import { uploadMedia } from '../base/media/upload.mjs' import config from '../base/config.mjs' export default class IndexPost { constructor(opts = {}) { Object.assign(this, { frontend: opts.frontend, uploadMedia: uploadMedia, }) } register(server) { this.serve = server.routes.serve'/', [ server.formidable({ maxFileSize: 8 * 1024 * 1024, }), ], this.createNewLink.bind(this)) } hasErrors(ctx, hasMedia) { if (! { return 'Missing video link' } if (!'http') || !('mp4') ||'webm'))) { return 'Video link has to be a valid full url and contain mp4 or webm in it' } if (!ctx.req.body.image && !hasMedia) { return 'Missing image link or file' } if (ctx.req.body.image) { if (!ctx.req.body.image.startsWith('http') || !(ctx.req.body.image.includes('jpg') || ctx.req.body.image.includes('jpeg') || ctx.req.body.image.includes('webp') || ctx.req.body.image.includes('png') ) ) { return 'Image link has to be a valid full url and contain jpg, jpeg, webp or png' } } } /** PUT: /api/auth/articles/:id */ async createNewLink(ctx) { let hasMedia = && = ctx.state.image = ctx.req.body.image let redirect = '' let error = this.hasErrors(ctx, hasMedia) if (!error && hasMedia) { try { let temp = await this.uploadMedia( ctx.state.image = ctx.req.body.image = '' + temp.sizes.small.jpeg.path } catch (err) { ctx.log.error(err) error = 'Unable to upload file: ' + err.message } } if (!error) { redirect = `${this.frontend}/?v=${}&i=${ctx.state.image}` } if (!error) { try { let params = [ ] let res = await ctx.db.safeCallProc('discord_embed.link_add', params) console.log(res) } catch (err) { ctx.log.error(err) error = 'Error while generating shortened link.' } } if (redirect && !error) { ctx.status = 302 ctx.headers['Location'] = redirect ctx.type = 'text/html; charset=utf-8' ctx.body = ` Redirecting Click here if it doesn't redirect ` } ctx.state.error = error return this.serve.serveIndex(ctx) } } //