import { Flaska, QueryHandler, JsonHandler, FormidableHandler } from 'flaska' import formidable from 'formidable' import { initPool } from './db.mjs' import config from './config.mjs' import PageRoutes from './page/routes.mjs' import ArticleRoutes from './article/routes.mjs' import AuthenticationRoutes from './authentication/routes.mjs' import { authenticate } from './authentication/security.mjs' export default class Server { constructor(http, port, core, opts = {}) { Object.assign(this, opts) this.http = http this.port = port this.core = core this.flaskaOptions = { appendHeaders: { 'Content-Security-Policy': `default-src 'self'; script-src 'self'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; img-src * data: blob:; font-src 'self' data:; object-src 'none'; frame-ancestors 'none'`, }, log: this.core.log, nonce: ['script-src'], nonceCacheLength: 50, } this.authenticate = authenticate this.formidable = FormidableHandler.bind(this, formidable) this.jsonHandler = JsonHandler this.routes = [ new PageRoutes(), new ArticleRoutes(), new AuthenticationRoutes(), ] this.init() } init() { } getRouteInstance(type) { for (let route of this.routes) { if (route instanceof type) { return route } } } addCustomRoutes() { } runCreateServer() { // Create our server this.flaska = new Flaska(this.flaskaOptions, this.http) // Create our database pool let pool = this.runCreateDatabase() // configure our server if (config.get('NODE_ENV') === 'development') { this.flaska.devMode() } this.flaska.before(function(ctx) { ctx.state.started = new Date().getTime() ctx.db = pool }) this.flaska.before(QueryHandler()) this.flaska.after(function(ctx) { let ended = new Date().getTime() var requestTime = ended - ctx.state.started let status = '' let level = 'info' if (ctx.status >= 400) { status = ctx.status + ' ' level = 'warn' } if (ctx.status >= 500) { level = 'error' } ctx.log[level]({ duration: requestTime, status: ctx.status, }, `<-- ${status}${ctx.method} ${ctx.url}`) }) } runRegisterRoutes() { for (let route of this.routes) { route.register(this) } } runCreateDatabase() { return initPool(this.core, config.get('mssql')) } runStartListen() { return this.flaska.listenAsync(this.port).then(() => {'Server is listening on port ' + this.port) }) } run() { this.addCustomRoutes() this.runCreateServer() this.runRegisterRoutes() return this.runStartListen() } }