where(key, 'NOT LIKE', `%${value}%`) } }) qb.orderBy(orderProperty, sort) }, /** * Wrapper for _baseQueryAll that can be overridden. */ baseQueryAll(ctx, qb, where, orderBy, properties) { return this._baseQueryAll(ctx, qb, where, orderBy, properties) }, getSingle(id, withRelated = [], require = true, ctx = null) { let where = { id: Number(id) || 0 } return this.query({ where }) .fetch({ require, withRelated, ctx }) }, getAll(ctx, where = {}, withRelated = [], orderBy = 'id') { return this.query(qb => { this.baseQueryAll(ctx, qb, where, orderBy) }) .fetchPage({ pageSize: ctx.state.pagination.perPage, page:, withRelated, ctx: ctx, }) .then(result => { = result.pagination.rowCount return result }) }, }) return shelf.Model.extend(attributes, options) } shelf.safeColumns = (extra) => ['id', 'is_deleted', 'created_at', 'updated_at'].concat(extra || []) export default shelf