import crypto from 'crypto' import { HttpError } from 'flaska' import { decode, encode } from '../util.mjs' import config from '../config.mjs' export const RankLevels = { Normal: 1, Manager: 10, Admin: 100, } const issuer = config.get('mssql:connectionUser') const secret = config.get('jwtsecret') export function verifyValidToken(parts, minLevel) { if (parts.length !== 4) { throw new HttpError(401, 'Authentication token invalid') } const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret) hmac.update([parts[0], parts[1], parts[2]].join('.')) let apiSignature = encode(hmac.digest()) if (apiSignature !== parts[3]) { throw new HttpError(401, 'Authentication token invalid signature') } let header let body try { header = JSON.parse(decode(parts[0]).toString('utf8')) body = JSON.parse(decode(parts[1]).toString('utf8')) } catch (err) { throw new HttpError(401, 'Authentication token invalid json') } if (header.alg !== 'HS256') { throw new HttpError(401, 'Authentication token invalid alg') } let unixNow = Math.floor( / 1000) // Validate token, add a little skew support for issued_at if (body.iss !== issuer || !body.iat || !body.exp || body.iat > unixNow + 300 || body.exp <= unixNow) { throw new HttpError(403, 'Authentication token expired or invalid') } if (body.rank < minLevel) { throw new HttpError(401, 'User does not have access to this resource') } return body } export function authenticate(minLevel = RankLevels.Manager) { return function(ctx) { if (!ctx.req.headers.authorization) { throw new HttpError(401, 'Authentication token missing') } if (!ctx.req.headers.authorization.startsWith('Bearer ')) { throw new HttpError(401, 'Authentication token invalid') } let parts = ctx.req.headers.authorization.slice(7).split('.') ctx.state.auth_user = verifyValidToken(parts, minLevel) ctx.state.auth_token = [parts[0], parts[1], parts[2]].join('.') } }