import path from 'path' import dot from 'dot' import { FileResponse, HttpError } from 'flaska' import fs from 'fs/promises' import fsSync from 'fs' import { getTree } from './page/model.mjs' export default class ServeHandler { constructor(opts = {}) { Object.assign(this, { fs: opts.fs || fs, fsSync: opts.fsSync || fsSync, root: opts.root, template: null, frontend: opts.frontend || 'http://localhost:4000', version: opts.version || 'version', }) let indexFile = fsSync.readFileSync(path.join(this.root, 'index.html')) this.template = dot.template(indexFile.toString(), { argName: ['headerDescription', 'headerImage', 'headerTitle', 'headerUrl', 'payloadData', 'payloadLinks', 'payloadTree', 'version', 'nonce'] }) // console.log(indexFile.toString()) } /** GET: /::file */ serve(ctx) { if (ctx.params.file.startsWith('api/')) { throw new HttpError(404, 'Not Found: ' + ctx.params.file, { status: 404, message: 'Not Found: ' + ctx.params.file }) } let file = path.resolve(path.join(this.root, ctx.params.file ? ctx.params.file : 'index.html')) if (!ctx.params.file || ctx.params.file === 'index.html') { return this.serveIndex(ctx) } if (!file.startsWith(this.root)) { ctx.status = 404 ctx.body = 'HTTP 404 Error' return } return this.fs.stat(file) .then(function(stat) { ctx.body = new FileResponse(file, stat) }) .catch((err) => { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { return this.serveIndex(ctx) } return Promise.reject(err) }) } async serveIndex(ctx) { let payload = { headerDescription: 'Small fansubbing and scanlation group translating and encoding our favourite shows from Japan.', headerImage: this.frontend + '/assets/img/heart.png', headerTitle: 'NFP Moe - Anime/Manga translation group', headerUrl: this.frontend + ctx.url, payloadData: null, payloadLinks: null, payloadTree: null, version: this.version, nonce: ctx.state.nonce, } try { payload.payloadTree = JSON.stringify(await getTree(ctx)) } catch (e) { ctx.log.error(e) } ctx.body = this.template(payload) ctx.type = 'text/html; charset=utf-8' } serveErrorPage(ctx) { } }